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Revision as of 00:58, 17 September 2016 by Hinaomi (talk | contribs)
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Added Did you know... fact and get approved to the Main Page Status
...that the Freedom Staff was originally created for the Soldier only? Pictogram tick.png Heck yeah!
...that the Neon Annihilator was originally pitched as a Chinese lantern? Pictogram tick.png Heck yeah!
...that the Quadwrangler was originally an Engineer item? Pictogram tick.png Heck yeah!
...that the Vita-Saw was originally going to have the Solemn Vow attribute along with its attributes? Pictogram tick.png Heck yeah!
High-Five! with another wiki cap owner
Karmacharger Ashes GordonFrohman Cobaltcakes LiquidFire 'Stache Eels Subtlefuge
Have Have Have Have Have Have Have Have
Codenamespy Gonard Omolong Fuffeh Gabrielwoj Tark ClockworkSpirit2343 Dr. Scaphandre
Have Have Have Have Have Have Have Have
Do Not Have