Difference between revisions of "Template:Dictionary/common strings"

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m (Robot names)
m (Did you know...: add zh-hans)
(7 intermediate revisions by 4 users not shown)
Line 1,310: Line 1,310:
   en: [[Promotional items|Promotional]] {{tooltip|<small>(craft)</small>|Can be crafted with the promotional crafting ingredients}}
   en: [[Promotional items|Promotional]] {{tooltip|<small>(craft)</small>|Can be crafted with the promotional crafting ingredients}}
  da: [[Promotional items/da|Promoverende]] {{tooltip|<small>(smedearbejde)</small>|Kan blive smedet med de promoverende smedeingredienser}}
   es: [[Promotional items/es|Promocional]] {{tooltip|<small>(fabricación)</small>|Se puede fabricar con un ingrediente promocional}}
   es: [[Promotional items/es|Promocional]] {{tooltip|<small>(fabricación)</small>|Se puede fabricar con un ingrediente promocional}}
   fr: [[Promotional items|Promotionnel]] {{tooltip|<small>(fabrication)</small>|Peut être fabriqué avec des ingrédients de fabrication promotionnels}}
   fr: [[Promotional items|Promotionnel]] {{tooltip|<small>(fabrication)</small>|Peut être fabriqué avec des ingrédients de fabrication promotionnels}}
Line 1,340: Line 1,341:
   en: [[Promotional items|Promotional]] {{tooltip|<small>(expired)</small>|Codes are no longer distributed; however, any remaining item codes can still be redeemed}}
   en: [[Promotional items|Promotional]] {{tooltip|<small>(expired)</small>|Codes are no longer distributed; however, any remaining item codes can still be redeemed}}
  da: [[Promotional items|Promoverende]] {{tooltip|<small>(udløbet)</small>|Koder bliver ikke længere uddelt; men enhver kode som endnu ikke er brugt kan stadig indløses}}
   de: [[Promotional items/de|Werbegegenstand]] {{tooltip|<small>(abgelaufen)</small>|Codes werden nicht mehr verteilt; alle verbleibenden Artikelcodes können jedoch weiterhin eingelöst werden}}
   de: [[Promotional items/de|Werbegegenstand]] {{tooltip|<small>(abgelaufen)</small>|Codes werden nicht mehr verteilt; alle verbleibenden Artikelcodes können jedoch weiterhin eingelöst werden}}
   es: [[Promotional items/es|Promocional]] {{tooltip|<small>(expirado)</small>|Los códigos ya no se distribuyen; sin embargo, cualquier código de objeto restante aún puede canjearse}}
   es: [[Promotional items/es|Promocional]] {{tooltip|<small>(expirado)</small>|Los códigos ya no se distribuyen; sin embargo, cualquier código de objeto restante aún puede canjearse}}
Line 1,358: Line 1,360:
   en: [[Promotional items|Promotional]] {{tooltip|<small>(unlock)</small>|Granted upon unlocking an achievement outside TF2}}
   en: [[Promotional items|Promotional]] {{tooltip|<small>(unlock)</small>|Granted upon unlocking an achievement outside TF2}}
  da: [[Promotional items/da|Promoverende]] {{tooltip|<small>(oplåsning)</small>|Tildelt efter man har oplåst en præstation udenfor TF2}}
   es: [[Promotional items/es|Promocional]] {{tooltip|<small>(desbloqueo)</small>|Se obtiene al desbloquear un logro ajeno a TF2}}
   es: [[Promotional items/es|Promocional]] {{tooltip|<small>(desbloqueo)</small>|Se obtiene al desbloquear un logro ajeno a TF2}}
   fr: [[Promotional items/fr|Promotionnel]] {{tooltip|<small>(déblocable)</small>|Octroyé après avoir débloqué un succès en dehors de TF2}}
   fr: [[Promotional items/fr|Promotionnel]] {{tooltip|<small>(déblocable)</small>|Octroyé après avoir débloqué un succès en dehors de TF2}}
Line 1,416: Line 1,419:
