Mister Lister (McSister Fister)

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Suspicious is, as suspicious does.
Mister Lister on suspicious players
Mister Lister (McSister Fister)
Basic information
Type: What does that mean?
Gender: Male, mostly.
Health: Ubercharged Monoculus.
Speed: Well greased Scout on speed.
Birth place: Maine.
Native language: English
Team Fortress 2
Favourite classes: Spy and Pyro
Favourite maps: Badwater, Upward
and Harvest
Favourite weapons: Knife, The Big Kill
and the Degreaser
Favourite hats: Counterfeit Billycock,
Noh Mercy
and The Last Breath
Contact information
Steam page: http://steamcommunity.com/id/misterlistermcsisterfister

Basic Information

[ I play a lot of Team Fortress 2

  • Planning overhauls and asking about them (all of the vocal pages, for instance)
  • Monitoring the Recent Changes.
    • Reviewing Trivia heavily based on the style guide.
    • Welcoming new users daily.
  • Trying to add new images; whenever he can.
  • Sitting in the IRC all day making bad Wing jokes/not saying much.
  • Partaking in discussion.
    • Sounding like he swallowed a thesaurus.