Difference between revisions of "User:AgentBull"

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m (#2000)
(9 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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                                                      ''For the normal version, click [[User:AgentBull/normal|here]].''
  |                                                          AgentBull / Schohns                                                              |
  |                                                          AgentBull / Schohns                                                              |
  |            General | [[User:AgentBull|Userpage]]{{md}}[[User talk:AgentBull|User talk]]{{md}}[[Special:Contributions/AgentBull|Contributions]]{{md}}[[Team_Fortress_Wiki:Translation_progress/de|German translation progress]] + [[Team Fortress Wiki:Translation progress/Stats/de|Stats]]{{md}}[[Special:RecentChangesLinked/Team_Fortress_Wiki:Reports/All_articles/de|Recent changes /de]]                        |
  |            General | [[User:AgentBull|Userpage]]{{md}}[[User talk:AgentBull|User talk]]{{md}}[[Special:Contributions/AgentBull|Contributions]]{{md}}[[Team_Fortress_Wiki:Translation_progress/de|German translation progress]] + [[Team Fortress Wiki:Translation progress/Stats/de|Stats]]{{md}}[[Special:RecentChangesLinked/Team_Fortress_Wiki:Reports/All_articles/de|Recent changes /de]]                        |
  | German translators | <3 [[User:TheDoctor|TheDoctor]]{{md}}[[User:Motion City|Motion City]] <small>{{md}}[[User:Burny|Burny]]{{md}} [[User:SackZement|SackZement]]{{md}} [[User:T-Wayne|T-Wayne]]{{md}}<s>Loc Mod: [[User:Picard|Picard]]</s></small> {{md}}[[Team_Fortress_Wiki:Translation_progress/de#Hilfreiche Tipps für gute Übersetzungen|Tips for new translators!]]                         |
  | German translators | <3 [[User:TheDoctor|TheDoctor]]{{md}} [[User:TidB|TidB]]{{md}} <small>[[User:Nikno|Nikno]]{{md}} [[User:Light08|Light08]]{{md}}<s>Loc Mod: [[User:Picard|Picard]]</s></small> {{md}}[[Team_Fortress_Wiki:Translation_progress/de#Hilfreiche Tipps für gute Übersetzungen|Tips for new translators!]]                                         |
  |            Contact | [http://steamcommunity.com/id/Schohns/ Steam profile]{{md}}[http://tf2b.com/tf2/Schohns Backpack]                                                                                            |
  |            Contact | [http://steamcommunity.com/id/Schohns/ Steam profile]{{md}}[http://tf2b.com/tf2/Schohns Backpack]                                                                                            |
|              Other | [[User:AgentBull/itemlist|Item list]]                                                                                                              |
#                                                                                                                                            #
#                                                                                                                                            #
#                              This user is nominated for the [[Wiki Cap]], if you believe they should earn it,                                  #
#                                  please help them and add your reasons in the [[Team Fortress Wiki:Wiki Cap/Nominations#AgentBull|Wiki Cap Nominations Page]].                                    #
#                                                                                                                                            #
#                                                                                                                                            #
   _____          ____              _    _    _     
   _____          ____              _    _    _     
  |_  _|__      |  _ \  ___      | |  (_)___| |_ _  
  |_  _|__      |  _ \  ___      | |  (_)___| |_ _  
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  *[[User:AgentBull/done|my translations]] [V]  
  *[[User:AgentBull/done|my translations]] [V]  
  *500 edits [V]
  *Earn a [[Wiki Cap]] [V]
  *750 edits [V]
  *translate all the Halloween 2012 articles [V]
  *1000 edits [V]
  *1000 edits [V]
  *1250 edits [X]
*1500 edits [V]
  *1500 edits [X]
*2000 edits [V]
   *1750 edits [X]
   *2500 edits [X]
   *2000 edits [X]
   *3000 edits [X]
  *recruit some new German translators [...]
  *recruit some new German translators [...]
  *translate all the Halloween 2012 articles [...]
  __  __                            _       
  |  \/  |_  _  __      _____  _ __| | __  _
  | |\/| | | | | \ \ /\ / / _ \| '__| |/ / (_)
  | |  | | |_| |  \ V  V / (_) | |  |  <  _
  |_|  |_|\__, |  \_/\_/ \___/|_|  |_|\_\ (_)
  _______ |___/ ______________________________                             
  *I translate pages into German and I always try to keep them up to date
  *My work includes articles about in-game items, background information, templates and the dictionary
*I want the German section of the Wiki to be a good resource of information
  *As a part of this, we need talented German translators. I try to help anyone who has questions about translating.
  *I compile tips, helpful facts and information for German translators ([[Team_Fortress_Wiki:Translation_progress/de#Hilfreiche Tipps für gute Übersetzungen|here]] and [[Team_Fortress_Wiki:Translation_progress/de#Offizielle_Bezeichnungen|here]])
  *We have only a handful German translators, so I can communicate with everyone of them and we're constantly in correspondence via Steam chat
*I watch the recent changes log and check almost every German edit
*My English skills are rather moderate, so I don't participate in IRC or other wiki discussions very often.
  *If you want to contact me, please leave a message on my [[User_talk:AgentBull|talk page]] or add me on steam
*I'm no (localization) moderator but since Picard is inactive, I try to moderate the German section without special permissions. It works quite well.
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  ''rocks together.''
  ''rocks together.''
'''''Show Me Your War Face!'''''
  -> Create a damn fine user page.
'''Awarded by:''' [[User:EpicEric|EpicEric]]
'''Date:''' December 16, 2012
'''Link:''' [[User talk:AgentBull#Wikichievement Unlocked!|Here]]
'''Reason:''' ''In a world where everyone uses fancy CSS stuph for their userpages, you go ahead and make''
''a damn fine ASCII user page. Nice!''
'''''Parlez-Vous Français?'''''
  -> Provide help translating the Team Fortress Wiki to ''your'' language.
'''Awarded by:''' [[User:Eels|Eels]]
'''Date:''' June 9, 2013
'''Link:''' [[User talk:AgentBull#Wikichievement Unlocked!|Here]]
'''Reason:''' ''I'm surprised you didn't have this one yet. Good work! ''