   en: [[Mann Co. Store|Purchase]] {{tooltip|<small>(expired)</small>|This item is not currently sold during Halloween}}
   en: [[Mann Co. Store|Purchase]] {{tooltip|<small>(expired)</small>|This item is not currently sold during Halloween}}
  da: [[Mann Co. Store/da|Køb]] {{tooltip|<small>(udløbet)</small>|Denne genstand bliver ikke solgt til Halloween på nuværende tidspunkt}}
   de: [[Mann Co. Store/de|Kauf]] {{tooltip|<small>(abgelaufen)</small>|Dieser Gegenstand wird derzeit nicht während Halloween verkauft}}
   de: [[Mann Co. Store/de|Kauf]] {{tooltip|<small>(abgelaufen)</small>|Dieser Gegenstand wird derzeit nicht während Halloween verkauft}}
   es: [[Mann Co. Store/es|Compra]] {{tooltip|<small>(expirado)</small>|Este objeto no se vende durante Halloween en este momento}}
   es: [[Mann Co. Store/es|Compra]] {{tooltip|<small>(expirado)</small>|Este objeto no se vende durante Halloween en este momento}}
Line 1,544: Line 1,548:
   en: any case
   en: any case
  da: enhver kasse
   de: Beliebige Kiste
   de: Beliebige Kiste
   es: Cualquier caja
   es: Cualquier caja
Line 1,559: Line 1,564:
   en: bonus
   en: bonus
  da: ekstra
   de: Bonus
   de: Bonus
   es: extra
   es: extra
Line 1,573: Line 1,579:
   en: {{tooltip|<small>(expired)</small>|This crate is purely decorative and can no longer be opened}}
   en: {{tooltip|<small>(expired)</small>|This crate is purely decorative and can no longer be opened}}
  da: {{tooltip|<small>(udløbet)</small>|Denne kasse er udelukkende dekorativ og kan ikke længere åbnes.}}
   de: {{tooltip|<small>(abgelaufen)</small>|Diese Kiste ist rein dekorativ und kann nicht mehr geöffnet werden}}
   de: {{tooltip|<small>(abgelaufen)</small>|Diese Kiste ist rein dekorativ und kann nicht mehr geöffnet werden}}
   es: {{tooltip|<small>(expirado)</small>|Esta caja es puramente cosmética y no se puede abrir}}
   es: {{tooltip|<small>(expirado)</small>|Esta caja es puramente cosmética y no se puede abrir}}
Line 1,586: Line 1,593:
   en: {{tooltip|<small>(expired)</small>|This item can no longer be unboxed in Unusual quality}}
   en: {{tooltip|<small>(expired)</small>|This item can no longer be unboxed in Unusual quality}}
  da: {{tooltip|<small>(udløbet)</small>|Denne genstand kan ikke længere opnås med Usædvanelig kvalitet}}
   pt-br: {{tooltip|<small>(expirado)</small>|Este item não pode mais ser desencaixotado com a qualidade Incomum}}
   pt-br: {{tooltip|<small>(expirado)</small>|Este item não pode mais ser desencaixotado com a qualidade Incomum}}
   en: {{item link|Haunted Halloween Gift}} {{tooltip|<small>(expired)</small>|Haunted Halloween Gifts were replaced with ghostly Soul Gargoyles}}
   en: {{item link|Haunted Halloween Gift}} {{tooltip|<small>(expired)</small>|Haunted Halloween Gifts were replaced with ghostly Soul Gargoyles}}
  da: {{item link|Haunted Halloween Gift}} {{tooltip|<small>(udløbet)</small>|Haunted Halloween Gifts blev erstattet med spøgelseslignende Sjælgargoiler}}
   es: {{item link|Haunted Halloween Gift}} {{tooltip|<small>(expirado)</small>|Los Regalos Embrujados de Halloween fueron reemplazados por las Gárgolas de Almas fantasmas}}
   es: {{item link|Haunted Halloween Gift}} {{tooltip|<small>(expirado)</small>|Los Regalos Embrujados de Halloween fueron reemplazados por las Gárgolas de Almas fantasmas}}
   fr: {{item link|Haunted Halloween Gift}} {{tooltip|<small>(expiré)</small>|Les cadeaux hantés d'Halloween ont été remplacés par des Gargouilles d'âme hantées}}
   fr: {{item link|Haunted Halloween Gift}} {{tooltip|<small>(expiré)</small>|Les cadeaux hantés d'Halloween ont été remplacés par des Gargouilles d'âme hantées}}
