I am open-source, licensed under the GPL. That means you're free to see my code, run it, modify it, redistribute it, and even sell paid copies of me, as long as you keep the source open and report back all the modifications you've made, if any.
- I am a Python bot. That means you need Python 2.6. On Ubuntu:
$ sudo apt-get install python2.6
- I also need a modified version of wikitools to use the MediaWiki API. Comes with a separate hand-crafted module called wikiUpload to allow file uploading without MediaWiki 1.16. On Ubuntu:
$ wget '' $ p7zip -d wikitools*.7z && wikitools*.7z $ mv `dirname "/path/to/"` $ cd wikitools* $ sudo python2.6 install
- (Optional) cpulimit can be used to limit the bot's often-high CPU usage when applying filters to a lengthy page, to ensure sufficient resources to other programs running concurrently on the server. This does slow the bot down but makes it act nicer to others, which is welcome on a shared host. On Ubuntu:
$ sudo apt-get install cpulimit
$ sudo apt-get install git $ git clone $ cd steamodd $ sudo python2.6 install
- (Optional) pngcrush can be used to crush PNG images in file filters. Without it, images will not be considered for crushing. On Ubuntu:
$ sudo apt-get install pngcrush
- (Optional) pngout can also be installed for even better PNG crushing. There may or may not be a package for your distribution, depending on your distro's philosophy, since pngout is closed-source unlike the rest of this page.
- (Optional) jpegtran can be installed to apply lossless file size reduction to JPEG images. On Ubuntu:
$ sudo apt-get install libjpeg-progs
That's it!
File structure
: The bot's configuration. A sample configuration file is given
: The bot's core. Full source is given below. Make sure to make it executable:
chmod +x
Both files have to be in the same directory. To run the bot, assuming Python is in your path and that you are in the bot's source directory:
Files (sample)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- config = { 'api': '', # API URL 'steamAPI': 'PootAPIKeyHeer', # Steam API key 'username': 'MyCoolBot', # Username 'password': 'LeetPassword0MG', # Password 'maxrequests': 16, # Max PageRequests to process per run 'rcidrate': 50, # Edit RCID every n edits 'freshnessThreshold': 300, # In seconds 'pagePasses': 8, # Maximum number of parsing/filtering passes 'filterPasses': 64, # Maximum number of times to run a fitler on a filtering pass 'tempPrefix': 'tfwiki', # Prefix for temporary filenames 'pages': { 'filters': 'User:WindBOT/Filters', # Filters page 'blacklist': 'User:WindBOT/Blacklist', # Blacklist 'pagerequests': 'User:WindBOT/PageRequests', # PageRequests 'pagerequestsforce': 'User:WindBOT/PageRequestsForce', # PageRequests bypassing blacklist 'rcid': 'User:WindBOT/RCID', # RCID page 'editcount': 'User:WindBOT/EditCount' # Edit count page } }
#!/usr/bin/python -OO # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. import sys import os import time, datetime import re import hashlib import urllib2 import tempfile import traceback import threading import random import subprocess import cStringIO as StringIO import shutil import wikitools import wikiUpload import feedparser try: import steam except: steam = None from wikiUpload import wikiUploader from botConfig import config if steam is not None and 'steamAPI' in config: steam.set_api_key(config['steamAPI']) config['runtime'] = { 'rcid': -1, 'onlinercid': -1, 'wiki': None, 'edits': 0, 'regexes': {}, 'pages': {}, 'uploader': wikiUploader(config['username'], config['password'], config['api']) } def u(s): if type(s) is type(u''): return s if type(s) is type(''): try: return unicode(s) except: try: return unicode(s.decode('utf8')) except: try: return unicode(s.decode('windows-1252')) except: return unicode(s, errors='ignore') try: return unicode(s) except: try: return u(str(s)) except: return s class curry: def __init__(self, func, *args, **kwargs): self.func = func self.pending = args[:] self.kwargs = kwargs def __str__(self): if u(self.func) == u(regSub): return 'Regex' + u(self.pending) return u'<Curry of ' + u(self.func) + u'; args = ' + u(self.pending) + u'; kwargs = ' + u(self.kwargs) + u'>' def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): if kwargs and self.kwargs: kw = self.kwargs.copy() kw.update(kwargs) else: kw = kwargs or self.kwargs return self.func(*(self.pending + args), **kw) class BatchScheduler: def __init__(self, concurrency=16): self.concurrency = 16 self.tasks = [] def schedule(self, target, *args, **kwargs): self.tasks.append((target, args, kwargs)) def execute(self): while len(self.tasks): pool = [] numThreads = min(self.concurrency, len(self.tasks)) for task in range(numThreads): task = self.tasks[task] t = threading.Thread(target=task[0], args=task[1], kwargs=task[2]) t.start() pool.append(t) for