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军团要塞2长期的开发过程中,军团要塞最早被命名为Valve's Team Fortress,在后期又被命名为军团要塞2:兄弟连,游戏设计过程中开发团队希望游戏能更接近现实。Valve致力于使用最先进技术与技巧制作一款现代战争游戏,其中包括了参数化动画;更顺滑的无缝混合动画,更生动的动作;并且智能多分辨率网格技术将会动态地减少呈现的细节以此大大提升性能(一种已过时的降低内存占用的技术,至今的游戏采用相比之下占用更多内存但减少CPU工作量的技术)。



开发者解说中Robin Walker解释了为什么军团要塞2的开发如此费时。其中一个原因就是游戏中指挥官的平衡问题

In developing TF2 we tried out many many features, a few of which made it into the final product, but most of which were cut. For example, our initial versions of TF2 were focused on trying to build a game around the concept of a commander: a single player who had a real time strategy view of the battlefield. He would be responsible for building structures and providing a unifying strategy for the team. But there was significant design challenges involved. For instance, how do we design the game such that the commander can have fun and at the same time ensure that the players down on the ground can have fun? How do we ensure that the players and the commander value the output of each other? How do we ensure that the game is still fun if you have a terrible commander, or conversely, if you're a great commander with a terrible team? We spent many months working on these and other issues and never really reached a point where we were satisfied. In addition, our game has become overly complex, due to our attempts to add a strategy layer deep enough to warrant the addition of the commander in the first place. In the end, we made the hard decision to remove him from the game and moved on.
Robin Walker

指挥官,与其他一部分写实的特性,均在Team Fortress 2|军团要塞2'的开发中被废除并且最终正式转向了卡通化的设计