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Revision as of 09:32, 27 August 2021 by GrampaSwood (talk | contribs) (Should this page get a huge overhaul?: new section)
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Bot Strategy?

Should there be a paragraph or even a subsection on "anti-bot strategy" or something like that? Votekicks, Fists of Steel, Vaccinator, etc.? Kestrelguy (talk) 17:46, 31 December 2020 (UTC)

No, because it is pointless as the "Anti-Sniper strategy" covers it, but if you want to make one, create an user page to write it · Ashe (talk) 18:05, 31 December 2020 (UTC)
But Anti-Sniper Strategy doesn't cover it. A lot of it applies, but not all of it. Getting up close and personal with aimbots doesn't help in and of itself, because they don't panic and always hit their headshots. Speed doesn't help, either, because again, they always hit their shots. At the same time, they have been shown to have trouble hitting players using looping taunts (such as the Boston Boarder), even though they make players easy targets for a human. Additionally, you can't - or shouldn't, at least - votekick legitimate players, and things like changing the kick reason won't stop humans from disconnecting. Kestrelguy (talk) 19:01, 31 December 2020 (UTC)
No real need for an anti-bot strategy, as they should always be kicked and that would make for a very small strategy. This should be the only recommended strategy, but this should be obvious anything to anyone.
GrampaSwood (talk) 19:16, 31 December 2020 (UTC)
There's any number of reasons why a votekick might not go through, though. Sometimes people don't vote fast enough, and some bots travel in groups that make it difficult or impossible to votekick them. Kestrelguy (talk) 19:53, 31 December 2020 (UTC)
I think that due to the fact that it is humanly impossible to win against bots, since they will always outlast any human player, and since bots can come in all shapes and sizes, this strategy doesn't deserve a page of its own. However, you should still try and make one yourself if you think it's worth it. I think that this strategy should just be summarised in a few words under the section about bots. Spookbuster (talk) 20:01, 32 December 2020 (UTC)
My final statement: If we create a "Anti-Bot strategy", that actually should be "Anti-cheat strategy", 1. All the page would and should be summarized in "Don't bother, just leave the match". 2. Combatting cheaters is more like a "community thread" than a "gameplay problem or gameplay strategy". Remember that this page is not a fan/community wiki, this is a official wiki. 3. Valve can easily update/patch VAC and the bots are gone. 4. As I said, it would be pointless as the "technical things" that would be talked about would be the same as "how to counter a sniper" · Ashe (talk) 20:11, 31 December 2020 (UTC)

Should this page get a huge overhaul?

I don't think it's really a good thing to separate the cheats by working and not working, although I do get the reason for why this was included (So players know what kind of cheats they should look out for) however I don't really think it's that good of an idea. I remember in the past that people also didn't like this inclusion, so I thought I'd open a discussion for it. I've created a sandbox for me to make some changes in, I'd like to look at all of them to see which might include too detailed ways on how the cheat works (E.g. the fake aim one described exactly which angles were required), and also merge the types of cheats into 1 cheats section rather than "working" and "not working". Not sure what anyone else thinks of this, though.
GrampaSwood (talk) 09:32, 27 August 2021 (UTC)