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Bringe Chaos über den mentalen Zustand deines Gegners, sein psychologisches Wohlbefinden und seinen Glauben an das Gute!
— Werbung für Jarate

Jarate, ein Krug-basiertes karate*, ist eine freischaltbare sekundäre waffe für den Sniper. Jarate erscheint als ein Glas voller verdächtiger gelber Flüssigkeit das, wen es geworfen wurde und irgendwo auftrifft, zerspringt.

Feinde die vom Splash der Waffe erwischt wurde, werden gelb gefärbt und hinterlassen gelbe Tropfen, um zu zeigen, dass sei getroffen wurden. Für eine gewisse Zeitspanne werden sie Mini-Krits erleiden.Zusätzlich kann Jarate genutzt werden, um unsichtbare Spione sichtbar zu machen. Feinde die von Jarate betroffen sind, können immernoch von Waffen wie dem Flammenwerfer und der Flare Gun angezündet werden. Das Feuer wird dann, zusammen mit den Mini-Krits von Jarate, Mini-Krit Schaden verursachen. Auch Sentry Guns verursachen bei, in Jarate getränkten Gegner, Mini-Krits.

Jarate kann zwar einen kritischen Treffer erzielen, allerdings beeinflusst dies weder den Effekt noch die Dauer des Effektes.

Jarate kann durch Wasser abgewaschen werden.

Nachdem Jarate benutzt wurde, muss der Spieler zehn Sekunden warten, um es wieder einzusetzen. Dies wird durch einen Balken im HUD verdeutlicht.

Jarate kann von einem Pyro reflektiert werden.

*Jarate ist in keiner Weise mit Karate verbunden.


Siehe auch: Damage
  • Effekt: Gegner nehmen 35% zusätzlichen Schaden. Löscht Feuer falls auf brennende Spieler geworfen und macht unsichtbare Spione sichtbar. Gegner die von Jarate getroffen wurden, werden ein gelb gefärbtes Sichtfeld haben.


  • Wiederaufladezeit: 20
  • Effektdauer: 10

Alle Zeiten sind in Sekunden angegeben. Zeiten sind von der Community bestimmte Näherungswerte.

Verwandte Errungenschaften


Tf sniper friendship is golden.png Friendship is Golden

Extinguish a burning teammate with your Jarate.

Tf sniper jarate chop.png Jarate Chop

Use your Kukri to kill 3 enemies doused in your Jarate.

Tf sniper jarring transition.png Jarring Transition

Use Jarate to reveal a cloaked Spy.

Tf sniper number one assistant.png Number One Assistant

Score 5 Assists with the Jarate in a single round.

Tf sniper rain on their parade.png Rain on Their Parade

Jarate an enemy and the Medic healing him.

Tf sniper rode hard put away wet.png Rode Hard, Put Away Wet

Jarate an enemy that you're dominating.

Tf sniper saturation bombing.png Saturation Bombing

Jarate 4 enemy players with a single throw.


Tf spy wetwork.png Wetwork

Stab an enemy to death while under the influence of Jarate.


The original April Fool's Jarate announcement.
  • Jarate's first appearance in the Team Fortress 2 Universe was in the Meet the Sniper video, where it appeared as a seemingly incidental background object. On April 1, 2009 (April Fool's Day), Jarate was revealed in a Sneak Preview as an unlockable weapon for the Sniper. However, because of the day the preview was posted, fans were dubious as to whether the weapon was a joke or a legitimate unlock. Jarate was once again glimpsed before its official announcement on Day 6 of the Sniper vs. Spy Update. If the reader refreshed the page several times in a row, the background would change to show a Jarate jar flying towards the surprised, Ambassador-wielding Spy. The next day (Sniper vs. Spy Update Day 7), Jarate was finally revealed as the last Sniper unlockable.
  • Claimed effects of using Jarate on your opponents in battle include psychological damage, blindness, embarrassment, nightmares ("with you as the star!), self-loathing, difficult stains and intense body odor. Jarate jars are guaranteed to be made (and presumably filled) in New Zealand.
  • Jarate has apparently been developed and guarded for centuries by Australian Jarate masters.
  • Jarate does not have a taunt.
  • Saxton Hale of Mann Co. now sells this ancient secret in the form of an instructional course, diuretic drugs and 1-liter mason jars. (and Pain Tonic, to counteract the horrifically painful side-effects of the diuretics.)
  • For a nominal fee of $5, it is possible to be taught this ancient and venerable technique, previously rendered unlearnable due to reasons of public health and decency.
  • Saxton Hale reportedly invented Jarate after kicking a chair across the room in a frustrated rage.
  • When killed with the Jarate equipped and ready to throw (or even slightly after throwing it) you will drop the jar. Other players can pick this up for 50% ammo.
  • The word "Piss" is swear-filtered to "Jarate" on the Steam forums.
  • It is repeatedly stated in the blog pages that Jarate is in no way affiliated with, or a substitute for Karate.
  • A similar martial art was revealed as a joke in one of the WAR! update's hidden pages called Larate, which granted the user a sped up version of Karate.
  • If an enemy Soldier, Demoman or Engineer covered in Jarate blows himself up, the displayed kill message will credit you as assisting yourself.
  • The Spy is the only class to vocally react to being hit with Jarate (in reference to his quote on the April Fools' Poster).
  • The Jarate's code states that it deals 5 damage, but it actually does no damage at all.
  • Jarate does not need to hit a surface for the jar to explode. When thrown straight up or on a trajectory where it can reach its maximum arc, it will shatter mid-air after a small distance on the return trip downwards.
  • Jarate will bounce off certain dynamic objects, such as doors and bomb carts.
  • Jarate's effect is not just limited to the Jarate item, and can also be caused by the Sydney Sleeper.
  • If someone covered in Jarate gets killed by a taunt, the taunt will appear as Mini-Krit in the top right corner of the screen.
  • If a Sniper is killed while in the process of throwing Jarate, it is possible for them to drop a Jarate jar while the other is thrown.
  • It is possible for a Pyro to get the Sniper achievement Jarring Transition (see above) by reflecting a thrown Jarate jar and having it hit a cloaked Spy.


See also

External links

Template:Allweapons Nav/de
Template:Sniper Nav/de