Difference between revisions of "Template:Class weapons table demoman secondary"

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m (Fixed typo.)
(Spanish translation for the Tide turner and Quickiebomb Launcher)
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{{Info}}Diese Fähigkeit ist passiv, sie muss nicht extra ausgewählt werden.<br />
{{Info}}Diese Fähigkeit ist passiv, sie muss nicht extra ausgewählt werden.<br />
{{Info}}Schützt nicht vor selbst zugefügtem Explosionsschaden.<br />
{{Info}}Schützt nicht vor selbst zugefügtem Explosionsschaden.<br />
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{{Info}}Disparo secundario (con cualquier arma desplegada) hace que el jugador embista adelante a alta velocidad en una linea directa.Durante la embestida,el siguiente ataque melee es un [[Critical hits/es|Mini-Críticos]] a 25% de la embestida. Cualquier enemigo golpeado solamente por el escudo recibe hasta 50 de daño (escala dependiendo de la distancia), con daño adicional basado en el numero de cabezas conseguidas con la[[Eyelander/es|Intuertal]], [[Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker/es|Decapitador del Jinete Decapitado Sin Montura]] o [[Nessie's Nine Iron/es|Hierro del Nueve de Nessie]].<br/>
{{Pro}}Disparo secundario:Elimina [[Debuff/es|efectos negativos]].<br />
{{Pro}}+15% de resistencia al daño por fuego al portador.<br />
{{Pro}}+15% de resistencia al daño explosivo al portador.<br />
{{Pro}}Control total de giro durante la embestida.<br />
{{Pro}}Las víctimas cuerpo a cuerpo llenan un 75% tu medidor de embestida.<br />
{{Con}}Recibir daño durante una embestida reduce el tiempo restante de la misma.<br/>
{{Info}}Da sus habilidades pasivamente, no necesita ser selecionada.<br />
{{Info}}No da resistencia a daño autoinfligido.<br />
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{{Info}}Vaihtoehtoisella tulituksella (minkä tahansa aseen ollessa esillä) teet nopean ryntäyksen suoraan eteenpäin (oikealle tai vasemmalle voi kääntyä vain hieman). Ryntäyksen aikana seuraava lähitaisteluhyökkäys on taattu minikriittinen osuma, kun ryntäyksestä on kulunut 25%. Osuma kilvestä tekee kohteeseen korkeintaan 50 vahinkoa (riippuu etäisyydestä), johon lisätään vielä lisävahinko, joka perustuu [[Eyelander/fi|Silmäterällä]], [[Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker/fi|Ratsuttoman Päättömän Ratsumiehen Päänviejällä]] tai [[Nessie's Nine Iron/fi|Riiviön rautaysillä]] kerättyjen päiden määrään.<br/>
{{Info}}Vaihtoehtoisella tulituksella (minkä tahansa aseen ollessa esillä) teet nopean ryntäyksen suoraan eteenpäin (oikealle tai vasemmalle voi kääntyä vain hieman). Ryntäyksen aikana seuraava lähitaisteluhyökkäys on taattu minikriittinen osuma, kun ryntäyksestä on kulunut 25%. Osuma kilvestä tekee kohteeseen korkeintaan 50 vahinkoa (riippuu etäisyydestä), johon lisätään vielä lisävahinko, joka perustuu [[Eyelander/fi|Silmäterällä]], [[Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker/fi|Ratsuttoman Päättömän Ratsumiehen Päänviejällä]] tai [[Nessie's Nine Iron/fi|Riiviön rautaysillä]] kerättyjen päiden määrään.<br/>
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{{Con}}-25% Magazingröße<br />
{{Con}}-25% Magazingröße<br />
{{Con}}Haftbomben verpuffen 4 Sekunden nach der Landung.<br />
{{Con}}Haftbomben verpuffen 4 Sekunden nach der Landung.<br />
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{{Info}}Disparo primario lanza bombas lapa, disparo secundario (con cualquier arma desplegada) hace que todas las bombas lapa armadas exploten a la vez. Mantener disparo primario lanza las bombas lapa mas lejos.<br />
{{Info}}Las bombas lapa se pegan a superficies y se quedan listas hasta que el jugador las detone o muera.<br />
{{Info}}Las bombas lapa pueden ser destruidas con cualquier arma que dispare balas, un golpe directo con una arma melee, o una bomba lapa de la resistencia escotesa, o una bomba lapa de el lanzabombas rapido detonando cerca de ella.<br />
{{Info}}Puede poner 8 bombas lapa a la vez.<br />
{{Pro}}Puede destruir las bombas lapa enemigas.<br />
{{Pro}}Periodo detonable de las bombas -0.2 seg. más rápido.<br />
{{Pro}}Tiempo de carga máximo reducido en un 70%.<br />
{{Pro}}Hasta un 35% más de daño basado en la carga.<br />
{{Con}}-15% de daño.<br />
{{Con}}-50% de tamaño de cargador.<br />
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{{Info}}Ensisijainen ampumisnäppäin ampuu pommin, toissijainen ampumisnäppäin räjäyttää ne kaikki kerralla. Ensisijaisen ampumisnäppäimen pohjassa pitäminen ampuu pommin kauemmas.<br/>
{{Info}}Ensisijainen ampumisnäppäin ampuu pommin, toissijainen ampumisnäppäin räjäyttää ne kaikki kerralla. Ensisijaisen ampumisnäppäimen pohjassa pitäminen ampuu pommin kauemmas.<br/>

