Parche del 1 de diciembre de 2017

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< December 1, 2017 Patch
Revision as of 09:48, 27 March 2021 by Ryo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Patch layout | before = {{Patch name|11|28|2017}} | day = 1 | month = december | year = 2017 | after = {{Patch name|12|13|2017}} | sourc...")
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Notas del parche

Team Fortress 2

  • Se han añadido las medallas de torneo Chapelaria 6c6 Temporada 3.
  • Ahora las armas prestadas no tienen fecha de caducidad.
  • Ahora los jugadores que estén visualizando su ConTracker no pueden moverse ni atacar.
  • Se ha corregido un error por el que la interfaz del menú principal no se actualizaba al cambiar la resolución.
  • Se ha corregido la animación del ConTracker del Engineer.
  • Se ha corregido un error por el que el Medic, el Sniper y el Engineer no escondían sus armas al finalizar la animación del ConTracker.
  • Se ha corregido un error por el que las colecciones de objetos a veces marcaban de forma errónea algunos objetos como adquiridos.
  • Se ha corregido un problema de renderización con los efectos inusuales Llamas infernales, Humo infernal, Luna nublada, Es un secreto para todos, Eldritch ancestral, Llama de Eldritch y Muerte por disco.
  • Se han actualizado los materiales de Morro Munificente de Mandrew.

Cambios sin documentar

Archivos modificados

Nota: El registro de cambios se genera desde un diff de dos revisiones del juego.
Cambios de la revisión
Modified: platform/config/network_config.json
Modified: tf/resource/tf_brazilian.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_bulgarian.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_czech.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_danish.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_dutch.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_finnish.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_french.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_german.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_greek.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_hungarian.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_italian.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_korean.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_koreana.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_polish.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_portuguese.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_proto_obj_defs_romanian.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_quests_dutch.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_romanian.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_russian.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_schinese.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_swedish.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_turkish.txt
Modified: tf/resource/tf_ukrainian.txt
Modified: tf/scripts/items/items_game.txt
Modified: tf/steam.inf
Modified: bin/FileSystem_Stdio.dll
Modified: bin/steamnetworkingsockets.dll
Modified: tf/bin/client.dll
Modified: tf/bin/server.dll
Modified: tf/scripts/items/items_game.txt.sig
Modified: tf/tf2_misc_dir.vpk/models/player/engineer_animations.mdl
Modified: tf/tf2_misc_dir.vpk/models/player/medic_animations.mdl
Modified: tf/tf2_misc_dir.vpk/models/player/pyro_animations.mdl
Modified: tf/tf2_misc_dir.vpk/models/player/sniper_animations.mdl
Modified: tf/tf2_misc_dir.vpk/particles/halloween2015_unusuals.pcf
Modified: tf/tf2_misc_dir.vpk/particles/item_fx.pcf
Modified: tf/tf2_misc_dir.vpk/particles/taunt_fx.pcf
Modified: tf/tf2_textures_dir.vpk/materials/effects/animated_ghost_claws/ghost_claws.vtf
Modified: tf/tf2_textures_dir.vpk/materials/effects/animated_ghost_claws/ghost_claws_right.vtf
Modified: tf/tf2_textures_dir.vpk/materials/models/workshop/player/items/all_class/jingle_jam_medal/jingle_jam_mandrew.vtf