t in pool: t.join() self.tasks = self.tasks[numThreads:] def getTempFilename(extension=None): global config if extension is None: f = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=config['tempPrefix']) else: f = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=u'.' + u(extension), prefix=config['tempPrefix']) os.close(f[0]) # Damn you Python I just want a filename return u(f[1]) def wiki(): global config if config['runtime']['wiki'] is None: config['runtime']['wiki'] =['api']) print 'Logging in as', config['username'], '...' config['runtime']['wiki'].login(config['username'], config['password']) try: config['runtime']['onlinercid'] = int(u(, config['pages']['rcid']).getWikiText()).strip()) config['runtime']['rcid'] = config['runtime']['onlinercid'] except: error('Couldn\'t read RCID.') print 'Logged in.' return config['runtime']['wiki'] def page(p): global config if type(p) in (type(''), type(u'')): p = u(p) if p not in config['runtime']['pages']: config['runtime']['pages'][p] =, p, followRedir=False) return config['runtime']['pages'][p] # Else, it is a page object title = u(p.title) if title not in config['runtime']['pages']: config['runtime']['pages'][title] = p return config['runtime']['pages'][title] def getSummary(summary): summary = u(summary) while len(summary) > 250: if summary.find(u' ') == -1: summary = summary[:summary.rfind(u' ')] + u'...' else: summary = summary[:247] + u'...' return summary def editPage(p, content, summary=u'', minor=True, bot=True, nocreate=True): global config summary = getSummary(summary) p = page(p) try: print 'Editing', p.title, 'with summary', summary except: pass try: if nocreate: if minor: result = p.edit(u(content), summary=summary, minor=True, bot=bot, nocreate=nocreate) else: result = p.edit(u(content), summary=summary, notminor=True, bot=bot, nocreate=nocreate) else: if minor: result = p.edit(u(content), summary=summary, minor=True, bot=bot) else: result = p.edit(u(content), summary=summary, notminor=True, bot=bot) except: warning('Couldn\'t edit', p.title) return None try: if result['edit']['result']: config['runtime']['edits'] += 1 except: warning('Couldn\'t edit', p.title) return result def deletePage(p, summary=False): if summary: summary = getSummary(summary) return page(p).delete(summary) def uploadFile(filename, destfile, pagecontent='', license='', overwrite=False, reupload=False): global config return config['runtime']['uploader'].upload(filename, destfile, pagecontent, license, overwrite=overwrite, reupload=reupload) def updateRCID(): if abs(config['runtime']['rcid'] - config['runtime']['onlinercid']) >= config['rcidrate']: print 'Updating last RCID...' try: editPage(config['pages']['rcid'], config['runtime']['rcid'], summary=u'Updated Recent Changes log position to ' + u(config['runtime']['rcid'])) config['runtime']['onlinercid'] = config['runtime']['rcid'] except: warning('Couldn\'t update RCID.') def updateEditCount(force=False): global config if not config['runtime']['edits']: return if not force and random.randint(0, 40) != 7: return try: editPage(config['pages']['editcount'], int(wikitools.api.APIRequest(wiki(), { 'action': 'query', 'list': 'users', 'usprop': 'editcount', 'ususers': config['username'] }).query(querycontinue=False)['query']['users'][0]['editcount']) + 1, summary=u'Updated edit count.') config['runtime']['edits'] = 0 except: warning('Couldn\'t update edit count.') # Because SOME LIBRARY will not use singletons, this has to be done at the bot level # rather than the individual filter level to avoid loading the damn thing twice. steamGameSchemas = {} def steamGetGameSchema(game): global steamGameSchemas if steam is None: return None if game not in steamGameSchemas: steamGameSchemas[game] = game.item_schema() return steamGameSchemas[game] steamGameAssets = {} def steamGetGameAssets(game): global steamGameAssets if steam is None: return None if game not in steamGameAssets: steamGameAssets[game] = game.assets() return steamGameAssets[game] def compileRegex(regex, flags=re.IGNORECASE): global config regex = u(regex) if regex in config['runtime']['regexes']: return config['runtime']['regexes'][regex] config['runtime']['regexes'][regex] = re.compile(regex, flags) return config['runtime']['regexes'][regex] def warning(*info): s = [] print info import traceback traceback.print_exc() def error(*info): warning(*info) sys.exit(1) def setFilterName(f, name): name = u(name) f.__unicode__ = lambda: name f.