User:Mikado282/Contact Mikado282
For when I am on the IRC:
- tap == tapping the tfwiki cart
- I say it this way because usually my eyes are only briefly on the IRC. You might be able to see from your friends icons whether or not I am still at my computer or phone or I've gone back outside, even then maybe walking around with my phone out, or your message pings not downed out by a motor.
- If you see me tap the wiki and decide to contact me then, still Steam Message me rather than irc message, please.
- ttfn == gtg, but with much more affection
- hi ho == gtg, to work
However, in most cases, the preferred means of contacting me or at least getting my attention for TF Wiki matters is by adding me for Steam Messaging (SM). I use my phone for little else besides family and Scouting phone calls and texts, and photography for Wikipedia, and step counting.
And for checking for the Steam Messages I get.
I always have it with me for SM access, and my only SM access is for Team Fortress Wiki, and TF2 ImyRL.
Any TF Wiki editor is free to add me.
The point is, regardless of my work and life situations, the lag between you sending me an SM and me responding to you is the smallest, usually a few hours, sometimes minutes. (Drinking lots of coffee gives me many opportunities to stretch my legs and check for SM.)
It often happens that there are extended times (days, weeks, months) that I am unable to patrol the wiki or the IRC log even on my phone, much less perform significant review or editing. However, the TF Wiki is never far from my mind, and I am always available through SM, subject to the above limitations, for bits of advice and Mod action. As GP knows, blocking, locking, and chocking is easy enough on my phone, so, and even when traveling, I can usually respond quickly. Also, the Western Hemisphere may SM me for Mod actions when the Europeans are asleep.
Yes, a limitation of SM is that AFAIK the conversations disappear. If you want something to be a matter of record, use a TF2wiki talk page (or pastebin if private), and SM me to look at it, please.