Line 1,622: Line 1,631:
   en: {{item link|Antique Halloween Goodie Cauldron}} {{tooltip|<small>(limited)</small>|Given to the player during the Scream Fortress Very Scary Halloween Special up until Scream Fortress 2014}}
   en: {{item link|Antique Halloween Goodie Cauldron}} {{tooltip|<small>(limited)</small>|Given to the player during the Scream Fortress Very Scary Halloween Special up until Scream Fortress 2014}}
  da: {{item link|Antique Halloween Goodie Cauldron}} {{tooltip|<small>(begrænset)</small>|Tildelt spillere under Scream Fortress Very Scary Halloween Special indtil Scream Fortress 2014}}
   es: {{item link|Antique Halloween Goodie Cauldron}} {{tooltip|<small>(limitado)</small>|Otorgado a los jugadores durante el Especial de Halloween Muy Siniestro hasta el Scream Fortress 2014}}
   es: {{item link|Antique Halloween Goodie Cauldron}} {{tooltip|<small>(limitado)</small>|Otorgado a los jugadores durante el Especial de Halloween Muy Siniestro hasta el Scream Fortress 2014}}
   fr: {{item link|Antique Halloween Goodie Cauldron}} {{tooltip|<small>(limité)</small>|Octroyé au joueur pendant le Spécial Very Scary Halloween jusqu'au Scream Fortress 2014}}
   fr: {{item link|Antique Halloween Goodie Cauldron}} {{tooltip|<small>(limité)</small>|Octroyé au joueur pendant le Spécial Very Scary Halloween jusqu'au Scream Fortress 2014}}
Line 1,633: Line 1,643:
   en: {{item link|Jungle Inferno Campaign Pass}} {{tooltip|<small>(limited)</small>|This item is not currently sold}}
   en: {{item link|Jungle Inferno Campaign Pass}} {{tooltip|<small>(limited)</small>|This item is not currently sold}}
  da: {{item link|Jungle Inferno Campaign Pass}} {{tooltip|<small>(begrænset)</small>|Denne genstand kan ikke købes på nuværende tidspunkt}}
   es: {{item link|Jungle Inferno Campaign Pass}} {{tooltip|<small>(limitado)</small>|Este objeto no está en venta actualmente}}
   es: {{item link|Jungle Inferno Campaign Pass}} {{tooltip|<small>(limitado)</small>|Este objeto no está en venta actualmente}}
   fr: {{item link|Jungle Inferno Campaign Pass}} {{tooltip|<small>(limité)</small>|Cet objet n'est actuellement pas vendu}}
   fr: {{item link|Jungle Inferno Campaign Pass}} {{tooltip|<small>(limité)</small>|Cet objet n'est actuellement pas vendu}}
Line 1,759: Line 1,770:
festivized weapons:
festivized weapons:
   en: Festivized weapons
   en: Festivized weapons
  da: Festliggjort våben
   es: Armas de Épocas Festivas
   es: Armas de Épocas Festivas
   fr: Armes festivisées
   fr: Armes festivisées
Line 1,851: Line 1,863:
war paints:
war paints:
   en: War Paints
   en: War Paints
  da: Krigsmalinger
   es: Pinturas de Guerra
   es: Pinturas de Guerra
   fr: Peintures de guerre
   fr: Peintures de guerre
Line 1,861: Line 1,874:
promotional items:
promotional items:
   en: Promotional items
   en: Promotional items
  da: Promoverende genstand
   es: Objetos promocionales
   es: Objetos promocionales
   fr: Objets promotionnels
   fr: Objets promotionnels
Line 28,101: Line 28,115:
   en: ...that you can deflect an enemy [[baseball]] with your own?
   en: ...that you can deflect an enemy [[baseball]] with your own?
   ru: ...можно отразить вражеский [[baseball/ru|бейсбольный мяч]] своим?
   ru: ...можно отразить вражеский [[baseball/ru|бейсбольный мяч]] своим?
  zh-hans: …你甚至可以用你自己的[[baseball/zh-hans|棒球]]来打偏敌方的棒球?
Line 28,132: Line 28,147:
   en: ...that, as a [[Soldier]], when activating the [[Buff Banner]], [[Battalion's Backup]] and the [[Concheror]], the buff can be held by holding down the fire button, and be used in the moment when you let go of it?
