Haunted Metal Scrap

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Revision as of 01:16, 29 October 2010 by Spik3d (talk | contribs) (awkward phrasing)
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Template:Tool infobox Haunted Metal Scrap is obtainable in-game but only with the Unusual rarity, as part of the Scream Fortress Update. To obtain this item, you must land at least one blow on the Horseless Headless Horsemann with a melee weapon. If you die after hitting the headless horseman, before he dies, you will not get the achievement, unless you hit him again. You can only get one, as it is linked to the achievement, not simply by killing the Horseless Headless Horsemann with a melee weapon.


Main article: Crafting
Refined Metal Haunted Metal Scrap Result
Item icon Refined Metal.pngx4 + Backpack Haunted Metal Scrap.png = Item icon Unknown.png

Crafting 4 Refined Metals with a Unusual Haunted Metal Scrap will yield one of the 2 Halloween 2010 hats (Spine-Chilling Skull or Voodoo Juju)

Refined Metal Scotsman's Skullcutter Haunted Metal Scrap [[Unusual Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker|Template:Dictionary/items/unusual horseless headless horsemann's headtaker]]
Item icon Refined Metal.pngx2 + Item icon Scotsman's Skullcutter.png + Backpack Haunted Metal Scrap.png = Backpack Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker.png

Related Achievements

Collect the Horseless Headless Horsemann's Haunted Metal Scrap.


  • It is possible to have more than 1 Haunted Metal Scrap by Gift Wrapping it, which allows it to be traded.
  • It appears that the name of the Haunted Metal Scrap may be incorrect, as normal metal is named "Scrap Metal", not the other way around like it is spelled in the name of this item.
  • These recipes will still be active after the Halloween event has ended, however the "Gored" achievement will be disabled.