Difference between revisions of "Template:Perks perk table"

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(Added English names of perks in small parenthesis under translated names to help non English-speaking readers find the perks more easily (VScript does not support translations, so the English names appear in-game).)
(6 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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<noinclude>{{Translation switching|en}}</noinclude>
== {{lang
== {{lang
  | en = Perks
  | en = Perks
Line 18: Line 17:
| [[File:Reserveperk.png|90px]]<br>'''{{lang <!-- Source: tf_english.txt / arena_perks_reserve_name -->
| [[File:Reserveperk.png|90px]]<br>'''{{lang <!-- Source: tf_english.txt / arena_perks_reserve_name -->
  | en = Ammo Reserve  
  | en = Ammo Reserve
  | cs = Zásobování  
  | cs = Zásobování<br><small>(''Ammo Reserve'')</small>
  | de = Munitionsreserve  
| da = Ammunitionsreserve<br><small>(''Ammo Reserve'')</small>
  | es = Polvorín  
  | de = Munitionsreserve<br><small>(''Ammo Reserve'')</small>
  | fr = Réserve de munitions  
  | es = Polvorín<br><small>(''Ammo Reserve'')</small>
  | hu = Lőszertartalék  
  | fr = Réserve de munitions<br><small>(''Ammo Reserve'')</small>
  | it = Riserva di munizioni  
  | hu = Lőszertartalék<br><small>(''Ammo Reserve'')</small>
  | pl = Rezerwa amunicji  
  | it = Riserva di munizioni<br><small>(''Ammo Reserve'')</small>
  | pt = Reserva de Munições  
| no = Ammunisjonslager<br><small>(''Ammo Reserve'')</small>
  | pt-br = Reserva de Munições  
  | pl = Rezerwa amunicji<br><small>(''Ammo Reserve'')</small>
  | ro = Rezervă de muniție  
  | pt = Reserva de Munições<br><small>(''Ammo Reserve'')</small>
  | ru = Боезапас  
  | pt-br = Reserva de Munições<br><small>(''Ammo Reserve'')</small>
  | zh-hans = 后备弹药
  | ro = Rezervă de muniție<br><small>(''Ammo Reserve'')</small>
  | ru = Боезапас<br><small>(''Ammo Reserve'')</small>
  | zh-hans = 后备弹药<br><small>(Ammo Reserve)</small>
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = +50% reserve ammo and ammo and metal regeneration
  | en = +50% reserve ammo and ammo and metal regeneration
  | pt-br = +50% de munição de reserva e regeneração de munição e metal
  | pt-br = +50% de munição de reserva e regeneração de munição e metal
| ru = +50% к запасу боеприпасов, регенерации боеприпасов и металла
  | zh-hans = +50% 弹匣大小,并自动回复弹药和金属
  | zh-hans = +50% 弹匣大小,并自动回复弹药和金属
Line 40: Line 42:
| [[File:Bloodlustperk.png|80px]]<br>'''{{lang <!-- Source: tf_english.txt / arena_perks_killcrits_name -->
| [[File:Bloodlustperk.png|80px]]<br>'''{{lang <!-- Source: tf_english.txt / arena_perks_killcrits_name -->
  | en = Bloodlust
  | en = Bloodlust
  | cs = Krvežíznivost
  | cs = Krvežíznivost<br><small>(''Bloodlust'')</small>
  | da = Blodtørst
  | da = Blodtørst<br><small>(''Bloodlust'')</small>
  | de = Blutrausch
  | de = Blutrausch<br><small>(''Bloodlust'')</small>
  | es = Sed de sangre
  | es = Sed de sangre<br><small>(''Bloodlust'')</small>
  | fr = Soif de sang
  | fr = Soif de sang<br><small>(''Bloodlust'')</small>
  | hu = Vérszomj
  | hu = Vérszomj<br><small>(''Bloodlust'')</small>
  | it = Sete di sangue
  | it = Sete di sangue<br><small>(''Bloodlust'')</small>
  | pl = Żądza krwi
| no = Blodtørst<br><small>(''Bloodlust'')</small>
  | pt = Sede de Sangue
  | pl = Żądza krwi<br><small>(''Bloodlust'')</small>
  | pt-br = Sanguinário
  | pt = Sede de Sangue<br><small>(''Bloodlust'')</small>
