Difference between revisions of "Scripting/zh-hant"

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* config.cfg - 這是默認的配置文件,當你在選項裏面做出更改時,便會將設定儲存在此文件。
* config.cfg - 這是默認的配置文件,當你在選項裏面做出更改時,便會將設定儲存在此文件。編輯此文件沒有風險,但在啟動遊戲時會影響到修改過的按鍵配置。每次啟動遊戲時會在其他設置讀取之前優先讀取。
** config_default.cfg - 這份文件包含了一組基本的按鍵配置,如果 config.cfg 不存在時就會被執行作為備份。
* autoexec.cfg - 這是儲存玩家設定的配置文件,你可以把巨集或指令儲存在此文件。當config.cfg和autoexec.cfg都有相同的指令時,遊戲會以autoexec.cfg為准
* autoexec.cfg - 這是儲存玩家設定的配置文件,你可以把巨集或指令儲存在此文件。當config.cfg和autoexec.cfg都有相同的指令時,遊戲會以autoexec.cfg為准
* <class>.cfg - 每個兵種都有一個配置文件,你可以將綁定鍵位的指令儲存在這些文件。當你選擇了相應的兵種後,相應文件的指令便會執行。需要注意的是,若在文件中使用了開關類型的指令時作用會被保留,直到執行反向指令為止。
* <class>.cfg - 每個兵種都有一個配置文件,你可以將綁定鍵位的指令儲存在這些文件。當你選擇了相應的兵種後,相應文件的指令便會執行。
若在 Windows 系統,巨集文件能在下列資料夾找到:<br/>
<code><Steam Folder>/SteamApps/common/team fortress 2/tf/cfg</code><br/>
若在 Mac 系統,巨集文件能在下列資料夾找到:<br/>
<code>~/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/team fortress 2/tf/cfg</code><br/>
若在 Linux 系統,巨集文件能在下列資料夾找到:<br />
<code>~/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Team\ Fortress\ 2/tf/cfg</code><br />
Since the SteamPipe update, code can also be placed in
<code>.../team fortress 2/tf/custom/yourfoldernamehere/cfg</code>
The following is a list of commands which have no use apart from scripting; they do not influence gameplay directly.
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最簡單的語法是 bind 指令,能夠影響按鍵執行的動作,該動作可以是個設定、指令或腳本。
<code>bind [KEY] [COMMAND]</code><br />
可以加上雙引號在按鍵名稱或指令的左右。<br />
* 鍵盤按鍵: 鍵盤名稱
* Left Shift: SHIFT
* Left Ctrl: CTRL
* Left Alt: ALT
* Right Shift: RSHIFT
* Right Control: RCTRL
* Right Alt: RALT
* Tab: TAB
* Backspace: BACKSPACE
* ---
* Insert: INS
* Scroll Lock: SCROLLLOCK
* Pause/Break: NUMLOCK
* ---
* Home: HOME
* End: END
* Delete: DEL
* Page Up: PGUP
* Page Down: PGDN
* ---
* Up Arrow: UPARROW
* Down Arrow: DOWNARROW
* Left Arrow: LEFTARROW
* Right Arrow: RIGHTARROW
* Numpad Keys: Names of Keybinds
* 0: KP_INS
* 1: KP_END
* 3: KP_PGDN
* 5: KP_5
* 7: KP_HOME
* 9: KP_PGUP
* Enter: KP_ENTER
* ".": KP_DEL 
* "+": KP_PLUS
* "-": KP_MINUS
* "/":KP_SLASH
* 鼠標滾輪方向: 名稱
* Mouse Wheel Up: MWHEELUP
* Mouse Wheel Down: MWHEELDOWN
<code>bind [KEY] "[COMMAND 1]; [COMMAND 2]; [COMMAND 3]"</code><br />
* bind KP_ENTER "voicemenu 0 1"
綁定有兩種形式:<br />
<code>bind "e" "Voicemenu 0 0"</code><br />
<code>bind "w" "+forward"</code><br />
此綁定是當玩家按住不放 {{key|W}} 鍵後能夠讓玩家前進。
<code>toggle "sv_cheats" 0 1</code>
'''bind "q" "sv_alltalk 1"'''
功能和 toggle 相同,只是綁定到一個按鍵上。
<code>bindtoggle o "sv_cheats" 0 1</code>
注意:若無設定數值,toggle 和 bindtoggle 則會默認數值為 0 與 1。
* disguise X Y - 這是快速偽裝的指令  X是代表兵種的編號;Y是團隊的編號
* voicemenu X Y - 這是快速發出語音的指令,相當於系統預設按E鍵呼叫[[Medic/zh-hant|醫護兵]]
<code>bind MWHEELUP "incrementvar fov_desired 75 90 1"<br />
bind MWHEELDOWN "incrementvar fov_desired 75 90 -1"</code><br />
此範例能讓玩家向上滾動滑鼠滾輪時增加[[field of view/zh-hant|視野]],向下滾動則減少。<br />
''註:'' Incrementvar 指令如果讓數值超出或變得過小時會重複循環。在此範例中,如果視野超過 90 則會下降到 75 ,反之亦然。
假如"voicemenu 1 1"是發現Spy的指令,那麼:
Alias 可以將多項指令以一個名稱代替,成為一個有效用的簡寫名稱。當一系列的指令需要被重複執行時會非常有用。<br />
''註:'' Alias 名稱不能包含空格。可以包含下底線、數字或符號。 Alias 會區分大小寫。<br />
'''bind "t" "voicemenu 1 1"'''
<code>alias Call_For_Medic "Voicemenu 0 0"<br />
bind "e" "Call_For_Medic"</code><br />
此巨集是一個簡單的綁定,功能是當玩家按下 {{key|E}} 後會觸發『Medic!』語音指令。<br />
<code>alias "+Diagonal" "+moveleft; +back"<br />
alias "-Diagonal" "-moveleft; -back"<br />
bind "z" "+Diagonal"</code><br />
此巨集可以讓玩家斜向移動,按下 {{key|Z}} 玩家會往左後方斜著走。
'''警告:下列寫法不會有作用'''<br />
<code>bind "z" "+moveleft; +back"</code><br />
雖然按 {{key|Z}} 可以讓玩家往左邊及後方移動,但遊戲引擎不會反轉 +back 指令,導致放開 {{key|Z}} 後玩家不會停止向後移動。
:'''command "<argument1>" "incrementvar <argument2> X Y Z"'''
<code>exec autoexec.cfg</code><br />
此巨集將會讀取 autoexec.cfg 文件內的巨集。
<code>echo Scripting is; echo very useful.</code><br />
如果將分號(;)加在文字之間則會顯示 <code>Scripting isvery useful.</code> 。
<code>echo " Scripting is very useful.  "</code><br />
:'''bind "n" "incrementvar net_graphpos 1 3 1"'''
''註:'' 雙引號是無法顯示的符號,因為它的用途會被曲解。