   en: ...that, as a [[Soldier]], when activating the [[Buff Banner]], [[Battalion's Backup]] and the [[Concheror]], the buff can be held by holding down the fire button, and be used in the moment when you let go of it?
   ru: ...играя за [[Soldier/ru|солдата]] и активировав [[Buff Banner/ru|Вдохновляющее знамя]], [[Battalion's Backup/ru|Поддержку батальона]] или [[Concheror/ru|Завоеватель]], можно удерживать нажатой левую кнопку мыши и отпустить её в момент, когда потребуется способность предмета?
   ru: ...играя за [[Soldier/ru|солдата]] и активировав [[Buff Banner/ru|Вдохновляющее знамя]], [[Battalion's Backup/ru|Поддержку батальона]] или [[Concheror/ru|Завоеватель]], можно удерживать нажатой левую кнопку мыши и отпустить её в момент, когда потребуется способность предмета?
  zh-hans: …作为{{cl|Soldier}},在激活{{item link|Buff Banner}}、{{item link|Battalion's Backup}}和{{item link|Concheror}}时,可以通过按住主攻击键来激活并预备,然后在合适的时机松开按键来释放增益?
   en: ...that if two [[Huntsman]] arrows hit each other in mid air, they are both destroyed?
   en: ...that if two [[Huntsman]] arrows hit each other in mid air, they are both destroyed?
   ru: ...если две стрелы [[Huntsman/ru|Охотника]] заденут друг друга в воздухе, они обе уничтожатся?
   ru: ...если две стрелы [[Huntsman/ru|Охотника]] заденут друг друга в воздухе, они обе уничтожатся?
   zh-hans: …如果两支{{item link|Huntsman}}在半空中相撞的话,它们都会被对方给破坏掉?
   zh-hans: …当有两支{{item link|Huntsman}}在半空中相撞时,它们都将共同损坏掉?
   en: ...that if you successfully taunt kill a player with the [[Ubersaw]] you are granted with 100% ubercharge?
   en: ...that if you successfully taunt kill a player with the [[Ubersaw]] you are granted with 100% ubercharge?
   ru: ...если вы успешно убьёте игрока с помощью [[Ubersaw/ru|Убер-пилы]], вы получите 100% убер-заряд?
   ru: ...если вы успешно убьёте игрока с помощью [[Ubersaw/ru|Убер-пилы]], вы получите 100% убер-заряд?
  zh-hans: …当你用{{item link|Ubersaw}}的嘲讽成功击杀一名玩家,你将会获得 100% 的 Ubercharge 能量?
Line 28,220: Line 28,237:
   en: ...that a picture of [[Saxton Hale]] can be seen on a board on the background of [[Meet the Spy]]?
   en: ...that a picture of [[Saxton Hale]] can be seen on a board on the background of [[Meet the Spy]]?
   ru: ...изображение [[Saxton Hale/ru|Сакстона Хейла]] можно увидеть на настенной доске в видео «[[Meet the Spy/ru|Знакомьтесь, Шпион]]»?
   ru: ...изображение [[Saxton Hale/ru|Сакстона Хейла]] можно увидеть на настенной доске в видео «[[Meet the Spy/ru|Знакомьтесь, Шпион]]»?
  zh-hans: …在《[[Meet the Spy/zh-hans|拜见间谍]]》的背景处的一块黑板上有一张[[Saxton Hale/zh-hans|萨克斯顿·霍尔]]的照片?
Line 28,532: Line 28,550:
   en: ...that a mysterious figure resembling [[Miss Pauling]] can be seen in the [[Meet the Medic]] video?
   en: ...that a mysterious figure resembling [[Miss Pauling]] can be seen in the [[Meet the Medic]] video?
   ru: ...таинственный силуэт, похожий на [[Miss Pauling/ru|мисс Полинг]] можно увидеть в трейлере «[[Meet the Medic/ru|Знакомьтесь, Медик]]»?
   ru: ...таинственный силуэт, похожий на [[Miss Pauling/ru|мисс Полинг]] можно увидеть в трейлере «[[Meet the Medic/ru|Знакомьтесь, Медик]]»?
  zh-hans: …在影片《[[Meet the Medic/zh-hans|拜见医生]]》中出现过一个疑似[[Miss Pauling/zh-hans|宝林小姐]]神秘人影?
Line 28,566: Line 28,585:
   en: ...that the knife trick the [[Spy]] does in [[Trailer 2]] is called the "half twirl" and the one he does in the ''[[Meet the Spy]]'' video is called the "Y2K rollover"?
