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[''The camera shows the BLU [[Medic/zh-hant|醫護兵]] as the Engineer, Scout, Demoman, Soldier and Heavy walk past behind him. The Medic pets a dove - possibly [[Archimedes/zh-hant|阿基米德]] - with one finger before setting it aside and falling into step alongside the others.'']
[''鏡頭拍到藍隊[[Medic/zh-hant|醫護兵]],而工程師、偵查兵、爆破兵、火箭兵及重裝兵從他身後走過。 醫護兵用手指撫摸他的寵物鴿子(可能是[[Archimedes/zh-hant|阿基米德]])將鴿子放置一旁隨後跟著其他人一起走。'']
[''The dove flies outside and lands on a pole. It coos and watches the six mercenaries walk towards the fog.'']
[''The group continues down the same road the Heavy was watching at the beginning, stopping at a railroad crossing. A pair of enormous headlights are seen through the fog, steadily growing closer. The Heavy tenses as the vehicle rolls closer.'']
[''由重裝兵起頭向相同道路前進的小隊,停在平交道上。透過迷霧看到一對巨大的車頭燈,漸漸地接近。 The Heavy tenses as the vehicle rolls closer.'']
[''The Heavy begins to hyperventilate from fear or anger; the Scout blows a bubblegum bubble, which bursts. The Soldier begins to thumb the pin on a frag grenade as the Engineer pumps his remaining shotgun.'']
[''The Medic rotates the drum on his [[Syringe Gun/zh-hant|注射槍]] and the Demoman fixes the sights on his [[Grenade Launcher/zh-hant|榴彈發射器]] before raising it to look down the barrel.'']
[''醫護兵轉動他的[[Syringe Gun/zh-hant|注射槍]]滾筒,爆破兵扳開[[Grenade Launcher/zh-hant|榴彈發射器]]的瞄具做試瞄動作。'']
[''The gargantuan vehicle closes in, and electricity arcs from it. A line of light slices across the front of the vehicle and it begins to lower a ramp.'']
[''Silent forms are shown standing in a line inside, and smoke and mist roll around them.'']
[''Electricity sparks up one of the figures; the entire line begins to move, rattling, as machine-like grinding noises are heard.'']
[''The camera moves closer to reveal the figures, which are shown to be robotic versions of almost the entire team. The robots stand straight, blue eyes flaring to life row by row.'']
[''The team lean forward in anticipation. Upon seeing the Robot Heavy, the RED Heavy lets out a roar of rage and charges; the rest of the team charge along with him.'']
[''The camera pans to show a seemingly endless horde of robots rolling out of the vehicle and towards the charging team, moving back before displaying the Mann Co. logo. The logo is then stamped and bolted with a "MACHINE" plaque covering the "Products" text and branded with "VS" over the "Co." text, forming "MANN VS MACHINE".'']
[''鏡頭運鏡展現出這一群機器人永無止境般的從車輛內出現,到最後出現曼恩企業的標誌,再把"機器"匾額蓋住"產品介紹"用螺絲鎖上,然後將"VS."烙印在"企業"兩字上,形成了"曼恩 vs. 機器"。'']
[''Text reading "CO-OP: August 15th" is displayed over a black screen.'']
[''The camera fades back in to show the group successfully fighting off the horde of robots. Heavy footsteps approach. The team slowly turns to face this new threat as the helmet and right arm of an giant Soldier are shown before the camera cuts to black.'']

Revision as of 07:11, 26 August 2012

曼恩 vs. 機器更新預告片
Mann Vs Machine Video.png
釋出日期: 2012/8/13
長度: 3:01



  • 影片場景採用改良過的 Viaduct
  • 偵查兵在影片 0:35 時拿著 睡魔,但是在 0:53 變成了球棒,接著又在 2:20 變回睡魔。
  • 一張來自專訪間諜中間諜與偵查兵母親的照片,可以看見在 1:08 時出現在籌碼的右邊。
  • 爆破兵衣服上的職業徽章是舊版的"炸藥"圖形。
  • 爆破兵從重裝兵手上拿到散彈槍,即使他不會使用。接著在戰鬥場景時變成榴彈發射器
  • 工程師散彈槍在戰鬥過程中 2:39 變成了邊疆正義,而且射擊聲聽起來像是戰慄時空2裡古格利神父的散彈槍。
  • 工程師拿起兩把散彈槍時同時上了膛,但在重裝兵把槍交給爆破兵後又再次上膛。
  • 影片 0:49 火箭兵與爆破兵玩撲克牌時出現一個水壺在桌上,直到火箭兵離開時還留在桌上, 2:44 時水壺又出現在火箭兵的腰帶上。
  • 火箭兵的手榴彈在0:47插進了桌子。
  • 醫護兵醫療槍背包在 1:19 時都還在,但在 1:22 時突然消失,之後又在 1:37 時出現。
  • 戰鬥要塞打開艙門的聲音和補給器建造的聲音相同。
  • 所有機器人離開載具的速度都一樣,而不是以個別職業的速度移動。
  • 曼恩企業的箱子上印有口號 We ship products and get in fights(無戎不售,無戰不破), 只在 2:29 短短的一瞬間出現。