此指令可使遊戲等待所設定的 FPS 數值後才執行下一個指令。<br />
''註:'' 這項指令對應的實際時間取決於伺服器的處理速率。<br />
'''警告: Wait 指令在部分伺服器禁用。這會導致某些巨集失效,並且(在極少數的情況下)讓遊戲當機。請看 [[#Wait-testing|Wait Testing]] 避免這種情況發生。'''
<code>echo Why did the chicken cross the road?; wait 66; echo To get to the other side!</code><br />
This script will wait 66 frames (1 second on most servers) before printing the punchline.
! width="45%" <!-- Main keyboard -->|
! width="4%" <!-- Spacing -->|
! width="20%" <!-- Special keys -->|
! width="1%" <!-- Spacing -->|
! width="25%" <!-- Keypad 1 -->|
! width="5%" <!-- Keypad 2 -->|
:'''bind "c" "+duck"
{{tooltip|{{key|⇪ Caps}}|CAPSLOCK}}
{{tooltip|{{key|&nbsp; ↵ &nbsp; }}|ENTER}}
{{tooltip|{{key| &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Spacebar &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; }}|SPACE}}
{{tooltip|{{key|Menu}}|Cannot be bound}}
|<!-- Spacing -->
{{tooltip|{{key|PrtScn}}|Cannot be bound}}
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; {{tooltip|{{key|&uarr;}}|UPARROW}}
&nbsp; &nbsp; {{tooltip|{{key|&larr;}}|LEFTARROW}}
|<!-- Spacing -->
'''alias "aliasname" "command1; command2; command3"'''
{{Scripting Numpad}}
! align="left"| 滑鼠按鍵
! 按鍵名稱
| 滾輪上滑
| 滾輪下滑
| 左鍵
| 右鍵
| 點擊滾輪
| 左側鍵(下一頁)
| 右側鍵(上一頁)
'''bind "key" "aliasname"'''
當按下aliasname後,command1; command2; command3就會按順序執行。
{{Main|vdc:List_of_TF2_console_commands_and_variables|l1=TF2 指令及值數列表(英)}}
'''bind "key" namescroll'''<br>
'''alias namescroll "firstname" '''<br>
'''alias firstname "setinfo name "First_name"; alias namescroll secondname" '''<br>
'''alias secondname "setinfo name "Second_name"; alias namescroll thirdname"'''<br>
'''alias thirdname "setinfo name "Third-name"; alias namescroll firstname"'''<br>
'''disguise <class_number> <team_number>
*1 <class_number>
Aliases can be used in conjunction with the Wait command to create looping aliases.<br>
*:1: 偵察兵
*:2: 狙擊手
*:3: 火箭兵
*:4: 爆破兵
*:5: 醫護兵
*:6: 重裝兵
*:7: 火焰兵
*:8: 間諜
*:9: 工程師
'''alias "Loop" "echo Looping every 150 ticks.;wait 150;Loop"'''<br>
*2 <team_number>
*:1: 藍隊
*:2: 紅隊
*:-1: 敵隊
*:-2: 同隊
*第一行建立別名loop,在控制台顯示Looping every 150 ticks後,等待150幀後再次執行別名loop
'''build <building_number><br>
'''destroy <building number>
'''alias "Loop1" "echo Loop 1;wait 150;Loop2"'''<br>
*Number: Building/Destroying
'''alias "Loop2" "echo Loop 2;wait 150;Loop1"'''<br>
*:0: 補給器
*:1: 傳送裝置入口
*:2: 步哨防禦槍/迷你戰鬥步哨
*:3: 傳送裝置出口
'''alias "Loop1" "echo Loop1;wait 150;Loop2"'''<br>
'''alias "Loop2" "Loop1"'''<br>
'''alias "Loop2"'''<br>
您可以利用這些按鈕按下(通過 + / - 前綴覆蓋更早)是這樣的:<br>
  '''alias sentry "destroy 2; build 2"<br>
'''alias "Loop2" "Loop1"'''<br>
  '''alias Dispenser "destroy 0; build 0"<br>
'''alias "Loop1" "echo Loop1;wait 150;Loop2"'''<br>
  '''alias entrance "destroy 1; build 1"<br>
'''alias "+Loop" "alias Loop2 Loop1;Loop2"'''<br>
  '''alias exit "destroy 3; build 3"<br>
'''alias "-Loop" "alias Loop2"'''<br>
  '''bind f1 sentry<br>
'''bind "<Key>" "+Loop"'''<br>
  '''bind f2 dispenser<br>
  '''bind f3 entrance<br>
  '''bind f4 exit<br>
創建別名-Loop,-Loop執行命令alias Loop2<br>
== 有用的指令 ==
Line 239: Line 349:
*0 <phrase_number>
*0 <phrase_number>
*:0: 醫生!
*:0: 醫生!
*:1: 謝謝
*:1: 謝謝!
*:2: Go
*:2: 前進! 前進! 前進!
*:3: Move Up
*:3: 往前!
*:4: Flank Left
*:4: 往左走
*:5: Flank Right
*:5: 往右走
*1 <phrase_number>
*1 <phrase_number>
*:0: Incoming
*:0: 敵人來襲
*:1: Spy!
*:1: Spy!
*:2: 前方有步哨
*:2: 前方有步哨!
*:3: 這裡需要步哨防禦槍!
*:3: 這裡需要傳送裝置
*:4: 這裡需要傳送裝置!
*:4: 這裡需要補給器
*:5: 這裡需要補給器!
*:5: 這裡需要步哨
*:6: Activate ÜberCharge
*:6: 啟動 ÜberCharge!
*:7: (只有Medic可以使用)ÜberCharge Ready
*:7: (只有Medic可以使用)ÜberCharge 就緒
*2 <phrase_number>
*2 <phrase_number>
*:0: Help
*:0: 幫我!
*:1: Battlecry
*:1: 戰鬥咆哮
*:2: Cheers
*:2: 乾杯
*:3: Jeers
*:3: 嘲弄
*:4: Positive
*:4: 收到
*:5: Negative
*:5: 不行
*:6: Nice Shot
*:6: 打得好
*:7: Good Job
*:7: 幹得好
*<code>clear</code> 清除控制台的所有訊息。
*<code>alias</code> 列出所有目前定義的別名。
*<code>fov_desired (75-90)</code> 設置[[field of view/zh-hant|視野]]距離。
*<code>viewmodel_fov </code> 設置武器模型的視野,默認範圍為 54~70 之間。
*<code>r_drawviewmodel (0/1)</code> 顯示(1) 或隱藏(0) 武器模型。
