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< Playing With Danger (Soundtrack)
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Team Fortress 2
  1. "军团要塞 2(主题曲)"
  2. "玩命游戏"
  3. "火箭跳华尔兹"
  4. "战争艺术"
  5. "超越飞弹"
  6. "就在你身后"
  7. "小椰菜花"
  8. "入侵警报"
  9. "酗酒土炸弹"
  10. "更多的枪"
  11. "闹鬼要塞 2"
  12. "2011 TF2 萨氏金像奖主题曲"
  13. "小小的心换心"
  14. "医生!"
  15. "阿基米德"
  16. "残暴的美梦"
  17. "暴风雨前的宁静"
  18. "机器人来袭!"
  19. "衣冠楚楚的死尸"
  20. "活体面包的崛起"
  21. "红队面包车"
  22. "还能活三天"
  23. "勾引我!"
  24. "臭气线"
  25. "它是有多恨我"
  26. "苦难陈述者"
  27. "舞蹈战士"
  28. "红队凯旋!"
  29. "蓝队凯旋!"
  30. "雪人公园"
  31. "萨克斯顿的困境"
  32. "佣兵公园"
  33. "向逝者致敬"

“玩命游戏”(Playing With Danger)军团要塞官方原声集中的主题曲之一,曲目编号为 2,同时也是橙盒官方原声集的曲目之一,曲目编号为 3。该乐曲在《预告片 2》中作为背景音乐播放,同时也是 33 首游戏主菜单启动曲的其中一首。玩命游戏也可以在各种地图介绍视频中听到,它的部分片段还被用作迷你游戏:决斗!休闲模式等级升级和主菜单消息提醒的提示音效。同时,该乐曲的打击乐部分在兵种选择菜单中作为背景音乐循环播放,同时该乐曲的E小调布鲁斯音阶经电吉他改编后还作为了每个兵种的选择音效,每个兵种一个音符。




The following is an abridged transcription of the song.

Playing With Danger     
time = 4/4          | 
Standard E-tuning   | 
(c) Mike Morasky / VALVe 2007                   

					         E Major
                                              Clean Guitar
       Fig. 1                     Fig. 2                     Fig. 1                    Fig. 3
e ||--------------------------|--------------------------|--------------------------|------------------------------|
B ||--------------------------|--------------------------|--------------------------|------------------------------|
G ||--------------------------|--------------------------|--------------------------|------------------------------|
D ||--------------------------|--------------------------|--------------------------|------------------------------|
A ||--------------------------|--------------------------|--------------------------|------------------------------|
E ||--0--0--0--3--3--3--0--0--|--------------6--6--5--5--|--0--0--0--3--3--3--0--0--|--0--7--7--7--5--5--5b6--5b7--|
      Fig. 1                     Fig. 4
                                              Tremolo/Vibrato Guitar

                                                     Piano Melody

       Fig. 1                          Fig. 2                         Fig. 3


另见: 军团要塞 2(主题曲)(原声音乐)

节奏:125 BPM
相关更新: 基础游戏包含
作曲家: 迈克·莫拉斯基

Similarly to the main theme, "Playing With Danger" is in the key of E Minor, and the bass line stays within notes found in the E Minor blues scale (E, G, A, Bb, B, and D). Though similar to the main theme, "Playing With Danger" uses more chromaticism in its melody, larger instrumentation, and utilizes more woodwind-focused writing.

The main motif is primarily through longer held notes, as well as the bass line, but the development of this theme is found through changes in timbre. The theme is moved between all instrument sections, with sections either playing separately or in harmony. In contrast to the long, held notes, the clarinet parts contain several instances of shorter notes, which fills what previously was space between each phrase of the melody. The scoring is also noteworthy, as "Playing With Danger" is the first track (in the soundtrack's order) to include woodwinds, which are then blended with the brass to create a warmer, almost homogenous sound. At a point the key temporarily modulates to F minor, the key one semitone above E minor, which is the first time the track deviates from E minor. These compositional techniques are found very often in instrumental music written for woodwinds and/or brass, as exploring different colors of sound is important when the music only contains one theme with no musical variations.


  • 就像原声音乐中数个合奏一样,玩命游戏使用了许多主题曲的旋律,包括音调都使用E小调,使用同样的低音,半音体系,以及布鲁斯音阶
  • 这首乐曲的改编和作曲很难不让人联想到埃尼欧·莫里科内的《阿尔及尔之战》。