Mann Co. Store

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Catalog book.png

The Mann Co. Store is an in-game micro-transaction service included in the Mann-Conomy Update. The store allows players to purchase in-game items such as hats, weapons, and action items using money stored in their Steam Wallet. The store does not promote 'pay-to-win' gameplay: There are crafting blueprints and random drops available for any non-cosmetic item. Creators of community contributed items receive a percentage of sales for anything they've created.


Prices vary greatly, with newer and rarer items priced higher than older and more common ones. As a rule of thumb, rare items cost five or more dollars while common items cost less than five. These prices preserve the values of crafted or dropped items.

They're comparable to the costs paid for exclusive preorder items such as the Lumbricus Lid or Max's Severed Head.

Item packs

Item Sets are sold in packs with a discount. Purchasing one or more sets saves money over piecemeal purchases.

Mann-Conomy Update packs Backpack Polycount Pack.png Leaderboard class soldier.png Leaderboard class scout.png Leaderboard class pyro.png Leaderboard class sniper.png Leaderboard class spy.png
Polycount Pack The Tank Buster The Special Delivery The Gas Jockey's Gear The Croc-o-style Kit The Saharan Spy