*<code>lastdisguise</code> 使玩家偽裝成上一次偽裝的職業。 <small>(間諜專用)</small>
*<code>load_itempreset [0, 1, 2, 3]</code> 更換自訂的 [A, B, C, D] 裝備欄位。
*<code>say "message"</code> 發送公開的聊天訊息。
*<code>say_team "message"</code> 發送隊伍聊天訊息。
*<code>+taunt</code> 玩家會進行嘲諷動作。
*<code>+use_action_slot_item</code> 玩家會使用動作欄位所裝備的物品。
*<code>volume (0-1)</code> 改變遊戲中的音量。
It is possible to bind a key to toggle a command which would otherwise be a press and hold command.
<code>bind w toggle<br />
alias toggle "enable"<br />
alias enable "alias toggle disable; +forward"<br />
alias disable "alias toggle enable; -forward"</code><br />
This script will cause a press of {{key|W}} to keep the player moving forward until {{key|W}} is pressed again.
===Key combinations===
It is possible to create a script where pressing one button while another is held down will change the action of the first button.
<code>bind e call<br />
alias call Call_For_Medic<br />
alias Call_For_Medic "Voicemenu 0 0"<br />
alias Call_For_Ubercharge "Voicemenu 1 6"</code><br />
At this point, the script will mean that every time {{key|E}} is pressed, the player will call for a Medic. It also has an unused alias to call for an [[Ubercharge]].<br />
<code>bind shift +toggleState<br />
alias +toggleState "alias call Call_For_Ubercharge"<br />
alias -toggleState "alias call Call_For_Medic</code><br />
Now, pressing {{Key|Shift}} will redirect <code>call</code> to ask for an ubercharge. Releasing {{Key|Shift}} will make <code>call</code> point back at a Medic call.<br />
When {{Key|Shift|E}} is pressed, the player will call for an Ubercharge, rather than for a Medic.
'''disguise <class_number> <team_number>
由於 <code>wait</code> 指令是一些巨集不可缺少的部分,利用此指令查看伺服器是否能使用等待指令。
<code>alias waitTester "alias waitTest waitPositive; wait; waitTest"<br />
alias wait "alias waitTest waitNegative"<br />
alias waitPositive "echo Wait is enabled on this server.; exec waitPositive.cfg"<br />
alias waitNegative "echo Wait is DISABLED on this server!; exec waitNegative.cfg"<br />
waitTester</code><br />
This script relies on the fact that if the wait command is disabled on a server, the alias named <code>wait</code> can be defined by the user. Thus, the script creates an alias named <code>waitTest</code> which by default points to <code>waitPositive</code>, but if <code>wait</code> is not allowed (and can thus be defined by the user), will be redirected to <code>waitNegative</code>.
'''Warning: Loops which run without a wait command will cause the TF2 client to hang. It is highly suggested to run a looping script only after a wait testing script.'''<br />
It is generally considered bad form to have one alias point to itself, as although the loop can be broken out of, it cannot be reset. Therefore, looping scripts tend to include two parts to the loop: The part that waits, and the part that loops.
*1 <class_number>
<code>bind g "loopKey"<br />
*:1: Scout
alias loopKey startLoop<br />
*:2: Sniper
alias startLoop "alias loopKey stopLoop; +attack; alias redirect loop; loop"<br />
*:3: Soldier
alias stopLoop "-attack; alias redirect; alias loopKey startLoop"<br />
*:4: Demoman
alias loop "+left; wait 33; +right; wait 33; redirect"<br />
*:5: Medic
alias redirect loop</code><br />
*:6: Heavy
*:7: Pyro
*:8: Spy
*:9: Engineer
*2 <team_number>
This script will start looping once {{Key|G}} is pressed. It begins by firing, and then switches the player's view back and forth every 33 frames (1second on most servers). Pressing {{Key|G}} would cause the next iteration of the loop to stop, also stopping the firing.
*:1: BLU team
*:2: RED team
*:-1: Opposite team
*:-2: Same team
<!--old trans
*第一行建立別名loop,在控制台顯示Looping every 150 ticks後,等待150幀後再次執行別名loop
'''build <building_number><br>
'''destroy <building number>
'''alias "Loop1" "echo Loop 1;wait 150;Loop2"'''<br>
'''alias "Loop2" "echo Loop 2;wait 150;Loop1"'''<br>
*Number: Building/Destroying
*:0: Dispenser
'''alias "Loop1" "echo Loop1;wait 150;Loop2"'''<br>
