Difference between revisions of "Template:Strange item info"

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m (Added name back and replaced item icons)
m (Fix Norwegian grammar just a little bit)
(4 intermediate revisions by 4 users not shown)
Line 13: Line 13:
  | ko = 이상한 품질 정보
  | ko = 이상한 품질 정보
  | nl = Informatie over de Vreemde variant
  | nl = Informatie over de Vreemde variant
  | no = Informasjon om Merkelig Varianter
  | no = Informasjon om Merkelige varianter
  | pl = Informacje o wariancie w jakości kuriozum
  | pl = Informacje o wariancie w jakości kuriozum
  | pt = Informações sobre a variante Estranha
  | pt = Informações sobre a variante Estranha
  | pt-br = Informações sobre a variante Estranha
  | pt-br = Informações sobre a variante Estranha
| ro = Informații despre varianta Stranie
  | ru = Информация о варианте странного типа
  | ru = Информация о варианте странного типа
| sv = Information om den Märkliga varianten
  | tr = Garip Türü
  | tr = Garip Türü
  | zh-hant = 奇異屬性版本資訊
  | zh-hant = 奇異屬性版本資訊
Line 85: Line 87:
  | da = Kun den første statistik tæller til den [[Strange/da#Ranks|sære rang]].
  | da = Kun den første statistik tæller til den [[Strange/da#Ranks|sære rang]].
  | de = Nur die erste Statistik wird den [[Strange/de#Ränge|seltsamen Rang]] erhöhen.
  | de = Nur die erste Statistik wird den [[Strange/de#Ränge|seltsamen Rang]] erhöhen.
  | es = Solo cuenta la primera estadística para subir el nivel del [[Strange/es#Rangos|rango raro]].
  | es = Solo cuenta la primera estadística para subir el nivel del [[Strange/es#Rangos|rango de Calidad Rara]].
  | fi = Vain ensimmäinen tilasto lasketaan [[Strange/fi#Arvot|arvoa]] kohden.
  | fi = Vain ensimmäinen tilasto lasketaan [[Strange/fi#Arvot|arvoa]] kohden.
  | fr = Seule la première statistique est comptabilisée pour le [[Strange/fr#Rangs|rang étrange]]
  | fr = Seule la première statistique est comptabilisée pour le [[Strange/fr#Rangs|rang étrange]]
Line 96: Line 98:
  | pl = Tylko pierwsza statystyka liczy się przy nadawaniu [[Strange/pl#Rangi|rang]]
  | pl = Tylko pierwsza statystyka liczy się przy nadawaniu [[Strange/pl#Rangi|rang]]
  | pt-br = A [[Strange/pt-br#Ranks|classificação Estranha]] segue apenas o valor do primeiro contador.
  | pt-br = A [[Strange/pt-br#Ranks|classificação Estranha]] segue apenas o valor do primeiro contador.
| ro = Numai prima statistică este contează pentru [[Strange/ro#Ranks|rangul straniu]].
  | ru = Только первый счетчик учитывается при определении [[Strange/ru#Ranks|ранга]]
  | ru = Только первый счетчик учитывается при определении [[Strange/ru#Ranks|ранга]]
| sv = Bara den första statistiken räknas mot den [[Strange/sv#Ranks|märkliga rangen]].
  | tr = Sadece ilk istatistik [[Strange/tr#Dereceler|gariplik derecesi]] için sayılır.
  | tr = Sadece ilk istatistik [[Strange/tr#Dereceler|gariplik derecesi]] için sayılır.
  | zh-hant = 只有主要計數器會影響[[Strange/zh-hant|奇異等級]]的上升。  
  | zh-hant = 只有主要計數器會影響[[Strange/zh-hant|奇異等級]]的上升。  
Line 106: Line 110:
  | da = Dette våben er også tilgængelig som en sær [[Festive weapons/da|festlig]].
  | da = Dette våben er også tilgængelig som en sær [[Festive weapons/da|festlig]].
  | de = Diese Waffe gibt es in der seltsam [[Festive weapons/de|festlichen]] Variante.
  | de = Diese Waffe gibt es in der seltsam [[Festive weapons/de|festlichen]] Variante.
  | es = Esta arma también tiene una variante rara [[Festive weapons/es|festiva]].
  | es = Esta arma también tiene una variante de Calidad Rara [[Festive weapons/es|festiva]].
  | fi = Saatavilla kummallisena [[Festive weapons/fi|juhlavana]] versiona.
  | fi = Saatavilla kummallisena [[Festive weapons/fi|juhlavana]] versiona.
  | fr = Cette arme est également disponible en tant qu'arme [[Festive weapons/fr|festive]] Étrange.
  | fr = Cette arme est également disponible en tant qu'arme [[Festive weapons/fr|festive]] Étrange.
Line 117: Line 121:
  | pl = Dostępne jako kuriozalna wersja [[Festive weapons/pl|świąteczna]]
  | pl = Dostępne jako kuriozalna wersja [[Festive weapons/pl|świąteczna]]
  | pt-br = Disponível também em versão [[Festive weapons/pt-br|Festiva]] com a qualidade Estranha.