Revision as of 19:29, 6 October 2020


Weapon Kill icon Ammo
Damage Range Notes / Special Abilities
Stickybomb Launcher
Stickybomb Launcher
Killicon stickybomb launcher.png 8 24 Base: 103—138

Crit: 353

Pictogram info.png Primary fire launches the bombs, secondary fire (with any weapon deployed) makes all armed stickybombs explode at once. Holding primary fire launches the bomb farther.

Pictogram info.png Stickybombs stick to most surfaces and remain ready until the player either detonates them or dies.
Pictogram info.png Can lay up to 8 stickybombs at once.
Pictogram info.png Stickybombs may be attacked and destroyed with any bullet firing weapon, direct strike from a melee weapon, an enemy Scottish Resistance sticky, or an enemy Quickiebomb Launcher sticky detonating near it.

Chargin' Targe
Chargin' Targe
Killicon chargin' targe.png N/A N/A Full charge:
50 + 5 per head (up to 5 heads)
Pictogram info.png Secondary fire (with any weapon deployed) makes the player charge forward at high speed in a straight line (turning is limited to very slight angles to the left or right). During the charge, the next melee swing is a guaranteed mini-crit at 25% charge or a critical hit at 60% charge. Any enemy hit by only the shield charge takes up to 50 damage (scales by distance), with additional damage based on the number of heads collected with the Eyelander, Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker or Nessie's Nine Iron.

Pictogram plus.png Charging removes debuffs.
Pictogram plus.png +50% resistance to fire damage.
Pictogram plus.png +30% resistance to explosive damage.
Pictogram info.png Grants its abilities passively, does not need to be selected.
Pictogram info.png Does not grant resistance to self-inflicted damage.

Scottish Resistance
Scottish Resistance
Killicon scottish resistance.png 8 36 Base: 103—138

Crit: 353

Pictogram info.png Primary fire launches the bombs, secondary fire (with any weapon deployed) makes all armed stickybombs under the crosshair, and directly under your feet, explode at once. Holding primary fire launches the bomb farther.

Pictogram info.png Stickybombs stick to most surfaces and remain ready until the player either detonates them or dies.
Pictogram info.png Stickies are visible through walls and any obstacle, and can be selectively detonated by aiming at them and pressing the secondary fire button.
Pictogram info.png Stickybombs may be attacked and destroyed with any bullet firing weapon, direct strike from a melee weapon, an enemy Scottish Resistance sticky, or an enemy Quickiebomb Launcher sticky detonating near it.
Pictogram plus.png Can destroy enemy stickies.
Pictogram plus.png +6 more stickybombs out at once (max is 14).
Pictogram plus.png +50% more ammo carried (max is 36).
Pictogram plus.png +25% faster firing speed.
Pictogram minus.png Stickybombs have 0.8 second longer priming time.

