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Page filters

addPageFilter(r'^(?!File:).*') # Do not edit anything but file pages

File filters

Crush all PNG/JPG images

class imageCrushFilter:
    def __init__(self):
        self.minRatio = 10 # Compression ratio threshold
        self.minByteDiff = 2048 # Byte difference threshold
        self.jpgScanMap = u'0:   0  0 0 0 ;1 2: 0  0 0 0 ;0:   1  8 0 2 ;1:   1  8 0 0 ;2:   1  8 0 0 ;0:   9 63 0 2 ;0:   1 63 2 1 ;0:   1 63 1 0 ;1:   9 63 0 0 ;2:   9 63 0 0 ;'.replace(u';', u';\n')
        self.filterName = 'Saved crush information'
        self.extractHash = compileRegex(r'\{\{(?:png)?crush\s*\|\s*(\w+?)\s*\|\s*(\w+?)\s*}}')
        if programExists('pngout'):
            self.pngenabled = 'pngout'
        elif programExists('pngcrush'):
            self.pngenabled = 'pngcrush'
            print 'Warning: PNGOut and PNGCrush are not installed or are not in $PATH'
            self.pngenabled = None
        self.jpgenabled = programExists('jpegtran')
        if not self.jpgenabled:
            print 'Warning: jpegtran is not installed or not in $PATH'
    def __call__(self, content, article, **kwargs):
        title = u(article.title).lower()
        if title[-4:] == '.png':
            isPNG = True
            if self.pngenabled is None:
                return content
        elif title[-5:] == '.jpeg' or title[-4:] == '.jpg':
            isPNG = False
            if not self.jpgenabled:
                return content
            return content
        if True: # This is a high-risk filter, lots of I/O, so wrap it in a big try
            filePage = wikitools.wikifile.File(wiki(), article.title)
            hashes = [u, u]
            hashResult =
            hashes = None
            hashTemplate = None
            if hashResult:
                hashes = (u(, u(
                hashTemplate = u'{{crush|' + hashes[0] + u'|' + hashes[1] + u'}}'
            tempFile = getTempFilename(extension='png')
  , urlQuery=u(getRandBits()))
            oldHash = getFileHash(tempFile)
            if hashes is not None and oldHash in hashes:
                return content # Already worked on that one
            hashTemplate = u'{{crush|' + oldHash + u'|None}}'
            tempOutput = getTempFilename(extension='png')
            if isPNG:
                if self.pngenabled == 'pngout':
                    shutil.copyfile(tempFile, tempOutput)
                    result =['pngout', '-b256', '-y', tempOutput])
                    if result == 0:
                        possibleBlocks = ['0', '64', '128', '192', '256', '512', '1024', '2048']
                        currentUpperBlock = 4
                        currentLowerBlock = 4
                        tryUpper = True
                        tryLower = True
                        while tryUpper or tryLower:
                            if tryUpper:
                                currentUpperBlock += 1
                                upperResult =['pngout', '-b' + possibleBlocks[currentUpperBlock], '-y', tempOutput])
                                if upperResult != 0 or currentUpperBlock >= len(possibleBlocks) - 1:
                                    tryUpper = False
                            if tryLower:
                                currentLowerBlock -= 1
                                lowerResult =['pngout', '-b' + possibleBlocks[currentLowerBlock], '-y', tempOutput])
                                if lowerResult != 0 or currentLowerBlock <= 0:
                                    tryLower = False
                elif self.pngenabled == 'pngcrush':
                    result =['pngcrush', '-q', '-l', '9', '-reduce', '-rem', 'gAMA', '-rem', 'cHRM', '-rem', 'iCCP', '-rem', 'sRGB'] + [i for l in [('-m', str(i)) for i in range(138)] for i in l] + [tempFile, tempOutput])
                result =['jpegtran', '-o', '-copy', 'none', '-progressive', '-outfile', tempOutput, tempFile])
            oldSize = os.path.getsize(tempFile)
            newSize = os.path.getsize(tempOutput)
            if not result and oldSize > newSize:
                # Ready to upload... or are we?
                ratio = int(round(100 * (1.0 - float(newSize) / float(oldSize))))
                if ratio >= self.minRatio or oldSize - newSize >= self.minByteDiff:
                    newHash = getFileHash(tempOutput)
                    if hashes is not None and newHash in hashes:
                        return content # Already got that result, no need to reupload
                    hashTemplate = u'{{crush|' + oldHash + u'|' + newHash + u'}}'
                    content2 = wikitools.wikifile.File(wiki(), article.title).getWikiText()
                    hashResult2 =
                    hashes2 = None
                    if hashResult2:
                        hashes2 = (u(, u(
                    if hashes == hashes2:
                        print('UPLOADING NEW REVISION')
                        print(uploadFile(tempOutput, u(article.title), u'Crushed version: ' + u(ratio) + u'% reduction / ' + u(oldSize - newSize) + u' bytes saved; from ' + u(oldSize) + u' to ' + u(newSize) + u' bytes.', ignorewarnings=True))
                    hashes = (oldHash, newHash)
            if hashResult:
                content = content[:hashResult.start()] + hashTemplate + content[hashResult.end():]
                content = content.strip() + u'\n\n' + hashTemplate
            pass # Well, that didn't work
        return content