__str__ = lambda: name.encode('utf8') f.filterName = name return f class link: def __init__(self, content): content = u(content) self.joined = False self.setBody(content) self.setType(u'unknown') self.setLabel(None) self.setLink(u'') self.anchor = None self.joined = False if len(content) > 2: if content[:2] == u'[[' and content[-2:] == u']]': split = content[2:-2].split(u'|') if len(split) in (1, 2): self.setType(u'internal') lnk = split[0] if lnk.find(u':') == -1: lnk = lnk.replace(u'_', u' ') anchor = None if lnk.find(u'#') != -1: lnk, anchor = lnk.split(u'#', 1) self.setAnchor(anchor) self.setLink(lnk) if len(split) == 2: self.setLabel(split[1]) else: self.setLabel(split[0]) self.joined = anchor is None elif content[0] == u'[' and content[-1] == u']': split = content[1:-1].split(u' ', 1) self.setType(u'external') self.setLink(split[0]) if len(split) == 2: self.setLabel(split[1]) else: self.setLabel(None) def getType(self): return u(self.kind) def getBody(self): return u(self.body) def getLink(self, withAnchor=False): if withAnchor and self.getAnchor() is not None: return u( + u'#' + self.getAnchor() return u( def getAnchor(self): return self.anchor def getLabel(self): if self.label is None: return None if self.joined: return self.getLink() return u(self.label) def setType(self, kind): self.kind = u(kind) def setBody(self, body): self.body = u(body) def setLink(self, link): link = u(link) if self.getType() == u'internal' and link.find(u'#') != -1: link, anchor = link.split(u'#', 1) self.setAnchor(anchor) = link if self.joined: self.label = u(link) replaceDots = compileRegex(r'(?:\.[a-f\d][a-f\d])+') def _replaceDots(self, g): s = '' g = for i in xrange(0, len(g), 3): s += chr(int(g[i + 1:i + 3], 16)) return s.decode('utf8') def setAnchor(self, anchor): if self.getType() == u'internal': u(anchor).replace(u'_', u' ') try: anchor = link.replaceDots.sub(self._replaceDots, anchor) except: pass self.anchor = anchor def setLabel(self, label): if label is None: self.label = None else: self.label = u(label) if self.joined: = u(label) def __str__(self): return self.__unicode__() def __repr__(self): return u'<Link-' + self.getType() + u': ' + self.__unicode__() + u'>' def __unicode__(self): label = self.getLabel() tmpLink = self.getLink(withAnchor=True) if self.getType() == u'internal': tmpLink2 = tmpLink.replace(u'_', u' ') if label in (tmpLink2, tmpLink) or (label and tmpLink and (label[0].lower() == tmpLink[0].lower() and tmpLink[1:] == label[1:]) or (label[0].lower() == tmpLink2[0].lower() and tmpLink2[1:] == label[1:])): return u'[[' + label + u']]' elif tmpLink and label and len(label) > len(tmpLink) and (label.lower().find(tmpLink2.lower()) == 0 or label.lower().find(tmpLink.lower()) == 0): index = max(label.lower().find(tmpLink2.lower()), label.lower().find(tmpLink.lower())) badchars = (u' ', u'_') nobadchars = True for c in badchars: if label[:index].find(c) != -1 or label[index+len(tmpLink):].find(c) != -1: nobadchars = False if nobadchars: return label[:index] + u(link(u'[[' + tmpLink + u'|' + label[index:index+len(tmpLink)] + u']]')) + label[index+len(tmpLink):] return u'[[' + tmpLink + u'|' + label + u']]' if self.getType() == u'external': if label is None: return u'[' + tmpLink + u']' return u'[' + tmpLink + u' ' + label + u']' return self.getBody() class template: maxInlineParams = 1 def __init__(self, content): content = u(content) self.changed = False self.content = content = None self.order = None self.links = [] self.params = [] self.paramNum = 0 self.indentation = {} self.defaultIndent = 0 if len(content) > 4 and content[:2] == '{{' and content[-2:] == '}}': innerRegex = compileRegex(r'\s*\|\s*') itemRegex = compileRegex(r'^(\S[^=]*?)\s*=\s*([\s\S]*?)$') content = content[2:-2] content, self.links = linkExtract(content) innerStuff = innerRegex.split(content) if innerStuff[0][:9].lower() == 'template:': innerStuff[0] = innerStuff[0][9:] = u(innerStuff[0][0].upper() + innerStuff[0][1:]).replace(u'_', u' ').strip() innerStuff = innerStuff[1:] for i in innerStuff: i = linkRestore(i.strip(), self.links, restore=True) itemRes = if itemRes: self.params.append((u(, u( else: self.paramNum += 1 self.params.append((u(self.paramNum), i)) self.originalContent = self.content self.originalParams = self.params[:] self.originalName = self.forceindent = False def indentationMatters(self, doesitmatter=True): self.forceindent = doesitmatter def getName(self): return def setName(self, name): = u(name).replace(u'_', u' ') self.changed = self.changed or != self.originalName def getParam(self, key): key = u(key).lower() for k, v in self.params: if k == key: return v return None def delParam(self, *indexes): for index in indexes: index = u(index) isNumber = self.isInt(index) for p in range(len(self.params)): k, v = self.params[p] if k == index: self.changed = True self.params = self.params[:p] + self.params[p+1:] if isNumber: if int(index) == self.paramNum: self.paramNum -= 1 break def setParam(self, index=None, value=u''): if value is None: return self.delParam(index) if index is None: index = u(self.paramNum) else: index = u(index).lower() isNumber = self.isInt(index) value = u(value) hasChanged = False for p in range(len(self.params)): k, v = self.params[p] if k == index: self.changed = self.changed or v != value self.params[p] = (k, value) hasChanged = True break if not hasChanged: if isNumber: while self.numParam < int(index) - 1: self.appendParam(u'') self.params.append((index, value)) self.changed = True def appendParam(self, value=u''): self.paramNum += 1 self.params.append((u(self.paramNum), value)) def setPreferedIndentation(self, index, indent=0): self.indentation[u(index)] = indent self.changed = self.changed or self.forceindent def setDefaultIndentation(self, indent=0): self.defaultIndent = indent self.changed = self.changed or self.forceindent def setPreferedOrder(self, order=None): order2 = [] for o in order: order2.append(u(o)) self.order = order2 oldParams = self.params[:] self.changed = self.changed or self.fixOrder() == oldParams def renameParam(self, oldkey, newkey): oldkey, newkey = u(oldkey).lower(), u(newkey).lower() if oldkey == newkey: return for p in range(len(self.params)): k, v = self.params[p] if k == oldkey: self.params[p] = (newkey, v) self.changed = True break def fixOrder(self): if self.order is None: return self.params newParams = [] doneParams = [] for k in self.order: k = u(k) if self.getParam(k) is not None: newParams.append((k, self.getParam(k))) doneParams.append(k) for k, v in self.params: if k not in doneParams: doneParams.append(k) newParams.append((k, v)) self.params = newParams return self.params def defined(self): return is not None def isInt(self, i): try: return u(int(i)) == u(i) and int(i) > 0 except: return False def __str__(self): return self.__unicode__() def __repr__(self): return u'<Template-' + self.getName() + u': ' + self.__unicode__() + u'>' def __unicode__(self): if not self.defined(): return u'' if not self.changed: return self.originalContent self.fixOrder() params = [] indentMode = len(self.params) > template.maxInlineParams or self.forceindent maxIndent = 0 if indentMode: for k, v in self.params: l = len(k) + self.defaultIndent if k in self.indentation: l = len(k) + self.indentation[k] if not self.isInt(k) and l > maxIndent: maxIndent = l numParam = 1 for k, v in self.params: indent = self.defaultIndent if k in self.indentation and indentMode: indent = self.indentation[k] try: isNumber = u(int(index)) == u(index) and int(index) > 0 except: isNumber = False if indentMode: key = u' ' * indent + u'| ' addKey = True if self.isInt(k): if int(k) == numParam: addKey = False numParam += 1 if addKey: key += k + (u' ' * max(0, maxIndent - len(k) - indent)) + u' = ' else: key = u'' addKey = True if self.isInt(k): if int(k) == numParam: addKey = False numParam += 1 if addKey: key += k + u' = ' params.append(key + v) if indentMode: params = u'\n'.join(params) + u'\n' else: params = u' | '.join(params) return u'{{' + params + u'}}' def linkExtract(content): content = u(content) links1 = compileRegex(r'\[\[([^\[\]]+)\]\]') links2 = compileRegex(r'\[([^\[\]]+)\](?!\])') linkcount = 0 linklist = [] res = while res: linklist.append(link( content = content[:res.start()] + u'~!~!~!~OMGLINK-' + u(linkcount) + u'~!~!~!~' + content[res.end():] linkcount += 1 res = res = while res: linklist.append(link( content = content[:res.start()] + u'~!~!~!~OMGLINK-' + u(linkcount) + u'~!~!~!~' + content[res.end():] linkcount += 1 res = return content, linklist def templateExtract(content): content = u(content) templatesR = compileRegex(r'\{\{([^\{\}]+)\}\}') templatecount = 0 templatelist = [] res = while res: templatelist.append(template( content = content[:res.start()] + u'~!~!~!~OMGTEMPLATE-' + u(templatecount) + u'~!~!~!~' + content[res.end():] templatecount += 1 res = return content, templatelist def blankAround(content, search, repl=u''): content = u(content) search = u(search) repl = u(repl) blank = compileRegex(u'(\\s*)' + u(re.escape(search)) + u'(\\s*)') res = if not res: return content.replace(search, repl) if u( == content: return repl if len( < len( return content[:res.end(1)] + content[res.end(2):] else: return content[:res.start()] + content[res.start(2):] def linkRestore(content, links=[], restore=False): linklist=links[:] linkcount = len(linklist) i = 0 linklist.reverse() for l in linklist: i += 1 if l is None: content = blankAround(content, u'~!~!~!~OMGLINK-' + u(linkcount - i) + u'~!~!~!~', u'') else: if restore: l = l.getBody() content = content.replace(u'~!~!~!~OMGLINK-' + u(linkcount - i) + u'~!~!~!~', u(l)) return content def templateRestore(content, templatelist=[]): templatecount = len(templatelist) i = 0 templatelist.reverse() for t in templatelist: i += 1 if t is None: content = blankAround(content, u'~!~!~!~OMGTEMPLATE-' + u(templatecount - i) + u'~!~!~!~', u'') else: content = content.replace(u'~!~!~!