Sticky Jumper
Sticky Jumper
N/A 8 72 Base: 0

Crit: 0

Pictogram info.png Primary fire launches the bombs, secondary fire (with any weapon deployed) makes all armed stickybombs explode at once. Holding primary fire launches the bomb farther.

Pictogram info.png Stickybombs stick to most surfaces and remain ready until the player either detonates them or dies.
Pictogram info.png Stickybombs may be attacked and destroyed with any bullet firing weapon, direct strike from a melee weapon, or an enemy Scottish Resistance sticky, or an enemy Quickiebomb Launcher sticky detonating near it.
Pictogram plus.png +200% max secondary ammo.(max is 72)
Pictogram plus.png No self inflicted blast damage taken.
Pictogram minus.png -100% damage penalty.
Pictogram minus.png Unable to carry the intelligence and the PASS Time JACK.
Pictogram minus.png -6 stickybombs out.(max is 2)
Pictogram info.png No random critical hits (purely cosmetic, as they don't inflict any damage either).

Splendid Screen
Splendid Screen
Killicon splendid screen.png N/A N/A Full charge:
85 + 8.5 per head (up to 5 heads)
Pictogram info.png Secondary fire (with any weapon deployed) makes the player charge forward at high speed in a straight line (turning is limited to very slight angles to the left or right). During the charge, the next melee swing is a guaranteed mini-crit at 25% charge or a critical hit at 60% charge. Any enemy hit by only the shield charge takes up to 85 damage (scales by distance), with additional damage based on the number of heads collected with the Eyelander, Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker or Nessie's Nine Iron.

Pictogram plus.png Charging removes debuffs.
Pictogram plus.png +20% resistance to fire damage.
Pictogram plus.png +20% resistance to explosive damage.
Pictogram plus.png +70% more charge impact damage.
Pictogram plus.png +50% charge recharge rate.
Pictogram info.png Grants its abilities passively, does not need to be selected.
Pictogram info.png Does not grant resistance to self-inflicted damage.

Tide Turner
Tide Turner
Killicon tide turner.png N/A N/A Full charge:
50 + 5 per head (up to 5 heads)
Pictogram info.png Secondary fire (with any weapon deployed) makes the player charge forward at high speed in a straight line. During the charge, the next melee swing is a guaranteed mini-crit at 25% charge. Any enemy hit by only the shield charge takes up to 50 damage (scales by distance), with additional damage based on the number of heads collected with the Eyelander, Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker or Nessie's Nine Iron.

Pictogram plus.png Charging removes debuffs.
Pictogram plus.png +15% resistance to fire damage.
Pictogram plus.png +15% resistance to explosive damage.
Pictogram plus.png Full turning control while charging.
Pictogram plus.png Melee kills refill 75% of charge meter.
Pictogram minus.png Taking damage while shield charging reduces charge time.
Pictogram info.png Grants its abilities passively, does not need to be selected.
Pictogram info.png Does not grant resistance to self-inflicted damage.

Quickiebomb Launcher
Quickiebomb Launcher
Killicon quickiebomb launcher.png 4 24 Base: 88-117/109-147

Crit: 300/375

Pictogram info.png Primary fire launches the bombs, secondary fire (with any weapon deployed) makes all armed stickybombs explode at once. Holding primary fire launches the bomb farther.

Pictogram info.png Stickybombs stick to most surfaces and remain ready until the player either detonates them or dies.
Pictogram info.png Stickybombs may be attacked and destroyed with any bullet firing weapon, direct strike from a melee weapon, or an enemy Scottish Resistance sticky, or an enemy Quickiebomb Launcher sticky detonating near it.
Pictogram info.png Can lay up to 8 stickybombs at a time.
Pictogram plus.png Able to destroy enemy stickybombs.
Pictogram plus.png -0.2 sec faster bomb arm time.
Pictogram plus.png Max charge time decreased by 70%.
Pictogram plus.png Up to +35% damage based on charge.
Pictogram minus.png -15% damage penalty.
Pictogram minus.png -50% clip size.

This template is meant to be used in localized versions of the Demoman article, replacing current weapon tables.

Make sure that section Template:Dictionary/common_strings#class_weapons_tables is also translated to your language.