*:1: Teleporter Entrance
'''alias "Loop2" "Loop1"'''<br>
*:2: Sentry Gun/Minisentry
*:3: Teleporter Exit
'''alias "Loop2"'''<br>
您可以利用這些按鈕按下(通過 + / - 前綴覆蓋更早)是這樣的:<br>
'''alias "Loop2" "Loop1"'''<br>
'''alias "Loop1" "echo Loop1;wait 150;Loop2"'''<br>
'''alias "+Loop" "alias Loop2 Loop1;Loop2"'''<br>
'''alias "-Loop" "alias Loop2"'''<br>
'''bind "<Key>" "+Loop"'''<br>
創建別名-Loop,-Loop執行命令alias Loop2<br>
  '''alias sentry "destroy 2; build 2"<br>
<code>bind g "loopKey"<br />
  '''alias Dispenser "destroy 0; build 0"<br>
alias loopKey startLoop<br />
  '''alias entrance "destroy 1; build 1"<br>
alias startLoop "alias loopKey stopLoop; +attack; alias redirect loop; loop"<br />
  '''alias exit "destroy 3; build 3"<br>
alias stopLoop "-attack; alias redirect; alias loopKey startLoop"<br />
  '''bind f1 sentry<br>
alias loop "+left; wait 33; +right; wait 33; redirect"<br />
  '''bind f2 dispenser<br>
alias redirect loop</code><br />
  '''bind f3 entrance<br>
  '''bind f4 exit<br>
This script will start looping once {{Key|G}} is pressed. It begins by firing, and then switches the player's view back and forth every 33 frames (1second on most servers). Pressing {{Key|G}} would cause the next iteration of the loop to stop, also stopping the firing.
===Medic Radar===
===Medic Radar===
This set of aliases and commands will temporarily boost the [[Medic/zh-hant|Medic]]'s autocall threshold to 150% (a fully-overhealed player)for as long as they hold a key down, allowing him to see where all of his teammates are by their [[Medic/zh-hant|Medic]] autocall speech bubbles in the event he finds himself alone.
This set of aliases and commands will temporarily boost the [[Medic/zh-hant|Medic]]'s autocall threshold to 150% (a fully-overhealed player)for as long as they hold a key down, allowing him to see where all of his teammates are by their [[Medic/zh-hant|Medic]] autocall speech bubbles in the event he finds himself alone.
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====Gloves of Running Urgently Scripts====
The [[Gloves of Running Urgently]] used to drain 6 health per second while active. However, jumping preserved the speed bonus granted by this weapon and did not require the weapon to be active. Simple scripting allowed for the player to quickly switch to the gloves, jump, and then switch away.
{{Patch name|6|27|2012}}: Replaced the damage over time of the Gloves of Running Urgently with a time-delayed [[mini-crit]] de-buff.
===Current Scripts===
====Idling Scripts====
Most servers seek to prevent players idling for [[Item drop system|drops]]. Players can try to outsmart these systems with scripts that simulate basic movement.
====Weapon Hiding Scripts====
[http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=11105 An Active Solution to an Idle Threat] requires players to accept a pop-up notification in order to continue to get drops.
There are a large number of scripts which toggle the weapon display option depending on which weapon slot is selected for a class. Players often make their guns invisible to clear up the screen, but make items like melee weapons, PDAs, watches and so forth visible because these models indicate important information. For example, the [[Spy/zh-hant|Spy]] relies heavily on his visible model to determine when he is cloaked, when his Cloak is disturbed, and when the [[Dead Ringer/zh-hant|Dead Ringer]] activates. Other classes use the melee animations to judge when their attacks will hit.
====Weapon Viewmodel Hiding Scripts====
There are a large number of scripts which toggle the weapon viewmodel depending on which weapon slot is selected for a class. Players often make their viewmodels invisible to clear up the screen, but make items like melee weapons, PDAs, watches, and so forth visible because these models indicate important information. For example, the [[Spy]] relies heavily on his viewmodel to determine when he is cloaked, when his Cloak is disturbed, and when the [[Dead Ringer]] activates. Other classes use the melee animations to judge when their attacks will hit.