   en: ...that the knife trick the [[Spy]] does in [[Trailer 2]] is called the "half twirl" and the one he does in the ''[[Meet the Spy]]'' video is called the "Y2K rollover"?
   ru: ...трюк с ножом, который производит [[Spy/ru|шпион]] во [[Trailer 2/ru|втором трейлере]], называется «half twirl», а трюк в трейлере «[[Meet the Spy/ru|Знакомьтесь, Шпион]]» — «Zen Rollover»?
   ru: ...трюк с ножом, который производит [[Spy/ru|шпион]] во [[Trailer 2/ru|втором трейлере]], называется «half twirl», а трюк в трейлере «[[Meet the Spy/ru|Знакомьтесь, Шпион]]» — «Zen Rollover»?
  zh-hans: …{{cl|Spy}}在[[Trailer 2/zh-hans|预告片2]]中所表演的刀技叫做“half twirl”,而他在影片《[[Meet the Spy/zh-hans|拜见间谍]]》中所表演的刀技叫做“Y2K rollover”?
Line 28,852: Line 28,872:
   en: ...that you can [[assist]] yourself as a [[Spy]] by shooting a building that you are sapping?
   en: ...that you can [[assist]] yourself as a [[Spy]] by shooting a building that you are sapping?
   ru: ...[[Spy/ru|шпион]] может получить очко [[assist/ru|помощи]], стреляя в постройку, на которую поставил жучок?
   ru: ...[[Spy/ru|шпион]] может получить очко [[assist/ru|помощи]], стреляя в постройку, на которую поставил жучок?
  zh-hans: …作为{{cl|Spy}}时,你可以通过射击一个你所瘫痪的建筑来给你自己达成[[assist/zh-hans|助攻]]?
Line 29,406: Line 29,427:
   en: ...that a Level 3 [[Sentry Gun]]'s rockets can be deflected by the [[Pyro]]'s [[compression blast]]?
   en: ...that a Level 3 [[Sentry Gun]]'s rockets can be deflected by the [[Pyro]]'s [[compression blast]]?
   ru: ...ракеты [[Sentry Gun/ru|турели]] 3-го уровня могут быть отражены [[compression blast/ru|выстрелом сжатого воздуха]] [[Pyro/ru|поджигателя]]?
   ru: ...ракеты [[Sentry Gun/ru|турели]] 3-го уровня могут быть отражены [[compression blast/ru|выстрелом сжатого воздуха]] [[Pyro/ru|поджигателя]]?
  zh-hans: …三级[[Sentry Gun/zh-hans|步哨枪]]所发射的火箭也可以被{{cl|Pyro}}的[[compression blast/zh-hans|压缩空气]]给反弹开?
Line 29,586: Line 29,608:
   pt-br: ...[https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0235960/ Robin Atkin Downes] {{lang icon|en}}, o dublador do [[Medic/pt-br|Medic]], também faz a voz de "''Travis Touchdown''" no jogo de ação ''[[w:No More Heroes (video game)|No More Heroes]]''?
   pt-br: ...[https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0235960/ Robin Atkin Downes] {{lang icon|en}}, o dublador do [[Medic/pt-br|Medic]], também faz a voz de "''Travis Touchdown''" no jogo de ação ''[[w:No More Heroes (video game)|No More Heroes]]''?
   ru: ...[[Medic/ru|медик]], озвученный в англоязычной версии игры [https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0235960/ Робином Аткином Даунсом], который также озвучивал Трэвиса Тачдауна в экшен-игре для Wii ''[[Wikipedia:ru:No_More_Heroes_(игра)|No More Heroes]]''?
   ru: ...[[Medic/ru|медик]], озвученный в англоязычной версии игры [https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0235960/ Робином Аткином Даунсом], который также озвучивал Трэвиса Тачдауна в экшен-игре для Wii ''[[Wikipedia:ru:No_More_Heroes_(игра)|No More Heroes]]''?
  zh-hans: …{{cl|Medic}}是由[[Robin Atkin Downes/zh-hans|罗宾·阿特金·唐斯]]进行配音的,他还为 Wii 的动作游戏《[[w:No More Heroes (video game)|英雄不再]]》中的角色“Travis Touchdown”配音过?
Line 30,153: Line 30,176:
=== other ===
=== other ===
# Only for 3D model viewer usage
  en: Default
  cs: Default
  da: Normal
  de: Standard
  es: Normal
  fi: Normaali
  fr: Normal
  hu: Normális
  it: Base
  ja: 通常版
  ko: 기본
  nl: Standaard
  no: Default
  pl: Domyślny
  pt: Normal
  pt-br: Padrão
  ro: Standard
  ru: обычный
  sv: Standard
  tr: Normal
  zh-hans: 默认
  zh-hant: 一般
default key:
default key:

