Irvitzer the Toy Soldier

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Irvitzer the Toy Soldier
Basic information
Icon: User Irvitzer TSUlogo.png
Type: Support
Gender: Male
Health: 175
Speed: 100%
Birth place: Russia, Ekaterinburg
Native language: Russian
Team Fortress 2
Favourite classes: Pyro, Soldier, Medic
Favourite maps: ctf_2fort, ctf_turbine,
pl_badwater, mvm_mannhattan

I'm too lazy to make proper userpage, at least for this moment. Just look at the userboxes to know a bit about me here, and feel free to go on discussion page if you want to tell me or ask me something.


TF2 crosshair.png This user is a Team Fortress Wiki translator!
Edit icon.png This user is a Team Fortress Wiki editor.
Flag Russia.png This user is Russian. Beware of bears!
ru Для этого участника русский язык является родным.
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
de-1 Dieser Benutzer beherrscht Deutsch auf grundlegendem Niveau.
Medicava.jpg This user's edits are all part of a grandiose maniacal plan.
Vial Sharing Achievement Icon.jpg This user makes two edits and checks for reverts in the morning.
Dead heat.png This user has been an editor of the Team Fortress Wiki for 5349 days.

LargeEdit.jpg This user likes to edit articles in GIANT MAN chunks.


  • Personal sandbox to edit really huge pages.