  | ro = Sete de sânge
  | pt-br = Sanguinário<br><small>(''Bloodlust'')</small>
  | ru = Жажда крови
  | ro = Sete de sânge<br><small>(''Bloodlust'')</small>
  | zh-hans = 渴血
  | ru = Жажда крови<br><small>(''Bloodlust'')</small>
  | zh-hans = 渴血<br><small>(Bloodlust)</small>
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = On kill, grants 2 seconds of Mini-Crits
  | en = On kill, grants 2 seconds of Mini-Crits
  | pt-br = Ao matar, concede 2 segundos de minicrits
  | pt-br = Ao matar, concede 2 segundos de minicrits
| ru = При убийстве дает 2 секунды мини-критов
  | zh-hans = 杀敌后,获得 2 秒的迷你爆击加成
  | zh-hans = 杀敌后,获得 2 秒的迷你爆击加成
| <!--[[File:Cloakingperk.png|70px]]<br> '''{{lang (Source: tf_english.txt / arena_perks_cloak_name)
| <!--[[File:Cloakingperk.png|70px]]<br>'''{{lang (Source: tf_english.txt / arena_perks_cloak_name)
  | en = Cloaking
  | en = Cloaking
  | cs = Maskování
  | cs = Maskování<br><small>(''Cloaking'')</small>
  | da = Usynlighed
  | da = Usynlighed<br><small>(''Cloaking'')</small>
  | de = Verhüllung
  | de = Verhüllung<br><small>(''Cloaking'')</small>
  | es = Invisibilidad
  | es = Invisibilidad<br><small>(''Cloaking'')</small>
  | fr = Invisibilité
  | fr = Invisibilité<br><small>(''Cloaking'')</small>
  | hu = Álcázás
  | hu = Álcázás<br><small>(''Cloaking'')</small>
  | it = Mimetizzazione
  | it = Mimetizzazione<br><small>(''Cloaking'')</small>
  | pt = Camuflagem
| no = Usynlighet<br><small>(''Cloaking'')</small>
  | pt-br = Camuflagem
  | pt = Camuflagem<br><small>(''Cloaking'')</small>
  | ro = Camuflare
  | pt-br = Camuflagem<br><small>(''Cloaking'')</small>
  | ru = Маскировка
  | ro = Camuflare<br><small>(''Cloaking'')</small>
  | tr = Görünmezlik
  | ru = Маскировка<br><small>(''Cloaking'')</small>
  | zh-hans = 隐身
  | tr = Görünmezlik<br><small>(''Cloaking'')</small>
  | zh-hant = 隱形
  | zh-hans = 隐身<br><small>(Cloaking)</small>
  | zh-hant = 隱形<br><small>(Cloaking)</small>
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = Start the round with 15 seconds of invisibility<br>Attacking before the 15 seconds ends it prematurely
  | en = On round start, grants 15 seconds of invisibility<br>Attacking before the 15 seconds ends it prematurely
  | pt-br = Começa a rodada com 15 segundos de invisibilidade<br>Atacar antes dos 15 segundos encerra o efeito prematuramente
  | pt-br = Ao início da rodada, concede 15 segundos de invisibilidade<br>Atacar antes dos 15 segundos encerra o efeito prematuramente
| ru = Начните раунд с 15 секундами невидимости<br>Атакуйте до того, как 15 секунд закончат её преждевременно
  | zh-hans = 在回合开始时,获得 15 秒的隐身效果<br>在此期间攻击将提前解除隐身
  | zh-hans = 在回合开始时,获得 15 秒的隐身效果<br>在此期间攻击将提前解除隐身
| -->[[File:Conversionperk.png|80px]]<br> '''{{lang <!-- Source: tf_english.txt / arena_perks_minitofull_name -->
| -->[[File:Conversionperk.png|80px]]<br>'''{{lang <!-- Source: tf_english.txt / arena_perks_minitofull_name -->
  | en = Conversion
  | en = Conversion
  | cs = Štěstí
  | cs = Štěstí<br><small>(''Conversion'')</small>
  | da = Konvertering
  | da = Konvertering<br><small>(''Conversion'')</small>
  | de = Umwandlung
  | de = Umwandlung<br><small>(''Conversion'')</small>
  | es = Conversión
  | es = Conversión<br><small>(''Conversion'')</small>
  | fr = Conversion
  | fr = Conversion<br><small>(''Conversion'')</small>
  | hu = Átalakítás
  | hu = Átalakítás<br><small>(''Conversion'')</small>
  | it = Conversione
  | it = Conversione<br><small>(''Conversion'')</small>
  | pl = Konwersja