Latest revision as of 09:29, 20 February 2014

|                                                           AgentBull / Schohns                                                               |
|            General | Userpage · User talk · Contributions · German translation progress + Stats · Recent changes /de                        |
| German translators | <3 TheDoctor ·  TidB ·  Nikno ·  Light08 · Loc Mod: Picard  · Tips for new translators!                                         |
|            Contact | Steam profile · Backpack                                                                                            |

 _____           ____              _     _     _     
|_   _|__       |  _ \  ___       | |   (_)___| |_ _ 
  | |/ _ \ _____| | | |/ _ \ _____| |   | / __| __(_)
  | | (_) |_____| |_| | (_) |_____| |___| \__ \ |_ _ 
  |_|\___/      |____/ \___/      |_____|_|___/\__(_)

*my translations [V] 
*Earn a Wiki Cap [V]
*translate all the Halloween 2012 articles [V]
*1000 edits [V]
*1500 edits [V]
*2000 edits [V]
 *2500 edits [X]
 *3000 edits [X]
*recruit some new German translators [...]

  __  __                            _        
 |  \/  |_   _  __      _____  _ __| | __  _ 
 | |\/| | | | | \ \ /\ / / _ \| '__| |/ / (_)
 | |  | | |_| |  \ V  V / (_) | |  |   <   _ 
 |_|  |_|\__, |   \_/\_/ \___/|_|  |_|\_\ (_)
 _______ |___/ ______________________________                              
*I translate pages into German and I always try to keep them up to date
  *My work includes articles about in-game items, background information, templates and the dictionary
*I want the German section of the Wiki to be a good resource of information
  *As a part of this, we need talented German translators. I try to help anyone who has questions about translating. 
  *I compile tips, helpful facts and information for German translators (here and here)
  *We have only a handful German translators, so I can communicate with everyone of them and we're constantly in correspondence via Steam chat
*I watch the recent changes log and check almost every German edit
*My English skills are rather moderate, so I don't participate in IRC or other wiki discussions very often.
  *If you want to contact me, please leave a message on my talk page or add me on steam
*I'm no (localization) moderator but since Picard is inactive, I try to moderate the German section without special permissions. It works quite well.

 _   _               _                          
| | | |___  ___ _ __| |__   _____  _____  ___ _ 
| | | / __|/ _ \ '__| '_ \ / _ \ \/ / _ \/ __(_)
| |_| \__ \  __/ |  | |_) | (_) >  <  __/\__ \_ 
 \___/|___/\___|_|  |_.__/ \___/_/\_\___||___(_)

|                                 |                                 |                                 |
| This user is German, Dummkopfs! |     This user is a Soldier      |     This user is a Sniper       |
|                                 |                                 |                                 |
|                                 |                                 |                                 |
|  This user drinks far too much  |  This user drinks far too much  |  This user drinks far too much  |
|  Coffee                         |  Tea                            |  Club Mate                      |
|                                 |                                 |                                 | 
| This user vigorously mashes F5  |   This user is a Grammar Nazi   |  This user watches the Changes  |
| upon any new TF2 update.        |                                 |  log.                           |
|  This user contributes to the   |                                 |                                 |
|  German translations of         | This user really loves to craft |     This user has advanced      |
|  Steam and Valve games.         | things in Team Fortress 2!      |     knowledge of English.       |

__        ___ _    _      _     _                                     _         
\ \      / (_) | _(_) ___| |__ (_) _____   _____ _ __ ___   ___ _ __ | |_ ___ _ 
 \ \ /\ / /| | |/ / |/ __| '_ \| |/ _ \ \ / / _ \ '_ ` _ \ / _ \ '_ \| __/ __(_)
  \ V  V / | |   <| | (__| | | | |  __/\ V /  __/ | | | | |  __/ | | | |_\__ \_ 
   \_/\_/  |_|_|\_\_|\___|_| |_|_|\___| \_/ \___|_| |_| |_|\___|_| |_|\__|___(_)

It's the Little Things...
 -> Provide a large amount of edits, whose primary goals are to correct grammar, punctuation, etc.
Awarded by: TheDoctor
Date: August 15, 2012 
Link: Here
Reason: For piercing my heart with an accurate description of all my edits. Ohh without you i would 
have never improved like i did. You are the german grammar helper in times of need and weird german logic 
which even defies me. So just in case no one knows he should be one of the top players in the wiki for 
correction overviews and stuff, be proud you earned yourself these achievement. Let's start banging 
rocks together.

Show Me Your War Face!
 -> Create a damn fine user page.
Awarded by: EpicEric
Date: December 16, 2012
Link: Here
Reason: In a world where everyone uses fancy CSS stuph for their userpages, you go ahead and make
a damn fine ASCII user page. Nice!

Parlez-Vous Français?
 -> Provide help translating the Team Fortress Wiki to your language.
Awarded by: Eels
Date: June 9, 2013
Link: Here
Reason: I'm surprised you didn't have this one yet. Good work!