  | pt-br = Disponível também em versão [[Festive weapons/pt-br|Festiva]] com a qualidade Estranha.
| ro = Disponibil în calitatea Stranie în varianta [[Festive weapons/ro|Festivă]].
  | ru = Также доступен [[Festive weapons/ru|праздничный]] вариант этого оружия [[strange/ru|странного]] типа.
  | ru = Также доступен [[Festive weapons/ru|праздничный]] вариант этого оружия [[strange/ru|странного]] типа.
| sv = Tillgänglig som en Märklig [[Festive weapons/sv|Festlig]] variant.
  | tr = Garip [[Festive weapons/tr|Keyifli]] türü mevcuttur.
  | tr = Garip [[Festive weapons/tr|Keyifli]] türü mevcuttur.
  | zh-hant = 武器有奇異[[Festive weapons/zh-hant|聖誕]]武器的版本。
  | zh-hant = 武器有奇異[[Festive weapons/zh-hant|聖誕]]武器的版本。
Line 135: Line 141:
| no = Tiljengelig i merkelig [[Botkiller Weapons/no|botkiller]] variant.
| no = Tiljengelig i merkelig [[Botkiller Weapons/no|botkiller]] variant.
| pt-br = Disponível também em versões [[Botkiller Weapons/pt-br|Antirrobôs]].
| pt-br = Disponível também em versões [[Botkiller Weapons/pt-br|Antirrobôs]].
| ro = Disponibil în toate variantele [[Botkiller Weapons/ro|botkiller]] stranii.
| ru = Также доступен во всех версиях [[Botkiller weapons/ru|ботоубийцы]]
| ru = Также доступен во всех версиях [[Botkiller weapons/ru|ботоубийцы]]
| sv = Tillgänglig i märkliga [[Botkiller Weapons/sv|robotdödande]] varianter.
| tr = Bütün garip [[Botkiller Weapons/tr|robot katili]] çeşitlerinde mevcuttur.
| tr = Bütün garip [[Botkiller Weapons/tr|robot katili]] çeşitlerinde mevcuttur.
| zh-hans = 对于任何奇异[[Botkiller Weapons/zh-hans|机器人毁灭者]]式样也适用。
| zh-hans = 对于任何奇异[[Botkiller Weapons/zh-hans|机器人毁灭者]]式样也适用。
Line 144: Line 152:
  | de = Diese Waffe gibt es in der [[Australium weapons/de|Australium]]-Variante.
  | de = Diese Waffe gibt es in der [[Australium weapons/de|Australium]]-Variante.
  | es = Disponible también en versión de [[Australium weapons/es|Australium]].
  | es = Disponible también en versión de [[Australium weapons/es|Australium]].
| fr = Cette arme est disponible en tant qu'arme [[Australium weapons/fr|Australium]].
  | ja = この武器は[[Australium weapons/ja|オーストラリウム]]バージョンも存在します。
  | ja = この武器は[[Australium weapons/ja|オーストラリウム]]バージョンも存在します。
  | ko = [[Australium weapons/ko|오스트레일륨 무기]]로 얻을 수 있습니다.
  | ko = [[Australium weapons/ko|오스트레일륨 무기]]로 얻을 수 있습니다.
Line 149: Line 158:
  | pl = Dostępne we wszystkich wariantach kuriozum [[Australium weapons/pl|Australium]]
  | pl = Dostępne we wszystkich wariantach kuriozum [[Australium weapons/pl|Australium]]
  | pt-br = Disponível também em versão de [[Australium weapons/pt-br|Austrálio]].
  | pt-br = Disponível também em versão de [[Australium weapons/pt-br|Austrálio]].
| ro = Disponibil în varianta de [[Australium weapons/ro|Australium]].
  | ru = Доступен в варианте [[Australium weapons/ru|из австралия]].
  | ru = Доступен в варианте [[Australium weapons/ru|из австралия]].
  | tr = [[Australium weapons/tr|Avustralyum]] türü mevcuttur.
  | tr = [[Australium weapons/tr|Avustralyum]] türü mevcuttur.
| sv = Tillgänglig som en [[Australium weapons/sv|Australium]] variant.
  | zh-hans = 拥有[[Australium weapons/zh-hans|澳元素]]版本。
  | zh-hans = 拥有[[Australium weapons/zh-hans|澳元素]]版本。
Line 172: Line 183:
   | pl = Kompatybilne [[Strange Part/pl|kuriozalne części]]
   | pl = Kompatybilne [[Strange Part/pl|kuriozalne części]]
   | pt-br = [[Strange Part/pt-br|Peças Estranhas]] compatíveis
   | pt-br = [[Strange Part/pt-br|Peças Estranhas]] compatíveis
  | ro = Compatibil cu [[Strange Part/ro|părțile Stranii]]
   | ru = Совместимые [[Strange Part/ru|странные счетчики]]
   | ru = Совместимые [[Strange Part/ru|странные счетчики]]
   | tr = Uyumlu [[Strange Part/tr|Garip parçalar]]
   | tr = Uyumlu [[Strange Part/tr|Garip parçalar]]
  | sv = Kompatibla [[Strange Part/sv|Märkliga delar]]
   | zh-hant = 可搭配的[[Strange Part/zh-hant|奇異零件]]
   | zh-hant = 可搭配的[[Strange Part/zh-hant|奇異零件]]
   | zh-hans = 可装配的[[Strange Part/zh-hans|奇异武器升级部件]]
   | zh-hans = 可装配的[[Strange Part/zh-hans|奇异武器升级部件]]
Line 352: Line 365:
{{translation switching|en, de, no, ja, ko, pl, pt-br, ru, tr, zh-hans}}
{{translation switching|en, de, es, fr, no, ja, ko, pl, pt-br, ro, ru, sv, tr, zh-hans}}