| no = Omstilling<br><small>(''Conversion'')</small>
  | pt = Conversão
  | pl = Konwersja<br><small>(''Conversion'')</small>
  | pt-br = Conversão
  | pt = Conversão<br><small>(''Conversion'')</small>
  | ro = Conversie
  | pt-br = Conversão<br><small>(''Conversion'')</small>
  | ru = Усиление
  | ro = Conversie<br><small>(''Conversion'')</small>
  | zh-hans = 爆击升级
  | ru = Усиление<br><small>(''Conversion'')</small>
  | zh-hans = 爆击升级<br><small>(Conversion)</small>
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = Mini-Crits become full Critical hits
  | en = Mini-Crits become full Critical hits
  | pt-br = Minicrits tornam-se críticos
  | pt-br = Minicrits tornam-se críticos
| ru = Мини-криты становятся полноценными критическими ударами
  | zh-hans = 所有的迷你爆击转化为爆击
  | zh-hans = 所有的迷你爆击转化为爆击
| [[File:Provisionsperk.png|90px]]<br> '''{{lang <!-- Source: tf_english.txt / arena_perks_healing_name -->
| [[File:Provisionsperk.png|90px]]<br>'''{{lang <!-- Source: tf_english.txt / arena_perks_healing_name -->
  | en = Extra Provisions
  | en = Extra Provisions
  | cs = Pokročilá medicína
  | cs = Pokročilá medicína<br><small>(''Extra Provisions'')</small>
  | de = Zusätzliche Verpflegung
  | de = Zusätzliche Verpflegung<br><small>(''Extra Provisions'')</small>
  | es = Sobreprovisiones
  | es = Sobreprovisiones<br><small>(''Extra Provisions'')</small>
  | fr = Réserves
  | fr = Réserves<br><small>(''Extra Provisions'')</small>
  | hu = Extra ellátmány
  | hu = Extra ellátmány<br><small>(''Extra Provisions'')</small>
  | it = Scorte extra
  | it = Scorte extra<br><small>(''Extra Provisions'')</small>
  | pl = Dodatkowe rezerwy
| no = Ekstra proviant<br><small>(''Extra Provisions'')</small>
  | pt = Mais Provisões
  | pl = Dodatkowe rezerwy<br><small>(''Extra Provisions'')</small>
  | pt-br = Mais Provisões
  | pt = Mais Provisões<br><small>(''Extra Provisions'')</small>
  | ru = Большие порции
  | pt-br = Mais Provisões<br><small>(''Extra Provisions'')</small>
  | zh-hans = 额外补给
  | ru = Большие порции<br><small>(''Extra Provisions'')</small>
  | zh-hans = 额外补给<br><small>(Extra Provisions)</small>
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = +40% extra healing gained from all healing sources
  | en = +40% extra healing gained from all healing sources
  | pt-br = +40% de cura recebida de todas as fontes de cura
  | pt-br = +40% de cura recebida de todas as fontes de cura
| ru = +40% дополнительного исцеления от всех источников исцеления
  | zh-hans = 从所有治疗来源获得的治疗量 +40%
  | zh-hans = 从所有治疗来源获得的治疗量 +40%
| [[File:Gravediggerperk.png|90px]]<br> '''{{lang <!-- Source: tf_english.txt / arena_perks_skeleton_name -->
| [[File:Gravediggerperk.png|90px]]<br>'''{{lang <!-- Source: tf_english.txt / arena_perks_skeleton_name -->
  | en = Gravedigging
  | en = Gravedigging
  | cs = Mělký hrob
  | cs = Mělký hrob<br><small>(''Gravedigging'')</small>
  | de = Totengräber
| da = Gravrøver<br><small>(''Gravedigging'')</small>
  | es = Excavatumbas
  | de = Totengräber<br><small>(''Gravedigging'')</small>
  | fr = Exhumation
  | es = Excavatumbas<br><small>(''Gravedigging'')</small>
  | hu = Sírásás
  | fr = Exhumation<br><small>(''Gravedigging'')</small>
  | it = Becchino
  | hu = Sírásás<br><small>(''Gravedigging'')</small>
  | pl = Hiena cmentarna
  | it = Becchino<br><small>(''Gravedigging'')</small>
  | pt = Coveiro
| no = Gravrøver<br><small>(''Gravedigging'')</small>
  | pt-br = Coveiro
  | pl = Hiena cmentarna<br><small>(''Gravedigging'')</small>