====Sentry Jumping Scripts====
====Sentry Jumping Scripts====
Since the [[Engineer Update]], Engineers have been able to pack up and carry their [[Sentry Gun]]s. Simultaneously introduced in the update, the [[Wrangler]] allows Engineers to [[Sentry jump]] with their Sentry rockets. With extremely fast inputs, it was discovered that a player could Sentry jump and successfully pack up their Sentry before they were launched away.
Since the [[Engineer/zh-hant|Engineer]] update, Engineers have been able to pack up and carry their [[Sentry Gun/zh-hant|Sentry Gun]]s. Simultaneously, the [[Wrangler/zh-hant|Wrangler]] allowed Engineers to [[Sentry jump/zh-hant|Sentry jump]] with their Sentry rockets.  With extremely fast inputs, it was discovered that a player could Sentry jump and successfully pack up their Sentry before they were launched away.
While a human can repeat this feat, it is difficult. Some players made scripts which could reliably execute the commands in the right order at the right speed allowing them to make a Sentry jump while carrying their Sentry every time.
While a human can repeat this feat, it's difficult and sometimes inconsistent.  Some players made scripts which could reliably execute the commands in the right order at the right speed.  They can make a Sentry jump while carrying their Sentry every time.
''Note:'' The [[Rescue Ranger]] can circumvent this necessity, as it can pick up buildings at range for 130 metal.
====Gunslinger Scripts====
====Gunslinger Scripts====
Since it can be troublesome to destroy then rebuild a [[Combat Mini-Sentry]] in the heat of battle through the PDA, some players have scripted the destruction and rebuilding of their Combat Mini-Sentry with the click of one or two mouse buttons. Such a script is especially useful when using the [[Frontier Justice]], as the player gains practically instant access to revenge crits when needed.
對於一些對於喜歡不同的靈敏度和控制的巨集(例如,改變偵察兵,這就需要高靈敏度去快速轉動和操作,對於狙擊手,鼓勵使用低靈敏度精確瞄準這樣一隻手無意抽搐的時候不會偏離你的目標太大).  These scripts alter their control schemes and mouse settings on a per class or even per weapon basis.
Since it can be troublesome to destroy then rebuild a Combat Mini-Sentry in the heat of battle through the PDA, some players have scripted the destruction and rebuilding of their Mini-Sentry with the click of one or two mouse buttons.
====Charge Dash Scripts====
Since timing a charge and jump can be difficult, some players may use a quick script that binds the two actions to a button so that the charge dash will cover the maximum amount of distance possible. The player is still required to swing their melee weapon normally to end the charge though.
====Quickscope Scripts====
Many players find it difficult to scope in and fire straight after to get a quick headshot. There are scripts that will zoom in and fire just by clicking one mouse button. This does require players to aim outside of the scope, though.
====Rocket Jump Scripts====
In order to Rocket Jump to a maximum height or distance, it is required that the player jumps, crouches, and fires their rocket at roughly the same time. This can be easily scripted to occur with the press of a button.
對於一些對於喜歡不同的靈敏度和控制的巨集(例如,改變偵察兵,這就需要高靈敏度去快速轉動和操作,對於狙擊手,鼓勵使用低靈敏度精確瞄準這樣一隻手無意抽搐的時候不會偏離你的目標太大).  These scripts alter their control schemes and mouse settings on a per class or even per weapon basis.
====Kill-bind Scripts====
In certain circumstances is it beneficial for a class to be able to kill themselves. Although mostly only relevant in competitive play, there are occasional uses in public servers.
== 參見 ==
== 參見 ==
* [[List of useful console commands/zh-hant|List of useful console commands]]
* [[List of useful console commands/zh-hant|有用的主控台指令]]
* [[Customizing#tf.5Ccfg.5Cconfig default.cfg|Customizing - config_default.cfg]]: The default key-binds within TF2.