~OMGTEMPLATE-' + u(templatecount - i) + u'~!~!~!~', u(t)) return content def safeContent(content): safelist = [] tags = compileRegex(r'<(?:ref|gallery|pre|code)[^<>]*>[\S\s]*?</(?:ref|gallery|pre|code)>', re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE) comments = compileRegex(r'<!--[\S\s]*?-->') tagcount = 0 res = if not res: res = while res: safelist.append(('~!~!~!~OMGTAG-' + u(tagcount) + u'~!~!~!~', u( content = content[:res.start()] + u'~!~!~!~OMGTAG-' + u(tagcount) + u'~!~!~!~' + content[res.end():] tagcount += 1 res = if not res: res = return content, safelist def safeContentRestore(content, safelist=[]): safelist.reverse() for s in safelist: content = content.replace(s[0], s[1]) return content def regReplaceCallBack(sub, match): groupcount = 1 for g in match.groups(): if g is not None: sub = sub.replace(u'$' + u(groupcount), g) else: sub = sub.replace(u'$' + u(groupcount), u'') groupcount += 1 return sub def regSub(regexes, content, **kwargs): content = u(content) for regex in regexes.keys(): if type(regex) in (type(()), type([])): compiled = compileRegex(u(regex[0]), regex[1]) else: compiled = compileRegex(u(regex), re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE) callback = curry(regReplaceCallBack, u(regexes[regex])) oldcontent = u'' while content != oldcontent: oldcontent = content content = compiled.sub(callback, content) return u(content) def dumbReplacement(strings, content, **kwargs): content = u(content) for s in strings.keys(): content = content.replace(u(s), u(strings[s])) return content def filterEnabled(f, **kwargs): if type(f) is not type(()): return True if len(f) < 2: return True if type(f[1]) is not type({}): return True article = None if 'article' in kwargs.keys(): article = kwargs['article'] if article is None: return True if type(article) not in (type(u''), type('')): article = article.title if article is None: return True if 'languageBlacklist' in f[1].keys(): for i in f[1]['languageBlacklist']: if compileRegex(u'/' + u(i) + u'$').search(u(article)): return False return True if 'languageWhitelist' in f[1].keys(): for i in f[1]['languageWhitelist']: if compileRegex(u'/' + u(i) + u'$').search(u(article)): return True return False if 'language' in f[1].keys(): return compileRegex(u'/' + u(f[1]['language']) + u'$').search(u(article)) return True scheduledTasks = [] def scheduleTask(task, oneinevery): global scheduledTasks result = random.randint(0, oneinevery-1) print 'Task:', task, '; result:', result if not result: scheduledTasks.append(task) def runScheduledTasks(): global scheduledTasks if not len(scheduledTasks): print 'No tasks scheduled.' return print 'Running scheduled tasks...' for t in scheduledTasks: print 'Running task:', t try: t() print 'End of task:', t except: print 'Error while executing task:', t def sFilter(filters, content, returnActive=False, **kwargs): content = u(content) lenfilters = len(filters) if not lenfilters: if returnActive: return content, [] return content filtercount = 0 activeFilters = [] for f in filters: if not filterEnabled(f, **kwargs): continue if type(f) is type(()): f, params = f filtercount += 1 #print 'Filter', f, '(', filtercount, '/', lenfilters, ')' loopTimes = 0 beforeFilter = u'' while not loopTimes or beforeFilter != content: loopTimes += 1 if loopTimes >= config['filterPasses']: print 'Warning: More than', config['filterPasses'], 'loops with filter', u(f) break beforeFilter = content content = u(f(content, **kwargs)) if content != beforeFilter and f not in activeFilters: activeFilters.append(f) if returnActive: return content, activeFilters return content def linkFilter(filters, linklist, returnActive=False, **kwargs): activeFilters = [] for f in filters: if not filterEnabled(f, **kwargs): continue if type(f) is type(()): f, params = f for i in range(len(linklist)): if linklist[i] is not None and isinstance(linklist[i], link): oldLink = u(linklist[i]) linklist[i] = f(linklist[i], **kwargs) if oldLink != u(linklist[i]) and f not in activeFilters: activeFilters.append(f) if returnActive: return linklist, activeFilters return linklist def templateFilter(filters, templatelist, returnActive=False, **kwargs): activeFilters = [] for f in filters: if not filterEnabled(f, **kwargs): continue if type(f) is type(()): f, params = f for i in range(len(templatelist)): if templatelist[i] is not None and isinstance(templatelist[i], template): oldTemplate = u(templatelist[i]) templatelist[i] = f(templatelist[i], **kwargs) if oldTemplate != u(templatelist[i]) and f not in activeFilters: activeFilters.append(f) if returnActive: return templatelist, activeFilters return templatelist def linkTextFilter(subfilters, l, linksafe=False, **kwargs): if l.getType() == u'internal' and l.getLink().find(u':') == -1 and pageFilter(l.getLink()): if linksafe: l.setLink(sFilter(subfilters, l.getLink(), **kwargs)) if l.getLabel().find(u':') == -1: l.setLabel(sFilter(subfilters, l.getLabel(), **kwargs)) return l def linkDomainSub(fromDomain, toDomain, link, **kwargs): domainR = compileRegex(r'^(https?://(?:[-\w]+\.)