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== 基本可以算作是恶意行为的操作 ==
== 基本可以算作是恶意行为的操作 ==
The following items are almost always considered griefing, because it is generally the only reason to do them:
=== '''Other/Generic''' ===
=== '''其他/通用''' ===
*Intentionally pushing teammates off ledges in order to kill them or force them to waste time getting back up.
*Pushing teammates out of a Teleporter to make way for yourself, especially if you're a generally less important class. (e.g. a Sniper pushing a Medic out)
*Continuously obstructing a [[Sniper]]'s view by standing in front of them or using special effects (e.g. Flamethrower/smoke from disguising) to obscure their vision.
*Repeatedly killing the same player, and only the same player, in order to annoy them with no tactical reason for doing so.
*Deliberately opening one-way gates to allow the enemy team to pour through and destroy an attacking Engineer's buildings, including the Teleporter, forcing him to start from scratch and delay teammates from getting to the front line.
*[[Exploit]]s that impair the ability of others to play the game, such as forcing doors closed.
*Intentionally being worthless to your team. For example, standing in the same place, only using melee weapons, running straight into enemy fire, or intentionally glitching into the [[reference pose]].
*故意不为团队做出贡献。例如,一直站在同一处地方,或者只是用近战武器冲向敌人的火力,故意去卡[[reference pose/zh-hans|默认动作]]
*Attacking your own teammates for long stretches of time for no reason besides to annoy them, especially with the [[Frying Pan]].
*一直无意义的攻击队友和发出噪音,特别是使用[[Frying Pan/zh-hans|煎锅]]
*Following the same teammate around for no reason.
*Deliberately sending details to members of the enemy team of your team's defenses/weaknesses via private chat. This is also known as ghosting.
*Intentionally acting like a disguised Spy by avoiding spychecks and performing other suspicious actions.
* Playing loud, disturbing or otherwise distracting sounds over the voice chat.
* 在语音聊天中播放大声、恼人、令人分心的声音。
* Chat spam, with nonsensical or repetitive messages sent through the in-game text-based chat system.
* 滥用文字聊天,在文字聊天系统中发送无意义或重复的消息。
* Offensive [[voice chat|speech]], text, or [[sprays]].
* 恶意使用[[voice chat/zh-hans|语音]],文字和[[sprays/zh-hans|喷漆]]
* Impersonating a server admin.
* 假扮服务器管理员。
* Calling useless votes.
* 发起无用投票。
* Actively hunting a specific player so that they can never complete their contract. This is ALWAYS griefing.
* 专门去杀死特定的玩家使其无法完成合同。这是无可置疑的恶意行为。
=== {{Class link|Medic}} ===
=== {{Class link|Medic}} ===
*[[ÜberCharge|ÜberCharging]] teammates for no reason, such as Übering a Sniper that is in no danger, Übering teammates in the spawn room, etc.
*Refusing to heal certain or all teammates.
*Intentionally [[healing]] enemy [[Spy|Spies]] so that they are able to kill your teammates.
*Standing in water and using the [[Meet the Medic (taunt)|Meet the Medic]] taunt.
*站在水中使用[[Meet the Medic (taunt)/zh-hans|医生的英姿]]嘲讽。
*Intentionally ÜberCharging enemy Spies to protect them from damage.
*Intentionally and repeatedly healing disguised friendly Spies in order to disrupt their cover.
*Healing teammates while in a dangerous spot, then stopping for no reason other than for them dying.
=== {{Class link|Engineer}} ===
=== {{Class link|Engineer}} ===
* Placing Teleporters in bothersome locations
* 将传送器放在麻烦的地方。
**Using [[Teleporter]]s to trap your teammates in inescapable locations.
**Building Teleporters in between another [[Engineer]]'s [[Sentry Gun]] and [[Dispenser]], so that they cannot stand in the ideal spot without being teleported away (usually backwards).
**在另一个[[Engineer/zh-hans|工程师]][[Sentry Gun/zh-hans|步哨]][[Dispenser/zh-hans|补给器]]之间建造传送器,这样子玩家无法站在正确的位置来使用传送器(通常后方)
**Deliberately placing Teleporters across vital exits and entryways so it is impossible to pass them without being teleported.
**Placing Teleporters that lead to useless areas, or are just a few feet away from the entrance.
**Building Teleporter exits in your own base and placing the entrance in the enemies', allowing for Spy infiltration.
**Building Teleporters that lead to immediately dangerous areas, such as in front of Sentry Guns.
**Building a Teleporter entrance/exit in the direct path of a Sniper's strafing route (such as the battlements in [[2Fort]]) that go backwards and/or are counter-productive.
**Building a Teleporter entrance in front of another Engineer's exit, standing on top of the exit and pushing players towards the entrance, forcing players to re-take the teleporter.
*Setting up Sentry Guns and Dispensers in areas that the enemy cannot reach in order to irritate your teammates; for example, at the BLU team's setup/respawn area in [[Gravel Pit]].
*在敌人无法进入的地方建造步哨和补给器;例如,[[Gravel Pit/zh-hans|Gravel Pit]]的蓝队出生点。
*Wasting the metal from other Engineers' Dispensers by spamming the [[Widowmaker]] or [[Short Circuit]], or by simply building and destroying buildings multiple times.
*通过[[Widowmaker/zh-hans|寡妇制造者]][[Short Circuit/zh-hans|短路发生器]],或是反复建造并摧毁建筑来浪费其他工程师的补给器里的金属。
*Building in front of other Engineers' Sentry Guns, especially when used to steal kills or sabotage a base.