  | ro = Gropar
  | pt = Coveiro<br><small>(''Gravedigging'')</small>
  | ru = Могильная помощь
  | pt-br = Coveiro<br><small>(''Gravedigging'')</small>
  | zh-hans = 借骨还阳
  | ro = Gropar<br><small>(''Gravedigging'')</small>
  | ru = Могильная помощь<br><small>(''Gravedigging'')</small>
  | zh-hans = 借骨还阳<br><small>(Gravedigging)</small>
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = On death, summons a friendly Skeleton
  | en = On death, summons a friendly Skeleton
  | pt-br = Ao morrer, invoca um esqueleto aliado
  | pt-br = Ao morrer, invoca um esqueleto aliado
| ru = После смерти призывает дружественного скелета
  | zh-hans = 死亡后召唤一具友方的骷髅战士
  | zh-hans = 死亡后召唤一具友方的骷髅战士
| [[File:Hasteperk.png|80px]]<br> '''{{lang <!-- Source: tf_english.txt / arena_perks_haste_name -->
| [[File:Hasteperk.png|80px]]<br>'''{{lang <!-- Source: tf_english.txt / arena_perks_haste_name -->
  | en = Haste
  | en = Haste
  | cs = Spěch
  | cs = Spěch<br><small>(''Haste'')</small>
  | da = Spurt
  | da = Spurt<br><small>(''Haste'')</small>
  | de = Eile
  | de = Eile<br><small>(''Haste'')</small>
  | es = Rapidez
  | es = Rapidez<br><small>(''Haste'')</small>
  | fr = Rapidité
  | fr = Rapidité<br><small>(''Haste'')</small>
  | hu = Sietség
  | hu = Sietség<br><small>(''Haste'')</small>
  | it = Rapidità
  | it = Rapidità<br><small>(''Haste'')</small>
  | pl = Przyśpieszenie
| no = Hastverk<br><small>(''Haste'')</small>
  | pt = Aceleração
  | pl = Przyśpieszenie<br><small>(''Haste'')</small>
  | pt-br = Ímpeto
  | pt = Aceleração<br><small>(''Haste'')</small>
  | ro = Iuțeală
  | pt-br = Ímpeto<br><small>(''Haste'')</small>
  | ru = Ускорение
  | ro = Iuțeală<br><small>(''Haste'')</small>
  | zh-hans = 急迫
  | ru = Ускорение<br><small>(''Haste'')</small>
  | zh-hans = 急迫<br><small>(Haste)</small>
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = +10% movement speed
  | en = +10% movement speed
  | pt-br = +10% de velocidade de movimento
  | pt-br = +10% de velocidade de movimento
| ru = +10% скорости передвижения
  | zh-hans = +10% 的移动速度
  | zh-hans = +10% 的移动速度
| [[File:Hauntingperk.png|60px]]<br> '''{{lang <!-- Source: tf_english.txt / arena_perks_mark_name -->
| [[File:Hauntingperk.png|60px]]<br>'''{{lang <!-- Source: tf_english.txt / arena_perks_mark_name -->
  | en = Haunting
  | en = Haunting
  | cs = Msta
  | cs = Msta<br><small>(''Haunting'')</small>
  | da = Hjemsøgende
  | da = Hjemsøgende<br><small>(''Haunting'')</small>
  | de = Heimsuchung
  | de = Heimsuchung<br><small>(''Haunting'')</small>
  | es = Maldición
  | es = Maldición<br><small>(''Haunting'')</small>
  | fr = Malédiction
  | fr = Malédiction<br><small>(''Haunting'')</small>
  | hu = Kísérteties
  | hu = Kísérteties<br><small>(''Haunting'')</small>
  | it = Infestante
  | it = Infestante<br><small>(''Haunting'')</small>
  | nl = Spokend
  | nl = Spokend<br><small>(''Haunting'')</small>
  | pl = Nawiedzenie
| no = Hjemsøkt<br><small>(''Haunting'')</small>
  | pt = Maldição
  | pl = Nawiedzenie<br><small>(''Haunting'')</small>
  | pt-br = Assombração
  | pt = Maldição<br><small>(''Haunting'')</small>
  | ro = Bântuitor
  | pt-br = Assombração<br><small>(''Haunting'')</small>
  | ru = Проклятие
  | ro = Bântuitor<br><small>(''Haunting'')</small>
  | zh-hans = 亡语诅咒
  | ru = Проклятие<br><small>(''Haunting'')</small>
  | zh-hans = 亡语诅咒<br><small>(Haunting)</small>
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = On death, the killer is Marked For Death for 6 seconds
