Topic on User talk:Marceline

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GrampaSwood (talkcontribs)

Hi Marceline, your recent addition of trivia has been reverted because it did not meet our trivia guidelines. In short, trivia entries should...

  • ... be facts, not speculation.
  • ... be about the released content only.
  • ... not be obvious for somebody who has played Team Fortress 2 for a small amount of time.
  • ... make the reader say "Wow! I did not know that!"
  • ... not be information that belongs in other parts of the page.

For a full explanation including examples, check out our trivia style guide!
Your trivia was reverted because it broke 2 guidelines: "Nothing obvious" and "Nothing that belongs on other parts of the page". A player can spot it easily by playing the map and it does not belong in the trivia section (Like with Mercenary Park, it starts off by telling what the map itself is). I put the steam workshop link in there, so don't worry about that).

GrampaSwood (talk) 21:21, 4 November 2019 (UTC)