*)' + u(re.escape(fromDomain)) + r'(\S+)$') toDomain = u(toDomain) if link.getType() == 'external': linkInfo = if linkInfo: link.setLink(u( + toDomain + u( return link def linkDomainFilter(fromDomain, toDomain): return curry(linkDomainSub, fromDomain, toDomain) def regexes(rs): return curry(regSub, rs) def regex(reg, replace): return regexes({reg: replace}) def dumbReplaces(rs): return setFilterName(curry(dumbReplacement, rs), u'DumbReplacements(' + u(rs) + u')') def dumbReplace(subject, replacement): return setFilterName(dumbReplaces({subject: replacement}), u'DumbReplacement(' + u(subject) + u' \u2192 ' + u(replacement) + u')') def wordRegex(word, **kwargs): flags = None if type(word) in (type(()), type([])): flags = word[1] word = word[0] word = u(re.sub(r'[-_ ]+', r'[-_ ]', u(word))) word = u(r"(?<![\u00E8-\u00F8\xe8-\xf8\w])(?<!'')(?<!" + r'"' + ")(?:\\b|(?<=[ \\[\\]\\(\\):;.,\"'*\\xab\\xbb])|^)" + word + r"(?:\b(?![\u00E8-\u00F8\xe8-\xf8\w])(?!''|" + r'"' + ")|(?=[ \\[\\]\(\\):;.,\"'*\\xab\\xbb])|$)") if flags is None: return word return (word, flags) def wordFilter(correct, *badwords, **kwargs): correct = u(correct) rs = {} badwords2 = [] for i in badwords: if type(i) in (type(()), type([])): badwords2.extend(map(u, i)) else: badwords2.append(u(i)) if not len(badwords2): badwords2.append(correct) for w in badwords2: if 'keepcapitalization' in kwargs and kwargs['keepcapitalization']: if type(w) not in (type(()), type([])): w = (w, 0) else: w = (w[0], 0) rs[wordRegex(w, **kwargs)] = correct rs[wordRegex((w[0][0].swapcase() + w[0][1:], w[1]), **kwargs)] = correct[0].swapcase() + correct[1:] else: rs[wordRegex(w, **kwargs)] = correct return setFilterName(regexes(rs), u'WordFilter(' + u'/'.join(badwords2) + u' \u2192 ' + correct + u')') def enforceCapitalization(*words, **kwargs): for w in words: addSafeFilter(setFilterName(wordFilter(u(w)), u'EnforceCapitalization(' + u(w) + u')'), **kwargs) pageFilters = [] pageWhitelist = [] categoryFilters = [] def pageFilter(page): global pageFilters, pageWhitelist if type(page) in (type(()), type([])): pages = [] for p in page: if pageFilter(p): pages.append(p) return pages if type(page) not in (type(u''), type('')): page = page.title page = u(page) if page in pageWhitelist: return True for f in pageFilters: if return False return True def categoryFilter(page): global categoryFilters pageCategories = page.getCategories() for c in pageCategories: if u(c).replace(u'_', ' ') in categoryFilters: return False return True def addPageFilter(*filters): global pageFilters for f in filters: pageFilters.append(compileRegex(f)) def addBlacklistPage(*pages): for p in pages: addPageFilter(re.escape(u(p))) def addWhitelistPage(*pages): global pageWhitelist for p in pages: if type(p) in (type([]), type(())): addWhitelistPage(*p) elif u(p) not in pageWhitelist: pageWhitelist.append(u(p)) def addBlacklistCategory(*categories): global categoryFilters for c in categories: categoryFilters.append(u(c).replace(u'_', ' ')) def loadBlacklist(): global config for l in page(config['pages']['blacklist']).getLinks(): l = u(l) if l.find(u':') != -1: if l[:l.find(u':')].lower() == 'category': addBlacklistCategory(l) continue addBlacklistPage(l) filters = { 'regular': [], 'safe': [], 'link': [], 'template': [], 'file': [] } def addFilterType(filterType, *fs, **kwargs): global filters for f in fs: f = (f, kwargs) if f not in filters[filterType]: filters[filterType].append(f) def delFilterType(filterType, *fs, **kwargs): global filters for f in fs: f = (f, kwargs) if f in filters[filterType]: filters[filterType].remove(f) def addFilter(*fs, **kwargs): addFilterType('regular', *fs, **kwargs) def delFilter(*fs, **kwargs): delFilterType('regular', *fs, **kwargs) def addSafeFilter(*fs, **kwargs): addFilterType('safe', *fs, **kwargs) def delSafeFilter(*fs, **kwargs): delFilterType('safe', *fs, **kwargs) def addLinkFilter(*fs, **kwargs): addFilterType('link', *fs, **kwargs) def delLinkFilter(*fs, **kwargs): delFilterType('link', *fs, **kwargs) def addTemplateFilter(*fs, **kwargs): addFilterType('template', *fs, **kwargs) def delTemplateFilter(*fs, **kwargs): delFilterType('template', *fs, **kwargs) def addFileFilter(*fs, **kwargs): addFilterType('file', *fs, **kwargs) def delFileFilter(*fs, **kwargs): delFilterType('file', *fs, **kwargs) def filterRepr(filters): s = [] reprRegex = compileRegex(r'^<function (\S+)') for f in filters: if type(f) in (type([]), type(())) and not len(f[1]): f = f[0] # Omit parameters if there are none try: name = f.filterName s.append(name) except: res = if res: filterR = u( if filterR not in s: s.append(filterR) elif u(f) not in s: s.append(u(f)) if not len(s): return u'Built-in filters' # Link simplification, template formatting, etc return u', '.join(s) def fixContent(content, article=None, returnActive=False, **kwargs): global filters content = u(content) oldcontent = u'' loopTimes = 0 redirect = False activeFilters = [] if len(content) > 9: redirect = content[:9] == u'#REDIRECT' if article is not None: article = page(article) while not loopTimes or content != oldcontent: loopTimes += 1 if loopTimes > 2: print 'Pass', loopTimes, 'on', article if loopTimes >= config['pagePasses']: print 'Warning: More than', config['pagePasses'], 'fix passes on article', u(article.title) break oldcontent = content # Apply unsafe filters content, activeF = sFilter(filters['regular'], content, returnActive=True, article=article, redirect=redirect) activeFilters.extend(activeF) # Apply safe filters content, safelist = safeContent(content) content, templatelist = templateExtract(content) content, linklist = linkExtract(content) content, activeF = sFilter(filters['safe'], content, returnActive=True, article=article, redirect=redirect) activeFilters.extend(activeF) extraLinks = setFilterName(curry(linkTextFilter, filters['safe']), u'(Content filters applied to links)') addLinkFilter(extraLinks) if not redirect: linklist, activeF = linkFilter(filters['link'], linklist, returnActive=True, article=article, redirect=redirect) activeFilters.extend(activeF) content = linkRestore(content, linklist) templatelist, activeF = templateFilter(filters['template'], templatelist, returnActive=True, article=article, redirect=redirect) activeFilters.extend(activeF) content = templateRestore(content, templatelist) content = safeContentRestore(content, safelist) delLinkFilter(extraLinks) if article is not None and u(article.title)[:5] == 'File:': # Apply file filters content, activeF = sFilter(filters['file'], content, returnActive=True, article=article, redirect=redirect) activeFilters.extend(activeF) if returnActive: return content, activeFilters return content def fixPage(article, **kwargs): article = page(article) force = False if 'force' in kwargs and kwargs['force']: force = True try: catFilter = categoryFilter(article) except print 'No such page:', article return False except: catFilter = True if not force and (not pageFilter(article) or not catFilter): print 'Skipping:', article return originalContent = u(article.getWikiText()) content, activeFilters = fixContent(originalContent, returnActive=True, article=article) if content != originalContent: print article, 'needs to be updated.' summary = u'Auto: ' + filterRepr(activeFilters) if 'reason' in kwargs: summary += u' (' + u(kwargs['reason']) + u')' if 'fake' in kwargs: print '-------- New content is: --------' print content print '---------------------------------' else: editPage(article, content, summary=summary) return True print article, 'is up-to-date.' return False def patrol(change): global config secondsElapsed = (datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.strptime(change['timestamp'], r'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')))) totalTime = secondsElapsed.seconds + secondsElapsed.days * 86400 if int(change['rcid']) <= config['runtime']['rcid'] or not pageFilter(change['title']) or totalTime <= config['freshnessThreshold']: print 'Skipping', change['rcid'], change['title'] if int(change['rcid']) > config['runtime']['rcid']: config['runtime']['rcid'] = int(change['rcid']) return print 'Patrolling', change['title'] config['runtime']['rcid'] = int(change['rcid']) result = fixPage(change['title'], reason=u'Review RC#' + u(change['rcid'])) updateRCID() def loadPage(p): p = page(p) try: code = u(p.getWikiText()) except: error('Couldn\'t grab page', p) coderegex = compileRegex(r'^(?: [^\r\n]*(?:[\r\n]+|$))+', re.MULTILINE) trimcode = compileRegex(r'^ |</?nowiki>', re.MULTILINE) for m in coderegex.finditer(code): try: exec(trimcode.sub(u'', u( except: error('Error while parsing code: ', def patrolChanges(): try: recentChanges = wikitools.api.APIRequest(wiki(), { 'action':'query', 'list':'recentchanges', 'rctoken':'patrol', 'rclimit':'500' }).query(querycontinue=False)[u'query'][u'recentchanges'] recentChanges.reverse() except: error('Error while trying to grab recent changes.') uniquePages = [] uniqueChanges = {} for change in recentChanges: if change['title'] not in uniquePages: uniquePages.append(change['title']) if change['title'] not in uniqueChanges or uniqueChanges[change['title']]['rcid'] < change['rcid']: uniqueChanges[change['title']] = change # Move page to end of queue uniquePages.remove(change['title']) uniquePages.append(change['title']) for title in uniquePages: change = uniqueChanges[title] try: patrol(change) except KeyboardInterrupt: error('Interrupted:', change) except: warning('Failed to patrol change:', change) print 'Done patrolling.' def parsePageRequest(l, links=[]): l = u(l) content = [] selfContent = u'* [[:' + l + u']]' if l.find(u':'): if l[:l.find(u':')].lower() == 'category': subpages = wikitools.category.Category(wiki(), l[l.find(u':')+1:]).getAllMembers(titleonly=True) for s in subpages: if s not in links: links.append(s) newLink, links = parsePageRequest(s, links=links) content.append(newLink) if len(content): selfContent += u'\r\n' + u'\r\n'.join(content) return selfContent, links def doPageRequests(force=False): global config print 'Executing page requests. Force =', force if force: requestPageTitle = config['pages']['pagerequestsforce'] else: requestPageTitle = config['pages']['pagerequests'] requestPage = page(requestPageTitle) reqre = compileRegex(r'^\*[\t ]*\[\[:?([^][]+)\]\]', re.MULTILINE) originalRequests = u(requestPage.getWikiText()) requests = originalRequests matches = [] links = [] for m in reqre.finditer(requests): matches.append(m) l = u( if l not in links: links.append(l) matches.reverse() for m in matches: pagelink, links = parsePageRequest(u(, links=links) requests = requests[:m.start()] + pagelink + requests[m.end():] requests = regSub({r'^[ \t]*(\*[^\r\n]+)[\r\n]+(?=^[ \t]*\*)':'$1\r\n'}, requests) reqre2 = compileRegex(r'^\*[\t ]*\[\[:?([^][]+)\]\]\s*', re.MULTILINE) matches2 = [] requestsDone = 0 tooMany = False for m in reqre2.finditer(requests): requestsDone += 1 if requestsDone > config['maxrequests']: tooMany = True break matches2.append(m) matches2.reverse() tofix = [] for m in matches2: tofix.append(u( requests = requests[:m.start()] + requests[m.end():] tofix.reverse() for p in tofix: fixPage(p, reason=u'Requested on [[:' + u(requestPageTitle) + u']]', force=force) requests = regSub({r'^[ \t]*(\*[^\r\n]+)[\r\n]+(?=^[ \t]*\*)':'$1\r\n'}, requests) if len(tofix) and originalRequests != requests: if tooMany: editPage(requestPage, requests, summary=u'Processed: [[:' + u']], [[:'.join(tofix) + u']]') else: editPage(requestPage, requests, summary=u'Finished all requests. Processed: [[:' + u']], [[:'.join(tofix) + u']]') def parseLocaleFile(content, language='english', languages={}): content = u(content) language = u(language) if content.find('Tokens') != -1: content = content[content.find('Tokens')+6:] regexSplit = compileRegex('\n(?=\s*")', re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE) content = regexSplit.split(content) regexLang = compileRegex(r'^"\[([-\w]+)\]([^"\s]+)"\s+"([^"]*)"', re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE) regexNoLang = compileRegex(r'^"([^[][^"\s]+)"\s+"([^"]*)"', re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE) for l in content: l = u(l.strip()) curlang = None key, value = None, None langRes = if langRes: curlang = u( key, value =, else: langRes = if langRes: curlang = language key, value =, if curlang is not None: if u(key) not in languages: languages[u(key)] = {} languages[u(key)][curlang] = u(value) else: pass return languages def languagesFilter(languages, commonto=None, prefix=None, suffix=None, exceptions=[]): filtered = {} for k in languages: if k in exceptions: continue if commonto is not None: doit = True for i in commonto: if i not in languages[k]: doit = False break if not doit: continue if prefix is not None: doit = False for i in prefix: if k.lower()[:len(i)] == i.lower(): doit = True break if not doit: continue if suffix is not None: doit = False for i in suffix: if k.lower()[-len(i):] == i.lower(): doit = True break if not doit: continue filtered[u(k)] = languages[k] return filtered def readLocaleFile(f): return u(f.decode('utf16')) def associateLocaleWordFilters(languages, fromLang, toLang, targetPageLang=None): for a in languages: f = wordFilter(languages[a][toLang], languages[a][fromLang]) if targetPageLang is None: addSafeFilter(f) else: addSafeFilter(f, language=targetPageLang) def getRandBits(): return random.getrandbits(128) def getFileHash(filename): h = hashlib.md5() f = open(filename, 'rb') for i in f.readlines(): h.update(i) f.close() return u(h.hexdigest()) def deleteFile(*fs): for f in fs: try: os.remove(f) except: pass def programExists(programName): try: result =['which', programName]) return result == 0 except: return False def run(): global config print 'Bot started.' loadPage(config['pages']['filters']) for p in sys.argv[1:]: print 'Forced update to', p, '...' fixPage(p) loadBlacklist() patrolChanges() updateRCID() doPageRequests(force=True) doPageRequests(force=False) updateEditCount() runScheduledTasks() try: import rcNotify rcNotify.main(once=True) except: pass try: subprocess.Popen(['killall', 'cpulimit']).communicate() except: pass print 'All done.' if __name__ == '__main__': run()