Topic on User talk:Trashbinprod

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Yossef (talkcontribs)


Thanks for your contributions in the TF Wiki, every help is appreciated.

Regarind your recent edit:

  • Please keep in mind to use the official Spanish translation found in tf_spanish.txt.
    • This is in reference on you using "arma primaria" instead of "arma principal".
      • "Arma primaria" is a direct translation from the English counter-part "Primary Weapon", technically it is a correct translation, but Valve uses "arma principal" instead.

Moreover, I'd like to suggest the use of the string {{item link|"ENGLISH NAME"}}, when translating the item names with links.

For example, if you are in the Spanish (/es) section:

If you use ({{item link|Buff Banner}}), the wiki will automatically translate the name into (Estandarte de Ánimo), .

But if you want to translate just the text name, you can use {{item name|"ENGLISH NAME"}}.

Same rule applies for updates, such as {{update link|"ENGLISH NAME"}} and {{update name|"ENGLISH NAME"}}.

For further information, I suggest you on reading this.

YossefTalk 07:25, 14 February 2023 (UTC)

Trashbinprod (talkcontribs)

Sorry, I wasn't aware of this. I did want to inform you that many pages still use "arma primaria" rather than "arma principal", though.

These are just some examples, but I've seen it a lot. It's almost 1:1; the vast majority of pages using the phrase "primary weapon" use "arma primaria".

About the item links, is there any difference between the syntax I used and the one you are suggesting? Don't they work in the exact same way?

I appreciate the help and don't mean to argue; there are just a few things that concern me. Thanks for your time.

Yossef (talkcontribs)


Those articles needs to be updated. Keep in mind that we follow what's already implemented in the Spanish loc file and Valve's Crowdin. Valve used "arma primaria" to refer to "primary Weapon" in the past, but later was changed and the articles weren't updated.

Regarding the syntax, same reason as mentioned above, sometimes the names change.


With the syntax, if any future changes happen, instead of manually updating who knows how many articles, simply we can just change the dictionary once, and the syntax automatically changes all the old names.

YossefTalk 07:11, 17 February 2023 (UTC)