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To-Do List

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There's a number of things on my To-Do list. Mainly, though, they're all on going tasks. This isn't really a check list. I'm never going to finish any of these things, really, but I'll continue to work on them for the sake of the wiki.

These are as follows:

• Fix grammar, spelling, and etc. mistakes when I run into them.
• Add more content to the Community fads page.
• Correct trivia and bug lists on class/weapon pages.
• Attempt to keep some consistency between class/weapon pages.
Get the Rocket Jumper demonstration finished... Take 6! Done!
• Add pronunciation recordings and such where appropriate.
• Decide whether it's a resupply locker, cabinet, or closet.
• Yell at WindBOT whenever appropriate.

The above are my main priorities. I'm not exclusively devoting myself to them!

magistrate's mullet