Latest revision as of 12:32, 28 April 2015





  • config.cfg - 這是默認的配置文件,當你在選項裏面做出更改時,便會將設定儲存在此文件。編輯此文件沒有風險,但在啟動遊戲時會影響到修改過的按鍵配置。每次啟動遊戲時會在其他設置讀取之前優先讀取。
    • config_default.cfg - 這份文件包含了一組基本的按鍵配置,如果 config.cfg 不存在時就會被執行作為備份。
  • autoexec.cfg - 這是儲存玩家設定的配置文件,你可以把巨集或指令儲存在此文件。當config.cfg和autoexec.cfg都有相同的指令時,遊戲會以autoexec.cfg為准
  • <class>.cfg - 每個兵種都有一個配置文件,你可以將綁定鍵位的指令儲存在這些文件。當你選擇了相應的兵種後,相應文件的指令便會執行。需要注意的是,若在文件中使用了開關類型的指令時作用會被保留,直到執行反向指令為止。


若在 Windows 系統,巨集文件能在下列資料夾找到:
<Steam Folder>/SteamApps/common/team fortress 2/tf/cfg
若在 Mac 系統,巨集文件能在下列資料夾找到:
~/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/team fortress 2/tf/cfg
若在 Linux 系統,巨集文件能在下列資料夾找到:
~/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Team\ Fortress\ 2/tf/cfg
Since the SteamPipe update, code can also be placed in .../team fortress 2/tf/custom/yourfoldernamehere/cfg


The following is a list of commands which have no use apart from scripting; they do not influence gameplay directly. 這是一個語法的規則:

  • 無論是綁定或別名,你都要按照以下格式來編寫:
命令 <argument1> <argument2>
  • 目前有三種命令可供選擇:
  • bind - 用於將指令綁定到鍵位
  • alias - 可以將多個指令綁定成別名來一次性執行
  • exec - 可以讓客戶端加載其他配置文件
  • <argument1> 可以是鍵位的名稱或創建別名的名稱
  • <argument2> 可以是被綁定的指令或別名的指令
  • 要一次執行多條指令,你必須將所以指令用引號括住,例如:
alias "spraynpray" "+attack; wait 500; -attack"
bind "mouse3" "spraynpray"
  • 按mouse3後,開始執行別名spraynpray,然後別名spraynpray會讓你的武器進行攻擊,接著等待500幀,最後停止射擊。


最簡單的語法是 bind 指令,能夠影響按鍵執行的動作,該動作可以是個設定、指令或腳本。

bind [KEY] [COMMAND]

bind [KEY] "[COMMAND 1]; [COMMAND 2]; [COMMAND 3]"

bind "e" "Voicemenu 0 0"

bind "w" "+forward"
此綁定是當玩家按住不放 W 鍵後能夠讓玩家前進。


這項巨集可以設置兩個或兩個以上值的指令進行切換。 toggle "sv_cheats" 0 1


功能和 toggle 相同,只是綁定到一個按鍵上。 bindtoggle o "sv_cheats" 0 1

注意:若無設定數值,toggle 和 bindtoggle 則會默認數值為 0 與 1。



bind MWHEELUP "incrementvar fov_desired 75 90 1"
bind MWHEELDOWN "incrementvar fov_desired 75 90 -1"

註: Incrementvar 指令如果讓數值超出或變得過小時會重複循環。在此範例中,如果視野超過 90 則會下降到 75 ,反之亦然。


Alias 可以將多項指令以一個名稱代替,成為一個有效用的簡寫名稱。當一系列的指令需要被重複執行時會非常有用。
註: Alias 名稱不能包含空格。可以包含下底線、數字或符號。 Alias 會區分大小寫。

alias Call_For_Medic "Voicemenu 0 0"
bind "e" "Call_For_Medic"

此巨集是一個簡單的綁定,功能是當玩家按下 E 後會觸發『Medic!』語音指令。

alias "+Diagonal" "+moveleft; +back"
alias "-Diagonal" "-moveleft; -back"
bind "z" "+Diagonal"

此巨集可以讓玩家斜向移動,按下 Z 玩家會往左後方斜著走。

bind "z" "+moveleft; +back"
雖然按 Z 可以讓玩家往左邊及後方移動,但遊戲引擎不會反轉 +back 指令,導致放開 Z 後玩家不會停止向後移動。



exec autoexec.cfg
此巨集將會讀取 autoexec.cfg 文件內的巨集。



echo Scripting is; echo very useful.
如果將分號(;)加在文字之間則會顯示 Scripting isvery useful. 。 或將文字用雙引號包住,如下例

echo " Scripting is very useful. "

註: 雙引號是無法顯示的符號,因為它的用途會被曲解。


此指令可使遊戲等待所設定的 FPS 數值後才執行下一個指令。
註: 這項指令對應的實際時間取決於伺服器的處理速率。
警告: Wait 指令在部分伺服器禁用。這會導致某些巨集失效,並且(在極少數的情況下)讓遊戲當機。請看 Wait Testing 避免這種情況發生。

echo Why did the chicken cross the road?; wait 66; echo To get to the other side!
This script will wait 66 frames (1 second on most servers) before printing the punchline.



