Difference between revisions of "Template:Class weapons table heavy secondary"

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m (Jungle Inferno Update changed the Steak Sandvich, but was undocumented. changes fixed.)
Line 472: Line 472:
{{Con}}Gör 15% mindre skada.<br />
{{Con}}Gör 15% mindre skada.<br />
   | zh-hant =  
   | zh-hant =  
{{Pro}}彈膛大小增加 33%。<br />
{{Pro}}彈藥上膛數 +33%。<br />
{{Pro}}攻擊速度增快 15%。<br />
{{Pro}}攻擊速度變快 15%。<br />
{{Con}}傷害值減少 15%。<br />
{{Con}}傷害值 -15%。<br />
   | zh-hans =  
   | zh-hans =  
{{Pro}}弹匣容量增加 33%。<br />
{{Pro}}弹匣容量增加 33%。<br />
Line 540: Line 540:
   | zh-hant =  
   | zh-hant =  
{{Info}}只要持續按住主要開火鍵,重裝兵就會開始將子彈填入槍中,直到填滿為止或放開按鍵。<br />
{{Info}}只要持續按住主要開火鍵,重裝兵就會開始將子彈填入槍中,直到填滿為止或放開按鍵。<br />
{{Pro}}裝填彈藥時間加快 50%。<br />
{{Pro}}單發霰彈量 +50%。<br />
{{Pro}}切換至此武器的速度增快 50%。<br />
{{Pro}}切換至此武器的速度增快 50%。<br />
{{Pro}}開火速度增快 30%。<br />
{{Pro}}彈著分布固定。<br />
{{Pro}}射速會隨著生命值減少而增加。<br />
{{Con}}傷害值 -20%。<br />
{{Pro}}按住開火鍵可裝填至最多 4 發子彈。<br />
{{Con}}連續射擊時準度降低。<br />
{{Con}}彈丸散射程度會隨生命值減少而加大。<br />
   | zh-hans =  
   | zh-hans =  
{{Info}}按住开火键,装入子弹,并一直装子弹直到松开开火键。<br />
{{Info}}按住开火键,装入子弹,并一直装子弹直到松开开火键。<br />
Line 586: Line 585:
{{Info}}如果食用之前玩家受伤了,食用后需要大约 11 秒才能再次食用。<br />
{{Info}}如果食用之前玩家受伤了,食用后需要大约 11 秒才能再次食用。<br />
{{Info}}如果满血时玩家拿起任何一个医疗包,玩家也可马上补充好香蕉。<br />
{{Info}}如果满血时玩家拿起任何一个医疗包,玩家也可马上补充好香蕉。<br />
  | zh-hant =
{{Pro}}量表回復時間 -50%。<br />
{{Con}}治療效果 -33%。<br />
{{Info}}使用後可回復生命值。<br />
{{Info}}次要攻擊:與朋友分享你的香蕉(等同小型醫療包)。<br />

Revision as of 12:59, 24 October 2018


Weapon Kill icon Ammo
Damage Range Notes / Special Abilities
Killicon shotgun.png 6 32 Base: 60

Crit: 180

[6 damage × 10 pellets]

N/A 1 N/A Pictogram info.png With primary fire or taunt key, restores 300 health over about 4 seconds.

Pictogram info.png With secondary fire, throws it for another player to restore 50% health.
Pictogram info.png When thrown and then picked up, restores recharge bar.
Pictogram info.png If injured, after use it must recharge (over about 25.7 seconds or with any health pickup when at full health) to be used again.
Pictogram info.png If your health is full, collecting any health pickup will completely fill the recharge bar.

Dalokohs Bar
Dalokohs Bar
N/A 1 N/A Pictogram info.png With primary fire or taunt key, restores 100 health over about 4 seconds

Pictogram info.png With secondary fire, throws it for another player to restore 20.5% health.
Pictogram info.png When thrown and then picked up, restores recharge bar.
Pictogram info.png Raises maximum health by 50 points for 30 seconds.
Pictogram info.png If injured, after use it must recharge (over about 10 seconds) to be used again.
Pictogram info.png If your health is full, collecting any health pickup will completely fill the recharge bar.
Pictogram plus.png If used when player is at full health, grants 50 points of overheal.

Buffalo Steak Sandvich
Buffalo Steak Sandvich
N/A 1 N/A Pictogram info.png While under effect:
Pictogram plus.png  All damage dealt is Mini-Crits.
Pictogram plus.png  Grants 35% faster movement.
Pictogram minus.png  Player can only use melee weapons.
Pictogram minus.png  Damage taken is increased by 20%.

Pictogram info.png Effects last for 16 seconds.
Pictogram info.png With secondary fire, throws it for another player to restore 50% health.
Pictogram info.png When thrown and then picked up, restores recharge bar.
Pictogram info.png After use it must recharge (over about 25.7 seconds or with any health pickup when at full health) to be used again.
Pictogram info.png If your health is full, collecting any health pickup will completely fill the recharge bar.

Family Business
Family Business
Killicon family business.png 8 32 Base: 51

Crit: 153

[5.1 damage × 10 pellets]

Pictogram plus.png +33% clip size.

Pictogram plus.png +15% increased attack speed.
Pictogram minus.png -15% damage done.

Panic Attack
Panic Attack
Killicon panic attack.png 6 32 Base: 63

Crit: 189

[4.2 damage × 15 pellets]

Pictogram plus.png +50% bullets per shot.

Pictogram plus.png +50% faster weapon deploy time.
Pictogram plus.png Fires a fixed shot pattern.
Pictogram minus.png -20% damage penalty.
Pictogram minus.png Successive shots become less accurate.

Second Banana
Second Banana
N/A 1 N/A Pictogram info.png With primary fire or taunt key, restores 200 health over about 4 seconds

Pictogram info.png With secondary fire, throws it for another player to restore 20.5% health.
Pictogram info.png When thrown and then picked up, restores recharge bar.
Pictogram info.png If injured, after use it must recharge (over about 10 seconds) to be used again.
Pictogram info.png If your health is full, collecting any health pickup will completely fill the recharge bar.

This template is meant to be used in localized versions of the Heavy article, replacing current weapon tables.

Make sure that section Template:Dictionary/common_strings#class_weapon_tables is also translated to your language.