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“ | 子彈當然是由槍口幼的那一端射出來的啦!
— 狙擊手對於擊中掃描武器的看法
” |
Bullet-based weapons (a list of which is given below) fire infinite lines. When fixed weapon spread is disabled, all bullet-based weapons (with the exception of the Ambassador) are affected by bullet-spread during a 1.25 second cooldown after firing a bullet, which causes bullets to move off-course to varying degrees. The Ambassador is the sole exception to this rule, and can fire a perfectly-accurate shot after a 0.8 second cooldown. Weapons that fire multiple pellets, like the Shotgun and Scout primaries guarantee a pellet straight down the crosshair if the weapon was not fired within the last 1.25 seconds. When fixed weapon spread is enabled, these weapons that fire mutliple pellets will use a fixed spread pattern that does not require a cooldown to be accurate. For example, the Shotgun uses a fixed 3x3 pattern when fixed spreads are enabled. If a weapon fires more than 9 pellets at once, fixed spread will cause multiple pellets to hit the same location.
Hitscan weapons have the ability to destroy enemy stickybombs once they're attached to a surface.
Template:Bullet hitscan weapons table/zh-hant