Revision as of 10:02, 5 March 2020




(注意: 接下来横列出的内容并非所有的恶意行为。)





  • 利用BUG/漏洞
  • 作弊
  • 反复和更加重要或移速较慢的职业传送
  • 用其他建筑挡住步哨的视野。
  • 滥用嘲讽
  • 滥用语音指令
  • 在己方间谍伪装成敌队并且靠近敌人时去治疗并暴露间谍。
  • 在不更换队伍的情况下帮助敌队。




  • 故意将队友推下悬崖来杀死队友或迫使队友浪费时间重生。
  • 将队友从传送器上推开来给自己腾位置,特别是当你作为不如别人重要的职业时(例如,狙击手将医生推出传送器)。
  • 狙击手的面前使用武器或物品来产生特殊特效(例如,火焰喷射器/伪装时的烟雾)来遮挡狙击手的视野。
  • 反复只杀死同一名玩家,而且并不为任何战术目的。
  • 故意打开单向门让敌人进点和摧毁工程师的建筑,包括传送器,故意使工程师重新建造以及延长队友赶到战场的时间。
  • 使用影响别人正常游戏的漏洞,例如强制关闭一扇门。
  • 故意不为团队做出贡献。例如,一直站在同一处地方,或者只是用近战武器冲向敌人的火力,故意去卡默认动作
  • 一直无意义的攻击队友和发出噪音,特别是使用煎锅
  • 无缘无故一直跟随一个队友。
  • 通过私聊将己方防守的弱处告诉敌人。这种行为也可被叫做演员(ghosting)。
  • 故意装成一名伪装成队友的间谍来躲避间谍检查和做出可疑的行为。
  • 在语音聊天中播放大声、恼人、令人分心的声音。
  • 滥用文字聊天,在文字聊天系统中发送无意义或重复的消息。
  • 假扮服务器管理员。
  • 发起无用投票。
  • 专门去杀死特定的玩家使其无法完成合同。这是无可置疑的恶意行为。

Leaderboard class medic.png 医生

  • 无缘无故的给队友放超能冲锋,例如为狙击手使用超能冲锋,或是在重生室中使用,等..
  • 拒绝治疗一些或所有队友。
  • 故意治疗敌方间谍来帮助他们杀死你的队友。
  • 为敌方间谍使用超能冲锋来保护其免受伤害。
  • 故意反复治疗伪装的友方间谍来暴露间谍。
  • 在危险的地方治疗将死的队友,并无故停下治疗。

Leaderboard class engineer.png 工程师

  • 将传送器放在麻烦的地方。
    • 使用传送器来将队友困在无法离开的地方。
    • 在另一个工程师步哨补给器之间建造传送器,这样子玩家无法站在正确的位置来使用传送器(通常后方)。
    • 故意将传送器放在重要的入口和出口处,这将必须使用传送器来通过该处。
    • 将传送器放在无用的地方,或是离入口仅有几步距离的地方。
    • 在己方基地中建造出口,并将入口建造在敌人附近,来方便间谍渗透。
    • 将传送器出口建造在危险区域,例如步哨枪的前方。
    • 在狙击手需要穿过的路线上建造传送器入口/出口(例如在2Fort的对狙位置)。
    • 在另一个工程师的出口前面建造入口,在玩家传送后,将其推入自己的入口,使其需要重新使用传送器。
  • 在敌人无法进入的地方建造步哨和补给器;例如,Gravel Pit的蓝队出生点。
  • 通过寡妇制造者短路发生器,或是反复建造并摧毁建筑来浪费其他工程师的补给器里的金属。
  • 在其他工程师建筑前建造建筑,尤其是在用于阴人或偷家的步哨枪前。


Not all players are griefers. They could just be new players, or just not know proper gaming etiquette. Even so, it is still wise to know how to root out the untrustworthy percentage of the TF2 community. Some signs of griefers are:

  • Asking if there are any admins on the server.
  • Having names and/or avatars that may be offensive.
  • Some griefers use alternate accounts to avoid bans. If a player is using the default loadout, yet has a fair amount of skill, they may be using an alternate account.
  • Continuing the behavior when asked to stop
    • Being hostile and/or abusive to people who ask them to stop