ESC F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12

` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = Delete

Tab ⇆ Q W E R T Y U I O P [ ] \

⇪ Caps A S D F G H J K L ; '   ↵  

⇧ Shift Z X C V B N M , . / ⇧ Shift

Ctrl Alt       Spacebar       ≣ Menu Ctrl

PrtScn ScrLk Pause

Insert Home PgUp

Delete End PgDn



Num / * -
7 8 9 +
4 5 6
1 2 3
    0     .
滑鼠按鍵 按鍵名稱
點擊滾輪 MOUSE3
左側鍵(下一頁) MOUSE4
右側鍵(上一頁) MOUSE5


主條目: TF2 指令及值數列表(英)




disguise <class_number> <team_number>



  • 1 <class_number>
    1: 偵察兵
    2: 狙擊手
    3: 火箭兵
    4: 爆破兵
    5: 醫護兵
    6: 重裝兵
    7: 火焰兵
    8: 間諜
    9: 工程師
  • 2 <team_number>
    1: 藍隊
    2: 紅隊
    -1: 敵隊
    -2: 同隊




build <building_number>
destroy <building number>



  • Number: Building/Destroying
    0: 補給器
    1: 傳送裝置入口
    2: 步哨防禦槍/迷你戰鬥步哨
    3: 傳送裝置出口


 alias sentry "destroy 2; build 2"
alias Dispenser "destroy 0; build 0"
alias entrance "destroy 1; build 1"
alias exit "destroy 3; build 3"
bind f1 sentry
bind f2 dispenser
bind f3 entrance
bind f4 exit





voicemenu <menu_number> <phrase_number>



  • 0 <phrase_number>
    0: 醫生!
    1: 謝謝!
    2: 前進! 前進! 前進!
    3: 往前!
    4: 往左走
    5: 往右走
    6: 好
    7: 不
  • 1 <phrase_number>
    0: 敵人來襲
    1: Spy!
    2: 前方有步哨!
    3: 這裡需要傳送裝置
    4: 這裡需要補給器
    5: 這裡需要步哨
    6: 啟動 ÜberCharge!
    7: (只有Medic可以使用)ÜberCharge 就緒
  • 2 <phrase_number>
    0: 幫我!
    1: 戰鬥咆哮
    2: 乾杯
    3: 嘲弄
    4: 收到
    5: 不行
    6: 打得好
    7: 幹得好


  • clear 清除控制台的所有訊息。
  • alias 列出所有目前定義的別名。
  • fov_desired (75-90) 設置視野距離。
  • viewmodel_fov 設置武器模型的視野,默認範圍為 54~70 之間。
  • r_drawviewmodel (0/1) 顯示(1) 或隱藏(0) 武器模型。
  • lastdisguise 使玩家偽裝成上一次偽裝的職業。 (間諜專用)
  • load_itempreset [0, 1, 2, 3] 更換自訂的 [A, B, C, D] 裝備欄位。
  • say "message" 發送公開的聊天訊息。
  • say_team "message" 發送隊伍聊天訊息。
  • +taunt 玩家會進行嘲諷動作。
  • +use_action_slot_item 玩家會使用動作欄位所裝備的物品。
  • volume (0-1) 改變遊戲中的音量。



It is possible to bind a key to toggle a command which would otherwise be a press and hold command.

bind w toggle
alias toggle "enable"
alias enable "alias toggle disable; +forward"
alias disable "alias toggle enable; -forward"

This script will cause a press of W to keep the player moving forward until W is pressed again.

Key combinations

It is possible to create a script where pressing one button while another is held down will change the action of the first button.

bind e call
alias call Call_For_Medic
alias Call_For_Medic "Voicemenu 0 0"
alias Call_For_Ubercharge "Voicemenu 1 6"

At this point, the script will mean that every time E is pressed, the player will call for a Medic. It also has an unused alias to call for an Ubercharge.
bind shift +toggleState
alias +toggleState "alias call Call_For_Ubercharge"
alias -toggleState "alias call Call_For_Medic

Now, pressing ⇧ Shift will redirect call to ask for an ubercharge. Releasing ⇧ Shift will make call point back at a Medic call.
When ⇧ Shift+E is pressed, the player will call for an Ubercharge, rather than for a Medic.


