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(Created page with "<includeonly>{{#switch: {{{type|{{{1|}}}}}} | name = Spy{{if lang}} | display = {{lang | en = Spy }} | image = File:Spywithhat.PNG|100px }}|right|link=Spy{{if lang}}|a...")
(Fixed image for cohesion with other class blurbs + changed img size)
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| name    = Spy{{if lang}}
| name    = Spy{{if lang}}
| display = {{lang
| display = {{lang
  | en = Spy
  | en = The Spy
| es = Spy
| fr = Spy
| it = Spia
| ru = Шпион
| zh-hans = 间谍
| zh-hant = 間諜
| image  = [[File:Spywithhat.PNG|100px
| image  = [[File:Spy.png|125px|right|link=Spy{{if lang}}|alt={{class name|Spy}}]]
}}|right|link=Spy{{if lang}}|alt={{lang
| en = Spy]]
| text    = {{lang
| text    = {{lang
  | en = Hailing from an indeterminate region of France, the '''[[Spy]]''' is an aficionado of sharp suits and even sharper knives who relies on stealth and trickery to aid the team. Using his unique array of [[Cloak]]ing watches, he can render himself invisible and even [[Dead Ringer|fake his own death]], leaving unaware opponents off-guard. His [[disguise]] kit lets him take on the form of any class, allowing him to blend in and sneak behind enemy lines before stabbing his unsuspecting 'teammates', quite literally, in the back. In fact, a swift [[backstab]] from behind with the Spy's trusty [[Knife]] will take out any foe in a single hit. <br><br>In addition to being able to assassinate key enemies quickly and efficiently, the Spy is great against the [[Engineer]]. Using his [[Electro Sapper]]s, he can disable his buildings, slowly draining their [[health]] until they are destroyed.
  | en = Hailing from an indeterminate region of France, the '''[[Spy]]''' is an aficionado of sharp suits and even sharper knives who relies on stealth and trickery to aid the team. Using his unique array of [[Cloak]]ing watches, he can render himself invisible and even [[Dead Ringer|fake his own death]], leaving unaware opponents off-guard. His [[disguise]] kit lets him take on the form of any class, allowing him to blend in and sneak behind enemy lines before stabbing his unsuspecting 'teammates', quite literally, in the back. In fact, a swift [[backstab]] from behind with the Spy's trusty [[Knife]] will take out any foe in a single hit.  
In addition to being able to assassinate key enemies quickly and efficiently, the Spy is great against the [[Engineer]]. Using his [[Electro Sapper]]s, he can disable his buildings, slowly draining their [[health]] until they are destroyed.
| es = Procedente de una región indeterminada de Francia, el '''[[Spy/es|Spy]]''' es un aficionado de los trajes elegantes y los cuchillos afilados quien se basa en el sigilo y el engaño para ayudar al equipo. Usando su gama única de relojes de [[Cloak/es|invisibilidad]], puede hacerse invisible e incluso [[Dead Ringer|falsificar su propia muerte]], dejando a los opositores desconcertados y con la guardia baja. Su {{item link|Disguise Kit}} le permite tomar la forma de cualquier clase, y le permite mezclarse e ir a escondidas tras las líneas enemigas antes de apuñalar a su desprevenidos 'compañeros', en la espalda. De hecho, una rápida [[Backstab/es|puñalada]] por la espalda con cualquier cuchillo {{item link|Knife}} de confianza del Spy llevará a cabo la muerte instantáneamente de cualquier enemigo de un solo golpe.
Además de ser capaz de asesinar a enemigos rápida y eficientemente, el Spy es ideal contra un [[Engineer/es|Engineer]]. Usando sus {{item link|Sapper}}es, él puede desactivar construcciones, dañando lentamente su [[health/es|salud]] hasta que se destruyan.
| fr = Provenant d'une obscure région de France, le '''Spy''' est un amateur de costumes, de couteaux aiguisés, et compte sur l'effet de surprise et la ruse pour aider son équipe. En utilisant son panel de [[Cloak/fr|montres d'invisibilité]], le Spy peut se rendre invisible aux yeux de ses ennemis, et même [[Dead Ringer/fr|feinter la mort]], laissant ses ennemis inconscient du danger qui les guette. Son [[Disguise/fr|Kit de Déguisement]] lui permet de prendre l'apparence de n'importe quelle classe, lui permettant de passer relativement inaperçu au sein des lignes ennemies, et de poignarder le dos de ses "alliés" inattentifs. En effet, un [[backstab/fr|poignardage]] dans le dos avec un des couteaux du Spy tuera instantanément l'ennemi.