Revision as of 07:51, 18 May 2024

Pictogram info.png Important! It is strongly recommended not to edit this whole page at once, as the page size is very large. Use the [edit] section links and make multiple edits instead.


achievement pack names


{{availability}} names

campaigns / contract packs

class hat table header

class nav text

class weapons tables






event promotions


game mode names

Game names


generic nav text

hazard infobox

item timeline table

lod table

major update titles

blog post titles

  • Translations taken from News Hub/Valve Crowdin. No self translations!

Saxxy Awards titles

mann vs. machine

Mann vs. Machine community operation tables

Mann vs. Machine missions tables

Mission names

Mission names (community events)

Robot names

Operation names (community events)

{{Map locations}} strings

map environment

map names

arena maps

ctf maps

cp maps

koth maps

pl maps

plr maps

pd maps

vsh / zi maps

other maps

Niche game modes (Mann Power, PASS Time, Special Delivery, Territorial Control, Training, etc) and strings for maps with multiple variants (Well, Nucleus, etc).

Classic maps

NPC names

patch names

promotional item table

Respawn times strings

Saxxy Awards categories

tournament medal table


Meet the team


{{weapon list}} names

contract names

Item formatting strings


{{Used by}} strings

Team Fortress Wiki

Website interface

Did you know...

YouTube titles / SNS