  | en = On death, the killer is Marked For Death for 6 seconds
  | pt-br = Ao morrer, o assassino é Marcado para a Morte por 6 segundos
  | pt-br = Ao morrer, o assassino é Marcado para a Morte por 6 segundos
| ru = После смерти убийца получает метку смерти на 6 секунд
  | zh-hans = 死亡后,杀手将被打上死亡标记,持续 6 秒
  | zh-hans = 死亡后,杀手将被打上死亡标记,持续 6 秒
| [[File:Honorable combatperk.png|110px]]<br> '''{{lang <!-- Source: tf_english.txt / arena_perks_honorable_name -->
| [[File:Honorable combatperk.png|110px]]<br>'''{{lang <!-- Source: tf_english.txt / arena_perks_honorable_name -->
  | en = Honorable Combat
  | en = Honorable Combat
  | cs = Čestný boj
  | cs = Čestný boj<br><small>(''Honorable Combat'')</small>
  | da = Ærlig Kamp
  | da = Ærlig Kamp<br><small>(''Honorable Combat'')</small>
  | de = Ehrenvoller Kampf
  | de = Ehrenvoller Kampf<br><small>(''Honorable Combat'')</small>
  | es = Combate honroso
  | es = Combate honroso<br><small>(''Honorable Combat'')</small>
  | fr = Combat honorable
  | fr = Combat honorable<br><small>(''Honorable Combat'')</small>
  | hu = Becsületes harc
  | hu = Becsületes harc<br><small>(''Honorable Combat'')</small>
  | it = Combattimento onorevole
  | it = Combattimento onorevole<br><small>(''Honorable Combat'')</small>
  | pl = Honorowa walka
| no = Hederlig kamp<br><small>(''Honorable Combat'')</small>
  | pt = Combate Honorável
  | pl = Honorowa walka<br><small>(''Honorable Combat'')</small>
  | pt-br = Combate Honroso
  | pt = Combate Honorável<br><small>(''Honorable Combat'')</small>
  | ro = Luptă onorabilă
  | pt-br = Combate Honroso<br><small>(''Honorable Combat'')</small>
  | ru = Честный поединок
  | ro = Luptă onorabilă<br><small>(''Honorable Combat'')</small>
  | zh-hans = 荣耀剑魂
  | ru = Честный поединок<br><small>(''Honorable Combat'')</small>
  | zh-hans = 荣耀剑魂<br><small>(Honorable Combat)</small>
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = Double melee damage
  | en = Double melee damage
  | pt-br = Dano corpo a corpo dobrado
  | pt-br = Dano corpo a corpo dobrado
| ru = Двойной урон в ближнем бою
  | zh-hans = 双倍近战伤害
  | zh-hans = 双倍近战伤害
| [[File:Cloakingperk.png|70px]]<br> '''{{lang
| [[File:Cloakingperk.png|70px]]<br>'''{{lang
  | en = Patience
  | en = Patience
  | zh-hans = 忍耐
| ru = Терпение<br><small>(''Patience'')</small>
  | zh-hans = 忍耐<br><small>(Patience)</small>
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = Gain up to 7 health per second
  | en = Grants up to 7 health per second
  | pt-br = Ganha até 7 de vida por segundo
  | pt-br = Concede até 7 de vida por segundo
| ru = Получите до 7 единиц здоровья в секунду
  | zh-hans = 每秒恢复 7 点生命值
  | zh-hans = 每秒恢复 7 点生命值
| [[File:Accuracyperk.png|80px]]<br> '''{{lang <!-- Source: tf_english.txt / arena_perks_precision_name -->
| [[File:Accuracyperk.png|80px]]<br>'''{{lang <!-- Source: tf_english.txt / arena_perks_precision_name -->
  | en = Precision
  | en = Precision
  | cs = Přesná muška
  | cs = Přesná muška<br><small>(''Precision'')</small>
  | da = Præcision
  | da = Præcision<br><small>(''Precision'')</small>
  | de = Präzision
  | de = Präzision<br><small>(''Precision'')</small>
  | fr = Précision
  | fr = Précision<br><small>(''Precision'')</small>
  | hu = Pontosság
  | hu = Pontosság<br><small>(''Precision'')</small>
  | it = Precisione
  | it = Precisione<br><small>(''Precision'')</small>
  | pl = Precyzja
| no = Treffsikkerhet<br><small>(''Precision'')</small>
  | pt = Precisão