Revision as of 18:17, 2 March 2024

Template documentation [view] [edit] [history] [purge]


Please remove the parameters that are left blank. See Parameters section below for documentation of all parameters.

{{Strange item info
 | item-name =
 | item-type =
 | rankson =
 | rankson2 = 
 | rankson3 =
 | festive =
 | botkiller =
 | australium =
 | can deal damage =
 | can deal gib damage =
 | can headshot =
 | can reflect projectiles =
 | can deal posthumous damage =
 | can extinguish =
 | can deal critical damage =
 | can be equipped by soldier or demo =
 | can destroy sappers =
 | can deal long range damage =
 | can deal taunt damage =
 | is cosmetic =
 | can heal allies =
 | notes =


Used only to over-ride the weapon name on language pages, so add the translated name under the parameter. If left blank will pull from the base page name and use the english weapon name.
The "type" of item as stated in the subtitle of the weapon. For example Jarate is Jar Based Karate. If left blank will look for basepagename, useful for stock weapon pages. The french translation for the line also shows an example of how to make it default to item-name when left blank, similarly useful for stock weapon pages.
The primary strange counter statistic. Inputs should be in lowercase and English, as the translations are automatically taken from the dictionary templates. Allowed inputs include:
  • kills
  • ubers
  • kill assists
  • sentry kills
  • sodden victims
  • spies shocked
  • heads taken
  • humiliations
  • deaths feigned
  • buildings sapped
  • tickle fights won
  • opponents flattened
  • seconds cloaked
  • health dispensed
  • allies teleported
Adds a secondary counter in brackets under the primary counter. Also adds a note under the backpack item template to remind the reader that only the primary counter will count towards the strange rank. Same inout rules as rankson above.
Adds a third counter in brackets under the secondary counter. Same inout rules as rankson and rankson2 above.
Puting anything in this input will add a note below the backpack item template about how this weapon is also available as a strange festive.
Functions exactly the same as festive.
Functions exactly the same as festive and botkiller.
att-#-positive / att-#-neutral / att-#-negative
Accepts the standard attribute inputs used in Template:Item infobox and Template:Backpack item. Used to show the backpack item panel as it would appear in game with all the weapon stats. Upto 6 inputs allowed.
Will add the input text inside the box above the strange part table, useful to put notes about the strange weapon behavior or special rankings.

Strange Part Parameters

These parameters control the crosses and ticks displayed in the strange part table. All default to yes. The parameters used are very similar to those set out in the Template:Strange part tags table with a few exceptions for specific types of weapons. Be sure to check the table for strange part compatability as some parts cannot be used on weapons despite their full functionailty.

can deal damage
Affects the Airborne Enemies Killed, Heavies Killed, Buildings Destroyed (unless overridden by can deal building damage), Full Moon Kills, Demomen Killed, Soldiers Killed, Domination Kills, Revenge Kills, Scouts Killed and Cloaked Spies Killed parts. Default is yes.
can deal building damage
Affects Buildings Destroyed strange part. Separated from can deal damage due to weapons such as the Mantreads and Chargin' Targe specifically being unable to destroy buildings. Default is yes.
can deal gib damage
Affects the Gib Kills strange part. Default is no.
can headshot
Affects the Headshot Kills strange part. Default is no.
can reflect projectiles
Affects the Projectiles Reflected strange part. Default is no.
can deal posthumous damage
Affects the Posthumous Kills strange part. Default is no.
can extinguish
Affects the Allies Extinguished strange part. Default is no.
can deal critical damage
Affects the Critical Kills strange part. Will use can deal damage if left blank. Default is yes.
can be equipped by soldier or demo
Affects the Kills While Explosive Jumping strange part. Default is no.
can destroy sappers
Affects the Sappers Destroyed strange part. Default is no.
can deal long range damage
Affects the Long-Distance Kills strange part. Default is no.
can deal taunt damage
Affects the Kills with a Taunt Attack strange part. Default is no.
is cosmetic
Affects the Freezecam Taunt Appearances and Fires Survived strange parts. Default is no.
can heal allies
Affects the Allied Healing Done strange part. Default is no.