Difference between revisions of "Template:Class weapons table soldier primary"

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(Added/updated Finnish parts)
Line 128: Line 128:
{{Con}}Har 70% mindre explosionsradie.<br />
{{Con}}Har 70% mindre explosionsradie.<br />
   | zh-hant =  
   | zh-hant =  
{{Pro}}火箭速度加快 80%。<br/>
{{Pro}}傷害值 +25%。<br/>
{{Pro}}傷害值增加 25%。<br/>
{{Pro}}投射物速度 +80%。<br/>
{{Con}}減少 70% 爆炸範圍。<br/>
{{Con}}爆炸範圍 -70%<br/>
   | zh-hans =
   | zh-hans =
{{Pro}}火箭飞行速度增加 80%。<br/>
{{Pro}}火箭飞行速度增加 80%。<br/>
Line 199: Line 199:
{{Con}}Har en 25% mindre magasinstorlek.<br />
{{Con}}Har en 25% mindre magasinstorlek.<br />
   | zh-hant =  
   | zh-hant =  
{{Pro}}命中時可恢復 20 單位生命值。<br/>
{{Pro}}命中時:每次成功傷害生命值 +20 <br/>
{{Con}}彈膛容量減少 25%。<br/>
{{Con}}彈藥上膛數 -25%。<br/>
   | zh-hans =  
   | zh-hans =  
{{Pro}}击中时:每次攻击获得至多 20% 点生命值。<br/>
{{Pro}}击中时:每次攻击获得至多 20% 点生命值。<br/>
Line 324: Line 324:
{{Con}}+100% sårbarhet för eldskador för bäraren<br />
{{Con}}+100% sårbarhet för eldskador för bäraren<br />
   | zh-hant =  
   | zh-hant =  
{{Pro}}彈藥攜帶量增加 200%。<br/>
{{Pro}}裝備者次要武器彈藥最大值 +200%。<br />
{{Pro}}不會遭受自身造成的爆炸傷害。<br />
{{Con}}傷害值 -100%。<br />
{{Con}}無隨機爆擊。<br />
{{Info}}無隨機爆擊(純裝飾的特性,因為這武器不會造成傷害)。<br />
{{Con}}裝備者無法攜帶情報箱及傑克球。<br />
{{Info}}用於學習火箭跳技巧的特殊火箭發射器這武器不會造成傷害。<br />
  | zh-hans =  
  | zh-hans =  
{{Pro}}携弹数量从 20 增加为 60。<br/>
{{Pro}}携弹数量从 20 增加为 60。<br/>
Line 421: Line 422:
{{Con}}Har en 25% mindre magasinstorlek.<br />
{{Con}}Har en 25% mindre magasinstorlek.<br />
   | zh-hant =  
   | zh-hant =  
{{Pro}}彈膛容量增加 25%。<br/>
{{Pro}}彈藥上膛數 +25%。<br/>
{{Pro}}火箭速度加快 40%。<br/>
{{Pro}}投射物速度 +40%。<br/>
{{Pro}}[[Jumping/zh-hant#火箭兵的跳躍|火箭跳]]自我傷害減少 25%。<br/>
{{Pro}}[[Jumping/zh-hant#火箭兵的跳躍|火箭跳]]爆破傷害 -25% 。<br/>
{{Con}}傷害值減少 25%。<br/>
{{Con}}傷害值 -25%。<br/>
  | zh-hans =
  | zh-hans =
{{Pro}}弹匣容量加 25%。<br/>
{{Pro}}弹匣容量加 25%。<br/>
Line 573: Line 574:
{{Con}} Kan inte bli Kritiskt boostad.<br />
{{Con}} Kan inte bli Kritiskt boostad.<br />
   | zh-hant =  
   | zh-hant =  
{{Info}}次要攻擊:發射蓄氣光雷攻擊,使敵人承受[[mini-crits/zh-hant|小爆擊]]傷害,承受餘火傷害 6 秒,還能癱瘓建築物 4 秒。<br/>
{{Pro}}次要攻擊:發射出蓄氣光雷進行攻擊,對敵人有小爆擊傷害,使他們著火,還可癱瘓建築物 4
{{Con}}對建築物的傷害值只有原先的 20%<br/>
{{Con}}只能對建築物造成 20% 的傷害。<br/>
  | zh-hans =
  | zh-hans =
Line 707: Line 708:
{{Con}}Kan inte fylla på ammo från Utmatare<br />
{{Con}}Kan inte fylla på ammo från Utmatare<br />
   | zh-hant =  
   | zh-hant =  
{{Pro}}放開開火鍵可以一次射出所有裝載的火箭,開火速度增快 70%。<br/>
{{Con}}爆炸範圍 -20% 。<br/>
{{Con}}投射物飛行角度誤差增加 3 度。<br/>
{{Con}}投射物飛行角度誤差 +3 度。<br/>
{{Con}}裝彈速度減慢 30%。<br/>
{{Con}}減少 20% 爆炸範圍。<br/>
   | zh-hans =
   | zh-hans =
{{Pro}}按住开火键,装入火箭,最多 3 发。<br/>
{{Pro}}按住开火键,装入火箭,最多 3 发。<br/>
Line 827: Line 826:
{{Con}}-15% explosionsradie<br/>
{{Con}}-15% explosionsradie<br/>
   | zh-hant =  
   | zh-hant =  
{{Pro}}因火箭跳而受到的傷害減少 15%。<br/>
{{Pro}}火箭跳爆破傷害 -15%。<br/>
{{Con}}傷害值減少 15%。<br/>
{{Con}}傷害值 -15%。<br/>
{{Con}}減少 10% 爆炸範圍。<br/>
{{Con}}爆炸範圍 -10% <br/>
{{Con}}火箭跳時減少 20% 爆炸範圍。<br/>
  | zh-hans =
  | zh-hans =
{{Pro}}火箭跳跃受到的爆炸伤害降低 15%。<br/>
{{Pro}}火箭跳跃受到的爆炸伤害降低 15%。<br/>