  | pl = Precyzja<br><small>(''Precision'')</small>
  | pt-br = Precisão
  | pt = Precisão<br><small>(''Precision'')</small>
  | ro = Precizie
  | pt-br = Precisão<br><small>(''Precision'')</small>
  | ru = Меткость
  | ro = Precizie<br><small>(''Precision'')</small>
  | zh-hans = 精确打击
  | ru = Меткость<br><small>(''Precision'')</small>
  | zh-hans = 精确打击<br><small>(Precision)</small>
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = +50% projectile speed and reduced spread
  | en = +50% projectile speed and reduced spread
  | pt-br = +50% de velocidade de projéteis e espalhamento reduzido
  | pt-br = +50% de velocidade de projéteis e espalhamento reduzido
| ru = +50% скорости снаряда и уменьшен разброс
  | zh-hans = +50% 的飞行物速度并减少散布
  | zh-hans = +50% 的飞行物速度并减少散布
Line 246: Line 269:
| [[File:Triggerfingerperk.png|80px]]<br> '''{{lang <!-- Source: tf_english.txt / arena_perks_quickfingers_name -->
| [[File:Triggerfingerperk.png|80px]]<br> '''{{lang <!-- Source: tf_english.txt / arena_perks_quickfingers_name -->
  | en = Quickdraw
  | en = Quickdraw
  | cs = Rychlé prsty
  | cs = Rychlé prsty<br><small>(''Quickdraw'')</small>
  | da = Fikse fingre
  | da = Fikse fingre<br><small>(''Quickdraw'')</small>
  | de = Schneller Zug
  | de = Schneller Zug<br><small>(''Quickdraw'')</small>
  | es = Prestidigitación
  | es = Prestidigitación<br><small>(''Quickdraw'')</small>
  | fr = Plus vite que son ombre
  | fr = Plus vite que son ombre<br><small>(''Quickdraw'')</small>
  | hu = Gyors kezű
  | hu = Gyors kezű<br><small>(''Quickdraw'')</small>
  | it = Manolesta
  | it = Manolesta<br><small>(''Quickdraw'')</small>
  | pl = Rączy
| no = Godt håndlag<br><small>(''Quickdraw'')</small>
  | pt = Mãos Ágeis
  | pl = Rączy<br><small>(''Quickdraw'')</small>
  | pt-br = Rápido no Saque
  | pt = Mãos Ágeis<br><small>(''Quickdraw'')</small>
  | ro = Rapiditate
  | pt-br = Rápido no Saque<br><small>(''Quickdraw'')</small>
  | ru = Ловкость рук
  | ro = Rapiditate<br><small>(''Quickdraw'')</small>
  | zh-hans = 快枪射手
  | ru = Ловкость рук<br><small>(''Quickdraw'')</small>
  | zh-hans = 快枪射手<br><small>(Quickdraw)</small>
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = +15% firing, reloading, and weapon switching speed
  | en = +15% firing, reloading, and weapon switching speed
  | pt-br = +15% de velocidade de disparo, recarga e troca de arma
  | pt-br = +15% de velocidade de disparo, recarga e troca de arma
| ru = +15% к скорости стрельбы, перезарядки и переключения оружия
  | zh-hans = +15% 的开火、装填和切换武器速度
  | zh-hans = +15% 的开火、装填和切换武器速度
Line 268: Line 293:
| [[File:Resistanceperk.png|80px]]<br> '''{{lang <!-- Source: tf_english.txt / arena_perks_resistance_name -->
| [[File:Resistanceperk.png|80px]]<br> '''{{lang <!-- Source: tf_english.txt / arena_perks_resistance_name -->
  | en = Resistance
  | en = Resistance
  | cs = Tuhost
  | cs = Tuhost<br><small>(''Resistance'')</small>
  | da = Modstandsdygtig
  | da = Modstandsdygtig<br><small>(''Resistance'')</small>
  | de = Resistenz
  | de = Resistenz<br><small>(''Resistance'')</small>
  | es = Resistencia
  | es = Resistencia<br><small>(''Resistance'')</small>
  | fr = Résistance
  | fr = Résistance<br><small>(''Resistance'')</small>
  | hu = Ellenállás
  | hu = Ellenállás<br><small>(''Resistance'')</small>
  | it = Resistenza
  | it = Resistenza<br><small>(''Resistance'')</small>
  | pl = Odporność
| no = Motstandsdyktig<br><small>(''Resistance'')</small>
  | pt = Resistência
  | pl = Odporność<br><small>(''Resistance'')</small>
