Template:Crate series/102

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Crate Series #102
Drops No
Demo's DustcatcherDemo's Dustcatcher
15 .00%
Surgical SurvivalistSurgical Survivalist
15 .00%
Scoped SpartanScoped Spartan
15 .00%
Courtly CuirassCourtly Cuirass
10 .00%
Squire's SabatonsSquire's Sabatons
10 .00%
10 .00%
Herald's HelmHerald's Helm
5 .00%
Gauzed GazeGauzed Gaze
5 .00%
Lurking LegionnaireLurking Legionnaire
5 .00%
Patriot's PouchesPatriot's Pouches
5 .00%
Dad DudsDad Duds
1 .50%
1 .50%
Dead HeadDead Head
0 .50%
Bedouin BandanaBedouin Bandana
0 .50%
or an Exceedingly Rare Special Item!
1 .00%
Drop rate is an estimate only.
Items obtained from this crate might have the Strange quality.