Difference between revisions of "Template:Dictionary/items"

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m (Added more item set names to /tr)
(new /ru sts translations)
Line 8,615: Line 8,615:
   en: Area 451
   en: Area 451
   ro: Area 451
   ro: Area 451
  ru: Зона 451
   zh-hant: 451區
   zh-hant: 451區
Line 9,555: Line 9,556:
   en: Soviet Gentleman
   en: Soviet Gentleman
   ro: Soviet Gentleman
   ro: Soviet Gentleman
  ru: Советский джентльмен
   zh-hant: 蘇聯大紳士
   zh-hant: 蘇聯大紳士
Line 10,974: Line 10,976:
   en: Crafty Hair
   en: Crafty Hair
   ro: Crafty Hair
   ro: Crafty Hair
  ru: Стильная прическа
   zh-hant: 狡猾招數
   zh-hant: 狡猾招數
Line 11,682: Line 11,685:
vigilant pin:
vigilant pin:
   en: Vigilant Pin
   en: Vigilant Pin
  ru: Медаль «За бдительность»
   zh-hant: 外星警戒獎章
   zh-hant: 外星警戒獎章
Line 11,938: Line 11,942:
track terrorizer:
track terrorizer:
   en: Track Terrorizer
   en: Track Terrorizer
  ru: Гроза беговой дорожки
   zh-hant: 獵豔高手
   zh-hant: 獵豔高手
Line 12,515: Line 12,520:
bearded bombardier:
bearded bombardier:
   en: Bearded Bombardier
   en: Bearded Bombardier
  ru: Бородатый гранатометчик
   zh-hant: 大鬍子炸彈客
   zh-hant: 大鬍子炸彈客
Line 12,922: Line 12,928:
pocket purrer:
pocket purrer:
   en: Pocket Purrer
   en: Pocket Purrer
  ru: Карманный мурлыка
   zh-hant: 口袋喵咪
   zh-hant: 口袋喵咪
Line 13,100: Line 13,107:
   en: Medi-Mask
   en: Medi-Mask
  ru: Медицинский респиратор
   zh-hant: 醫護防毒面具
   zh-hant: 醫護防毒面具
Line 13,214: Line 13,222:
koala compact:
koala compact:
   en: Koala Compact
   en: Koala Compact
  ru: Карманный коала
   zh-hant: 迷你無尾熊
   zh-hant: 迷你無尾熊
Line 14,617: Line 14,626:
fall crate | fall crate 2012:
fall crate | fall crate 2012:
   en: Fall Crate
   en: Fall Crate
  ru: Осенний ящик
   zh-hant: 秋季補給箱
   zh-hant: 秋季補給箱
Line 14,748: Line 14,758:
fall key | fall crate key:
fall key | fall crate key:
   en: Fall Key
   en: Fall Key
  ru: Осенний ключ
   zh-hant: 紅葉之鑰
   zh-hant: 紅葉之鑰
Line 20,216: Line 20,227:
   en: Nelson
   en: Nelson
   nl: Nelson
   nl: Nelson
  ru: Нельсон
   zh-hant: 尼爾森
   zh-hant: 尼爾森
Line 20,221: Line 20,233:
   en: Brooks
   en: Brooks
   nl: Brooks
   nl: Brooks
  ru: Брукс
   zh-hant: 布魯克斯
   zh-hant: 布魯克斯
Line 20,226: Line 20,239:
   en: Manic
   en: Manic
   nl: Manic
   nl: Manic
  ru: Маниакальный
   zh-hant: 狂熱
   zh-hant: 狂熱
Line 20,231: Line 20,245:
   en: Tamed
   en: Tamed
   nl: Tamed
   nl: Tamed
  ru: Укрощенный
   zh-hant: 溫馴
   zh-hant: 溫馴
Line 20,236: Line 20,251:
   en: Peacekeeper
   en: Peacekeeper
   nl: Peacekeeper
   nl: Peacekeeper
  ru: Страж закона
   zh-hant: 和平衛士
   zh-hant: 和平衛士
Line 20,241: Line 20,257:
   en: Lawless
   en: Lawless
   nl: Lawless
   nl: Lawless
  ru: Вне закона
   zh-hant: 無法無天
   zh-hant: 無法無天
   en: Whatever
   en: Whatever
  ru: Неважно какой
   zh-hant: 不拘小節
   zh-hant: 不拘小節
   en: Formal
   en: Formal
  ru: Официальный
   zh-hant: 衣冠楚楚
   zh-hant: 衣冠楚楚
   en: Uninhibited
   en: Uninhibited
  ru: Без комплексов
   zh-hant: 無拘無束
   zh-hant: 無拘無束
   en: Conspicuous
   en: Conspicuous
  ru: Выдающийся
   zh-hant: 顯而易見
   zh-hant: 顯而易見
   en: Twins
   en: Twins
  ru: Близнецы
   zh-hant: 攣生兄弟
   zh-hant: 攣生兄弟
poor and irish:
poor and irish:
   en: Poor and Irish
   en: Poor and Irish
  ru: Беден и ирланден
   zh-hant: 又窮又愛
   zh-hant: 又窮又愛

Revision as of 14:23, 18 September 2012

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 ·  A - B

 ·  C - D

 ·  E - G

 ·  H - J

 ·  K - M

 ·  N - P

 ·  Q - S

 ·  T - W

 ·  X - Z

 ·  Team Fortress 2 Beta weapons

 ·  Team Fortress Classic weapons

 ·  Festive weapons

 ·  Botkiller Weapons

 ·  Special taunts


 ·  All class hats

 ·  Scout hats

 ·  Soldier hats

 ·  Pyro hats

 ·  Demoman hats

 ·  Heavy hats

 ·  Engineer hats

 ·  Medic hats

 ·  Sniper hats

 ·  Spy hats

 ·  Multi-class hats

Miscellaneous items

 ·  All class Miscellaneous items

 ·  Scout Miscellaneous items

 ·  Soldier Miscellaneous items

 ·  Pyro Miscellaneous items

 ·  Demoman Miscellaneous items

 ·  Heavy Miscellaneous items

 ·  Engineer Miscellaneous items

 ·  Medic Miscellaneous items

 ·  Sniper Miscellaneous items

 ·  Spy Miscellaneous items

 ·  Multi-class Miscellaneous items

 ·  Tournament medals

Action items


 ·  Mann Co crates and keys

 ·  Strange parts

Also check a Strange trackers section

 ·  Single Paint cans

 ·  Team Paint cans

Unused items

 ·  Beta grenades

 ·  Unused\Scrapped weapons

 ·  Unused Hats and Miscellaneous items

Item set names

Item bundles

Map stamps


 ·  Weapons styles

Slot names

 ·  Equip regions

Crafting ingredients

Descriptive text

Quality names

Strange ranks

  • Translations taken from the STS.png Steam Translation Server

 ·  Multi-weapon ranks

 ·  Holiday Punch ranks

 ·  Mantreads ranks

 ·  Sapper ranks

 ·  Spirit Of Giving ranks

 ·  Strange trackers

Unusual effects

Item set blueprint