Revision as of 13:55, 24 October 2018


Weapon Kill icon Ammo
Damage Range Notes / Special Abilities
Rocket Launcher
Rocket Launcher
Killicon rocket launcher.png 4 20 Base: 90

Crit: 270

Killicon original.png Pictogram info.png  Rockets fly straight down the crosshair from the center of the screen.
Direct Hit
Direct Hit
Killicon direct hit.png Base: 112

Crit: 338

Pictogram plus.png Has 80% faster rocket speed.

Pictogram plus.png Deals 25% more damage.
Pictogram plus.png Guarantees mini-crits damage on opponents sent airborne by an explosion, grapple hook, or enemy attack.
Pictogram minus.png Has 70% smaller splash damage radius.

Black Box
Black Box
Killicon black box.png 3 Base: 90

Crit: 270

Pictogram plus.png On hit: restores up to 20 health points.

Pictogram minus.png Has a 25% smaller clip size.

Rocket Jumper
Rocket Jumper
N/A 4 60 Base: 0

Crit: 0

Pictogram plus.png Grants the player 200% extra max primary ammo.

Pictogram plus.png No self inflicted blast damage taken.
Pictogram minus.png Unable to damage enemies.
Pictogram minus.png Unable to carry the intelligence and the PASS Time JACK
Pictogram info.png No random critical hits (purely cosmetic, as they don't inflict any damage either).

Liberty Launcher
Liberty Launcher
Killicon liberty launcher.png 5 20 Base: 68

Crit: 203

Pictogram plus.png +25% clip size.

Pictogram plus.png Has 40% faster rocket speed.
Pictogram plus.png -25% blast damage from rocket jumps.
Pictogram minus.png -25% damage penalty.

Cow Mangler 5000
Cow Mangler 5000
Killicon cow mangler 5000.png 4 Base:




Pictogram plus.png  Does not use ammo (replaced with an ammo meter).

Pictogram minus.png  No random Critical hits.
Pictogram minus.png  Deals only 20% damage to buildings.
Pictogram minus.png  Granted/earned Crits will converted to Mini-Crits instead.
Pictogram info.png  Secondary fire is a charged shot that:

Pictogram plus.png Mini-crits players.
Pictogram plus.png Causes enemies to suffer afterburn for 6 seconds.
Pictogram plus.png Disables buildings for 4 seconds.
Pictogram minus.png Empties entire ammo meter.
Pictogram minus.png Cannot be used unless ammo meter is full (secondary fire only)
Killicon fire.png
Beggar's Bazooka
Beggar's Bazooka
Killicon beggar's bazooka.png 3 20 Base: 90

Crit: 270

Pictogram plus.png Hold Fire to load up to three rockets.

Pictogram plus.png Release Fire to unleash the barrage at 70% increased fire rate.
Pictogram minus.png +3 degrees random projectile deviation.
Pictogram minus.png Overloading the chamber will cause a misfire.
Pictogram minus.png Cannot collect ammo from dispensers while active.
Pictogram minus.png -20% less explosion radius.

Air Strike
Air Strike
Killicon air strike.png 4-8 Base: 76

Crit: 230

Pictogram plus.png -15% damage from rocket jumps.

Pictogram plus.png Increased attack speed while blast jumping.
Pictogram plus.png Clip size increased on kill (up to +4).
Pictogram minus.png -15% damage penalty.
Pictogram minus.png -10% explosion radius.
Pictogram minus.png -20% explosion radius while blast jumping.

This template is meant to be used in localized versions of the Soldier article, replacing current weapon table.

Make sure that section Template:Dictionary/common_strings#class_weapon_tables is also translated to your language.