Simplified Chinese map name translation project / 简中地图译名项目

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This page is written not only for keeping archives, but also for those who are too curious not to click this one's sub-page.
— Dereko

Brief introduction / 简介


Long before the formalization of this project, a few Simplified Chinese STS members came with the idea of translating map names for TF2, like what they had already done for CS:GO.

In 2019, the zh-hans editors of the Wiki, under the introduction of one of its members, roughly held an unorganized discussion of the translation proposals for all TF2 maps at that time, on the basis of a draft completed in advance. The discussion, lack of proper organization and arrangement, failed to attract sufficient attention and participation, and the results are not satisfactory. But to be fair, there were some commendable proposals.

Shortly after the release of Scream Fortress 2020, the first batch of zh-hans map names was added to the game, for the four new maps in the yearly event: Megalo, Bloodwater, Hassle Castle and Moldergrove. Notably, this zh-hans localization update was conducted by the last zh-hans STS member who made contributions to TF2, Reshine, with personal suggestions from some Wiki editors.

With the retirement of STS, TF2 translation volunteer project has been moved to a new platform, Crowdin. In 2022, several people, including Reshine and Dereko, were successively invited to a private Steam chat group by Nafoul, another STS senpai. The map name translation project was then formally launched and gradually advanced during the whole summer. In early September of the year, the translation proposals for all TF2 maps were almost completed, including prefixes of Strange Filters for corresponding map pages, and other subsidiary text.

At present, the results from the project have been practically proposed on Crowdin. However, due to "Force majeure", the Simplified Chinese localization stopped receiving solid updates for years, thus the final implementation of this project is not forseeble without a change in course.




2020年万圣节更新的不久后,第一批简中地图译名被添加到了游戏中,汉化了四张新地图的名称:Megalo、Bloodwater、Hassle Castle、Moldergrove。值得一提的是,此次汉化更新是由STS成员、TF2简中官方汉化最后一人Reshine完成的,并得到了来自个别维基编辑者的个人建议。



Latest proposals

时间与主要内容 地图名称 地图文件名称 过滤器前缀 提案 附注 状态
地图名 前缀名
Scream Fortress XIV Crasher ctf_crasher Big 双霸争雄 / 巨雄争霸 → 巨雄战道 巨略雄图→巨力雄图 已提交(含obj)
Bonesaw plr_hacksaw_event Blazed 骨锯岭 锯骨铭心→锯骨扬灰 已提交(含obj)
Soul-Mill koth_sawmill_event Soulful 战栗锯魂坊 / 锯魂坊 → 战栗锯魂坊 魂销魄散 原地图“Sawmill” 已提交(含obj)
Spookeyridge cp_spookeyridge Otherworldly 异境丘脊→怪奇山脊 异境访客 原地图为社区图“Stoneyridge” 已提交(含obj)
Ghoulpit pl_sludgepit_event Fiendish 黄泉淤口(?) 毒泷恶雾 原地图为社区图“Sludgepit” 已提交(含obj)
Helltrain ctf_helltrain_event Diabolic 炼狱专列 炼狱旅人 原地图为社区图“Convoy” 已提交(含obj)
Smissmas 2022 Coal Pit cp_gravelpit_snowy Naughty 煤海掘场 破冰驭雪 “Gravel Pit”的万圣节版本 已提交
Frostcliff pl_frostcliff Chilling 霜寒之崖 严霜酷寒 需要处理地图控制点名称 已提交
Frostwatch cp_frostwatch Freezing 霜林哨所 眠霜卧雪 原地图为社区图“Firewatch”
Frosty ctf_frosty Ice-Cold 风霜厂区 积雪封霜 已提交
Rumford pl_rumford_event Chipped 拉姆福德 碎琼乱玉 已提交

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