  | pt-br = Resistência
  | pt = Resistência<br><small>(''Resistance'')</small>
  | ro = Rezistență
  | pt-br = Resistência<br><small>(''Resistance'')</small>
  | ru = Защита
  | ro = Rezistență<br><small>(''Resistance'')</small>
  | zh-hans = 铜皮铁骨
  | ru = Защита<br><small>(''Resistance'')</small>
  | zh-hans = 铜皮铁骨<br><small>(Resistance)</small>
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = +10% damage resistance
  | en = +10% damage resistance
  | pt-br = +10% de resistência a dano
  | pt-br = +10% de resistência a dano
| ru = +10% сопротивление урону
  | zh-hans = +10% 伤害抗性
  | zh-hans = +10% 伤害抗性
Line 290: Line 317:
| [[File:Backpack War Paint.png|80px]]<br> '''{{lang <!-- Source: tf_english.txt / arena_perks_reveal_name -->
| [[File:Backpack War Paint.png|80px]]<br> '''{{lang <!-- Source: tf_english.txt / arena_perks_reveal_name -->
  | en = Reveal
  | en = Reveal
  | cs = Odhalení
  | cs = Odhalení<br><small>(''Reveal'')</small>
  | da = Afslør
  | da = Afslør<br><small>(''Reveal'')</small>
  | de = Enthüllung
  | de = Enthüllung<br><small>(''Reveal'')</small>
  | es = Revelación
  | es = Revelación<br><small>(''Reveal'')</small>
  | fr = Révélation
  | fr = Révélation<br><small>(''Reveal'')</small>
  | hu = Felfedés
  | hu = Felfedés<br><small>(''Reveal'')</small>
  | it = Rivelazione
  | it = Rivelazione<br><small>(''Reveal'')</small>
  | pl = Ujawnienie
| no = Avsløring<br><small>(''Reveal'')</small>
  | pt = Revelação
  | pl = Ujawnienie<br><small>(''Reveal'')</small>
  | pt-br = Revelação
  | pt = Revelação<br><small>(''Reveal'')</small>
  | ro = Dezvăluire
  | pt-br = Revelação<br><small>(''Reveal'')</small>
  | ru = Разведка
  | ro = Dezvăluire<br><small>(''Reveal'')</small>
  | zh-hans = 寻敌感知
  | ru = Разведка<br><small>(''Reveal'')</small>
  | zh-hans = 寻敌感知<br><small>(Reveal)</small>
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = On kill, reveals the three closest enemies for 5 seconds
  | en = On kill, reveals the three closest enemies for 5 seconds
  | pt-br = Ao matar, revela os três inimigos mais próximos por 5 segundos
  | pt-br = Ao matar, revela os três inimigos mais próximos por 5 segundos
| ru = При убийстве раскрывает трех ближайших врагов на 5 секунд
  | zh-hans = 杀敌后,高亮显示距离最近的 3 名敌人,持续 5 秒
  | zh-hans = 杀敌后,高亮显示距离最近的 3 名敌人,持续 5 秒
Line 312: Line 341:
| [[File:Second chanceperk.png|80px]]<br> '''{{lang <!-- Source: tf_english.txt / arena_perks_revive_name -->
| [[File:Second chanceperk.png|80px]]<br> '''{{lang <!-- Source: tf_english.txt / arena_perks_revive_name -->
  | en = Second Chance
  | en = Second Chance
  | cs = Druhá šance
  | cs = Druhá šance<br><small>(''Second Chance'')</small>
  | de = Zweite Chance
| da = Endnu en Chance<br><small>(''Second Chance'')</small>
  | es = Segunda oportunidad
  | de = Zweite Chance<br><small>(''Second Chance'')</small>
  | fr = Seconde chance
  | es = Segunda oportunidad<br><small>(''Second Chance'')</small>
  | hu = Második esély
  | fr = Seconde chance<br><small>(''Second Chance'')</small>
  | it = Seconda possibilità
  | hu = Második esély<br><small>(''Second Chance'')</small>
  | pt = Segunda Chance
  | it = Seconda possibilità<br><small>(''Second Chance'')</small>
  | pt-br = Segunda Chance
| no = Ny sjanse<br><small>(''Second Chance'')</small>
  | ro = A doua șansă
  | pt = Segunda Chance<br><small>(''Second Chance'')</small>
  | ru = Второй шанс
  | pt-br = Segunda Chance<br><small>(''Second Chance'')</small>
