Hi, I recognized your name, I'm the guy who goes as Zeugziumy in-game. I've noticed you've made your first translation on the Wiki, and I want to help you with a few things. First of, it's great you've found something already to translate. But there's a few things I need to let you know for future contributions:
a) When you're about to translate an article, be sure to use the English page as a reference. You can copy the contents from the English page by clicking "Edit", then paste it when editing to /fr. There's a few things you don't need to translate, such as templates (marked by {{ }}, and file names;
b) To see your results, you can always press "Show Preview" before saving your translation. This is important to avoid having to do multiple edits.
Here: Help:Language translation, this page has an overview how translations work. I suggest take a read. This other one here Help:Editing is a summary of how to add bold, italic, and so on, it's a help guide in editing in general. Finally, this page here Help:Contents contains all other help pages you may want to take a look.
As for your first translation, it's nice. But a few things can be improved, as mentioned above.
Feel free to ask any questions. -
00:43, 4 April 2019 (UTC)
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