En plus d'être un assassin efficace et précis quant aux cibles prioritaires, le Spy est très efficace contre les [[Engineer/fr|Engineers]]. En utilisant ses [[Electro Sapper/fr|Saboteurs]], il peut désactiver les bâtiments de l'Engineer, les détruisant petit à petit, à moins qu'ils ne soient détruits par l'Engineer ou par un [[Pyro/fr|Pyro]] utilisant le [[Homewrecker/fr|Fracasseur d'Abri]].
| it = Chiamato a raccolta da un'indeterminata zona della Francia, la '''[[Spy/it|Spia]]''' è un appassionato di abiti dal look tagliente - e di coltelli ancora più taglienti - che fa affidamento sulla sua furtività ed i suoi inganni per aiutare la squadra. Usando il suo unico set di [[cloak|orologi mimetici]], può rendersi invisibile e persino [[Dead Ringer|inscenare la propria morte]], facendo abbassare la guardia agli ignari nemici. Il suo [[disguise|kit di travestimento]] gli permette di assumere la forma di qualsiasi classe, permettendogli di integrarsi ed intrufolarsi dietro le linee nemiche prima di accoltellare i suoi sprovvisti 'compagni' nella schiena. Infatti, una [[backstab|coltellata]] da dietro con il fido [[knife|coltello]] della Spia si sbarazzerà di qualsiasi nemico con un singolo fendente.
In aggiunta all'abilità di assassinare nemici chiave rapidamente ed efficentemente, la Spia è perfetta contro l'[[engineer/it|Ingegnere]] Usando il suo [[Electro Sapper/it|Artificiere]], può disattivare le sue costruzioni, rubando loro [[health/it|salute]] lentamente fino a distruggerli.
| ru = '''Шпион''' — самый скрытный класс в игре, использующий свои [[Cloak/ru|плащ]] и [[Disguise/ru|маскировку]], чтобы пробраться в стан врага. Шпион может заставить противника замолчать, нанеся всего лишь один удар в спину своим ножом-бабочкой. Любое оружие, кроме жучков, снимает маскировку шпиона и не может использоваться в режиме невидимости. Шпион — лучший контраргумент вражескому инженеру. Поставить жучок и ударить в спину инженера — любимая тактика шпиона. Его могут лечить вражеские раздатчики и медики, а некоторые слишком доверчивые игроки дают ему даже убер-заряд. Однако, это слабый класс, быстро убиваемый подрывниками, поджигателями и солдатами (особенно [[Pyro/ru|поджигателями]]).
| zh-hans = 来自法国的某个不明地区,'''[[Spy/zh-hans|间谍]]'''身穿一套整洁的西装,手持一把锋利的刀子,运用自己独特的能力来蒙骗敌人,从中破环对手的防御,来帮助自己的队伍。使用自己特有的[[Cloak/zh-hans|隐身]]手表,可以使自己进入隐身状态,甚至是[[Dead Ringer/zh-hans|假死状态]],让自己能躲过敌人的追捕。他的[[disguise/zh-hans|伪装]]工具能让自己伪装成任何兵种,间谍凭借这个“队友”身份能溜过敌人的防线,潜入敌后。例外,借助自己最信任[[Knife/zh-hans|刀子]],间谍可以通过[[backstab/zh-hans|背刺]]来秒杀任何敌人。
由于这些能力,使得间谍非常适合对付敌人的[[Engineer/zh-hans|工程师]]。间谍的[[Electro Sapper/zh-hans|电子工兵]]能够瘫痪工程师的建筑物,还能使其的[[health/zh-hans|生命值]]不断减少直到被摧毁。
| zh-hant = 來自法國某處的'''間諜'''是個對尖挺的西裝和更為「尖挺」的小刀有著狂熱喜好的紳士,以匿蹤行動和矇騙敵人來輔助隊伍進行任務。他藉由各式不同的[[Cloak/zh-hant|隱形]]手錶來隱藏自己的行蹤,甚至可以[[Dead Ringer/zh-hant|假造自己的死亡]]來欺騙對手鬆懈警備。他的[[disguise/zh-hant|偽裝]]菸盒讓他可以裝扮成各種職業,好混進敵陣並繞到敵人後方來在他那些毫不起疑的「隊友」背後捅一刀(請以字面意義解釋)。事實上,間諜只要用他的愛刀成功發動[[backstab/zh-hant|背刺]]的話,就可以一擊殺掉任何敵人。
除了可以迅速有效地暗算掉一些關鍵的敵人外,間諜也是用來對抗敵方[[Engineer/zh-hant|工程師]]的理想選擇。他可以用他的[[Electro Sapper/zh-hant|電子破壞器]]來癱瘓工程師的建築,並慢慢的消耗建築的[[health/zh-hant|生命值]]直到摧毀它們,除非它能及時被工程師的扳手或[[Pyro/zh-hant|火焰兵]]的[[Homewrecker/zh-hant|家用破壞者]]移除。
}}}}</includeonly><noinclude>{{doc begin}}
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{{ts|en, es, fr, it, ru, zh-hans, zh-hant}}
[[Category:Featured blurbs]]
== Preview ==
=== [[{{{{PAGENAME}}|type=name}}|{{{{PAGENAME}}|type=display}}]] ===

Latest revision as of 11:02, 3 November 2022

Documentation for FeaturedArticle/article/Spy


The Spy

Hailing from an indeterminate region of France, the Spy is an aficionado of sharp suits and even sharper knives who relies on stealth and trickery to aid the team. Using his unique array of Cloaking watches, he can render himself invisible and even fake his own death, leaving unaware opponents off-guard. His disguise kit lets him take on the form of any class, allowing him to blend in and sneak behind enemy lines before stabbing his unsuspecting 'teammates', quite literally, in the back. In fact, a swift backstab from behind with the Spy's trusty Knife will take out any foe in a single hit.

In addition to being able to assassinate key enemies quickly and efficiently, the Spy is great against the Engineer. Using his Electro Sappers, he can disable his buildings, slowly draining their health until they are destroyed.
