Template:Did you know/zh-hant
- ...that the Bloodhound was originally planned to be released as Sam's Hat, alongside Max's Severed Head, the Big Kill and the Lugermorph, with the release of Sam and Max: The Devil's Playhouse, but was scrapped due to the difficulty fitting the head of each class, yet the textures remained in the game files?
- ...that there are modern-day computers hidden behind the cracked doors on DeGroot Keep?
- ...that during the Meet the Demoman video, a Dispenser is shown behind the Sentry Gun, but disappears after the scene cuts back from the Demoman?
- ...that while consuming the Sandvich, the Heavy cannot be stunned?
- 虛擬實境取景機上裝有一個《絕地要塞》的遊戲片,機器內部的螢幕上居然顯示出“Game Over”的訊息?
- ...that the only taunt you can unlock for free is the Director's Vision?
- ...that the number displayed when Display damage done as text over your target is enabled, the most damage that can appear is −32,767, which is one more than the lower bound of a 16 bit value?
- ...that Scout has 7 older brothers and he is the youngest?
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- 波動拳、神風特攻隊和擊劍,是少數具有摧毀建築物能力的嘲諷?
- 工程師在專屬更新發佈之前,是唯一持有不具個人特色的主要和次要武器的職業?
- 重裝兵和醫護兵是唯二沒有預設頭飾的職業?
- 一塊在地圖 Harvest 的墓碑上,寫著「安息吧,第十個職業」?
- 當遊戲視窗處於失焦狀態而且準備進入官方的TF2伺服器時,它的視窗圖示會彈出並發出聲音通知 ?
- 飾品 地面控制者 的材質檔有個「のヮの」符號是來自遊戲/動畫「The IDOLM@STER」裡的角色天海春香專用的表情文字 ?
- 當一個控制點站超過 16 人的話,抬頭顯示器的控制點顯示格會變得無法顯示?
- 即使在無敵 ÜberCharge 的效果下,還是有可能被殺掉?
- 在《妙探闖通關第三季第四章:Beyond the Alley of the Dolls》,有一台藍隊的補給器在背景中客串登場?
- 擔任間諜時,可以朝你剛放置電子破壞器的建築物射擊,幫自己再獲得助攻分數?
- 除了爆破兵(火焰兵也有可能)之外,所有其他的職業角色都是藍眼珠?
- 有些武器己經不能在商店中購買?
- 步哨毀滅者的命中判定跟巨型爆破兵機器人是相同的 ?
- 死靈炸彈魔書要價6.66美金?
- 在灼熱補給箱鑰匙上面印著"MTP"三個字( MTP 為"Meet The Pyro"的縮寫 ) ?
- 在TF維基主頁按 上,上,下,下,左,右,左,右,B,A,Enter 後,會有一個拿著電子破壞器的間諜走出來?
- 偵查兵的視角比其他兵種低一點點?而且偵查兵可以用一般球棒站在平面上敲到地板?
- 狙擊手在開鏡的那一瞬間射擊不能爆頭?