  | zh-hans = 二次机会
  | ro = A doua șansă<br><small>(''Second Chance'')</small>
  | ru = Второй шанс<br><small>(''Second Chance'')</small>
  | zh-hans = 二次机会<br><small>(Second Chance)</small>
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = Once per round, players can be revived by a Medic
  | en = Once per round, players can be revived by a Medic
  | pt-br = Uma vez por rodada, jogadores podem ser revividos por um Medic
  | pt-br = Uma vez por rodada, jogadores podem ser revividos por um Medic
| ru = Один раз за раунд медик может оживить игроков
  | zh-hans = 玩家可以被医生复活,每轮仅限一次
  | zh-hans = 玩家可以被医生复活,每轮仅限一次
Line 332: Line 364:
| [[File:Strongholdperk.png|80px]]<br> '''{{lang <!-- Source: tf_english.txt / arena_perks_focus_name -->
| [[File:Strongholdperk.png|80px]]<br> '''{{lang <!-- Source: tf_english.txt / arena_perks_focus_name -->
  | en = Stronghold
  | en = Stronghold
  | cs = Odhodlání
  | cs = Odhodlání<br><small>(''Stronghold'')</small>
  | de = Bollwerk
| da = Fæstning<br><small>(''Stronghold'')</small>
  | es = Fortaleza
  | de = Bollwerk<br><small>(''Stronghold'')</small>
  | fr = Bastion
  | es = Fortaleza<br><small>(''Stronghold'')</small>
  | hu = Erőd
  | fr = Bastion<br><small>(''Stronghold'')</small>
  | it = Roccaforte
  | hu = Erőd<br><small>(''Stronghold'')</small>
  | pl = Twierdza
  | it = Roccaforte<br><small>(''Stronghold'')</small>
  | pt = Bastião
| no = Festning<br><small>(''Stronghold'')</small>
  | pt-br = Fortificação
  | pl = Twierdza<br><small>(''Stronghold'')</small>
  | ro = Fortăreață
  | pt = Bastião<br><small>(''Stronghold'')</small>
  | ru = Цитадель
  | pt-br = Fortificação<br><small>(''Stronghold'')</small>
  | zh-hans = 钢铁要塞
  | ro = Fortăreață<br><small>(''Stronghold'')</small>
  | ru = Цитадель<br><small>(''Stronghold'')</small>
  | zh-hans = 钢铁要塞<br><small>(Stronghold)</small>
| {{lang
| {{lang
  | en = When the Control Point unlocks, +1 capture rate and +20% damage resistance
  | en = When the Control Point unlocks, +1 capture rate and +20% damage resistance
  | pt-br = Quando o Ponto de Controle é liberado, +1 de taxa de captura e +20% de resistência a dano
  | pt-br = Quando o Ponto de Controle é liberado, +1 de taxa de captura e +20% de resistência a dano
| ru = Когда контрольная точка разблокируется, скорость захвата +1 и сопротивление урону +20%
  | zh-hans = 当控制点解锁时,+1 占领数和 +20% 伤害抗性
  | zh-hans = 当控制点解锁时,+1 占领数和 +20% 伤害抗性
|}<noinclude>{{Doc begin}}
|}<noinclude>{{Doc begin}}
Template used for the perks on [[Perks]]
{{Translation switching|en}}
Template used for the perks on [[Perks]].

Latest revision as of 17:57, 8 February 2024


Perk Description
Ammo Reserve
+50% reserve ammo and ammo and metal regeneration
On kill, grants 2 seconds of Mini-Crits
Mini-Crits become full Critical hits
Extra Provisions
+40% extra healing gained from all healing sources
On death, summons a friendly Skeleton
+10% movement speed
On death, the killer is Marked For Death for 6 seconds
Honorable combatperk.png
Honorable Combat
Double melee damage
Grants up to 7 health per second
+50% projectile speed and reduced spread
+15% firing, reloading, and weapon switching speed
+10% damage resistance
Backpack War Paint.png
On kill, reveals the three closest enemies for 5 seconds
Second chanceperk.png
Second Chance
Once per round, players can be revived by a Medic
When the Control Point unlocks, +1 capture rate and +20% damage resistance

Documentation for Perks perk table

Template used for the perks on Perks.