由於 wait 指令是一些巨集不可缺少的部分,利用此指令查看伺服器是否能使用等待指令。

alias waitTester "alias waitTest waitPositive; wait; waitTest"
alias wait "alias waitTest waitNegative"
alias waitPositive "echo Wait is enabled on this server.; exec waitPositive.cfg"
alias waitNegative "echo Wait is DISABLED on this server!; exec waitNegative.cfg"

This script relies on the fact that if the wait command is disabled on a server, the alias named wait can be defined by the user. Thus, the script creates an alias named waitTest which by default points to waitPositive, but if wait is not allowed (and can thus be defined by the user), will be redirected to waitNegative.


Warning: Loops which run without a wait command will cause the TF2 client to hang. It is highly suggested to run a looping script only after a wait testing script.
It is generally considered bad form to have one alias point to itself, as although the loop can be broken out of, it cannot be reset. Therefore, looping scripts tend to include two parts to the loop: The part that waits, and the part that loops.

bind g "loopKey"
alias loopKey startLoop
alias startLoop "alias loopKey stopLoop; +attack; alias redirect loop; loop"
alias stopLoop "-attack; alias redirect; alias loopKey startLoop"
alias loop "+left; wait 33; +right; wait 33; redirect"
alias redirect loop

This script will start looping once G is pressed. It begins by firing, and then switches the player's view back and forth every 33 frames (1second on most servers). Pressing G would cause the next iteration of the loop to stop, also stopping the firing.

Medic Radar


 alias "autocall_default" "hud_medicautocallersthreshold "75""
alias "autocall_all" "hud_medicautocallersthreshold "150""
alias "+radar" "autocall_all"
alias "-radar" "autocall_default"
bind mouse3 "+radar"







Targe Turn Scripts


Valve之後對鍵盤指令做出相同限制,因此這個巨集再也沒有作用了。然而,還是可以寫出一個巨集,讓玩家在衝刺時有超高滑鼠靈敏度,在攻擊時恢復正常。It is also possible to turn easily while using a gamepad's analog sticks.



Gloves of Running Urgently Scripts

The Gloves of Running Urgently used to drain 6 health per second while active. However, jumping preserved the speed bonus granted by this weapon and did not require the weapon to be active. Simple scripting allowed for the player to quickly switch to the gloves, jump, and then switch away.

2012年6月27日更新: Replaced the damage over time of the Gloves of Running Urgently with a time-delayed mini-crit de-buff.

Idling Scripts

Most servers seek to prevent players idling for drops. Players can try to outsmart these systems with scripts that simulate basic movement.

An Active Solution to an Idle Threat requires players to accept a pop-up notification in order to continue to get drops.


Weapon Viewmodel Hiding Scripts

There are a large number of scripts which toggle the weapon viewmodel depending on which weapon slot is selected for a class. Players often make their viewmodels invisible to clear up the screen, but make items like melee weapons, PDAs, watches, and so forth visible because these models indicate important information. For example, the Spy relies heavily on his viewmodel to determine when he is cloaked, when his Cloak is disturbed, and when the Dead Ringer activates. Other classes use the melee animations to judge when their attacks will hit.

Sentry Jumping Scripts

Since the Engineer Update, Engineers have been able to pack up and carry their Sentry Guns. Simultaneously introduced in the update, the Wrangler allows Engineers to Sentry jump with their Sentry rockets. With extremely fast inputs, it was discovered that a player could Sentry jump and successfully pack up their Sentry before they were launched away.

While a human can repeat this feat, it is difficult. Some players made scripts which could reliably execute the commands in the right order at the right speed allowing them to make a Sentry jump while carrying their Sentry every time.

Note: The Rescue Ranger can circumvent this necessity, as it can pick up buildings at range for 130 metal.

Gunslinger Scripts

Since it can be troublesome to destroy then rebuild a Combat Mini-Sentry in the heat of battle through the PDA, some players have scripted the destruction and rebuilding of their Combat Mini-Sentry with the click of one or two mouse buttons. Such a script is especially useful when using the Frontier Justice, as the player gains practically instant access to revenge crits when needed.


對於一些對於喜歡不同的靈敏度和控制的巨集(例如,改變偵察兵,這就需要高靈敏度去快速轉動和操作,對於狙擊手,鼓勵使用低靈敏度精確瞄準這樣一隻手無意抽搐的時候不會偏離你的目標太大). These scripts alter their control schemes and mouse settings on a per class or even per weapon basis.

Charge Dash Scripts

Since timing a charge and jump can be difficult, some players may use a quick script that binds the two actions to a button so that the charge dash will cover the maximum amount of distance possible. The player is still required to swing their melee weapon normally to end the charge though.

Quickscope Scripts

Many players find it difficult to scope in and fire straight after to get a quick headshot. There are scripts that will zoom in and fire just by clicking one mouse button. This does require players to aim outside of the scope, though.

Rocket Jump Scripts

In order to Rocket Jump to a maximum height or distance, it is required that the player jumps, crouches, and fires their rocket at roughly the same time. This can be easily scripted to occur with the press of a button.

Kill-bind Scripts

In certain circumstances is it beneficial for a class to be able to kill themselves. Although mostly only relevant in competitive play, there are occasional uses in public servers.

