File:Tf schinese.txt

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Tf_schinese.txt(file size: 1.08 MB, MIME type: text/plain)
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Recent changes

August 18, 2015 Patch (previous patches)

15461546"Tip_6_2" "作为机枪手,你是医生的最佳拍挡。 站在医生能清楚看到你的位置,以保持得到治疗。"
15471547"[english]Tip_6_2" "As a Heavy, you're a great Medic buddy. Keep a clear line of sight to your Medic to keep the Medi Gun on you."
15481548"Tip_6_3" "作为机枪手,你的转轮机枪会消耗大量弹药。拾取掉落的武器来补充弹药。"
1549N/A"[english]Tip_6_3" "As a Heavy, your Minigun chews up a lot of ammo. Pick up fallen weapons to refill your supply."
N/A1549"[english]Tip_6_3" "As a Heavy, your Minigun chews up a lot of ammo. Pick up fallen ammo pickups to refill your supply."
15501550"Tip_6_4" "作为机枪手,你的三明治可能救你一命。尽量在食用三明治前寻找一个安全的地方,否则你可能会被人无礼地打扰。"
15511551"[english]Tip_6_4" "As a Heavy, your Sandvich can be a lifesaver. Try to find a safe place before eating your Sandvich or you may be rudely interrupted."
15521552"Tip_7_Count" "32"
15561556"Tip_7_2" "作为火焰兵,请伏击敌人,并在近距离范围内用火焰喷射器将他们一网打尽。利用角落和障碍物的优势埋伏。"
15571557"[english]Tip_7_2" "As a Pyro, ambush enemies in order to ensure that you engage them at close range so that your Flamethrower will inflict maximum damage. Use corners and alcoves to your advantage."
15581558"Tip_7_3" "作为火焰兵,你的火焰喷射器需要大量弹药。请捡起掉落在地上的武器来补充弹药。"
1559N/A"[english]Tip_7_3" "As a Pyro, your Flamethrower chews up a lot of ammo. Pick up fallen weapons to refill your supply."
N/A1559"[english]Tip_7_3" "As a Pyro, your Flamethrower chews up a lot of ammo. Pick up fallen ammo pickups to refill your supply."
15601560"Tip_7_4" "作为火焰兵,如果敌人撤退并而超出了火焰喷射器的射程,请切换使用霰弹枪或是信号枪。"
15611561"[english]Tip_7_4" "As a Pyro, switch to your Shotgun or Flare Gun if enemies retreat beyond the short range of your Flamethrower."
15621562"Tip_7_5" "作为火焰兵,你通常可以把敌人烧着后就撤退,让他们被火烧死。"
15841584"Tip_9_1" "作为工程师,请使用建造工具安置步哨枪、补给器以及传送装置。"
15851585"[english]Tip_9_1" "As an Engineer, use the build tool to place Sentry Guns, Dispensers, and Teleporters."
15861586"Tip_9_2" "作为工程师,你需要金属才能建造、修理和升级你的建筑。捡起掉落在地上的武器获取更多金属。"
1587N/A"[english]Tip_9_2" "As an Engineer, you need metal to build, repair, and upgrade your buildings. Collect fallen weapons to replenish your supply."
N/A1587"[english]Tip_9_2" "As an Engineer, you need metal to build, repair, and upgrade your buildings. Collect fallen ammo pickups to replenish your supply."
15881588"Tip_9_3" "作为工程师,使用扳手敲打步哨枪即可用金属为其升级。每升一级它的生命值和火力都有提升。"
15891589"[english]Tip_9_3" "As an Engineer, hit your Sentry Gun with your Wrench in order to upgrade it with metal. Each level adds more health and firepower."
15901590"Tip_9_4" "作为工程师,请建造补给器为你的队友提供治疗和弹药。补给器也能产生金属供你使用。"
44824482"Tip_1_14" "作为侦察兵,使用疯狂的牛奶来熄灭自己和队友身上的火焰。"
44834483"[english]Tip_1_14" "As a Scout, use Mad Milk to douse flames on yourself and on your teammates."
44844484"Tip_1_15" "作为侦察兵,游击手和手枪使用的是同一种弹药,当你同时装备这两样武器时,留意你的弹药。"
4485N/A"[english]Tip_1_15" "As a Scout, the Shortstop and Pistol share the same ammo reserve, so be mindful of your ammo while you have both equipped."
N/A4485"[english]Tip_1_15" "As a Scout, the Shortstop deals more damage than the Scattergun at mid-range."
44864486"Tip_1_16" "作为侦察兵,如果你装备着糖果手杖,每一个被你杀死的敌人都会掉落一个免费的医疗包,不管你用什么武器杀死该敌人。"
44874487"[english]Tip_1_16" "As a Scout, if you have the Candy Cane equipped, killed foes will always drop free health kits, regardless of which weapon you used."
44884488"Tip_2_5" "作为狙击手,完全充能的狙击步枪爆头可以一击必杀大多数兵种。"
45184518"Tip_3_12" "作为士兵,十字镐在你生命值很低时能造成大量伤害,但是在生命值较高时,造成的伤害比铁锹小。"
45194519"[english]Tip_3_12" "As a Soldier, the Equalizer does a lot of damage when you're at very low health, but it deals less than the Shovel when you're at high health."
45204520"Tip_3_13" "作为士兵,当你手里拿着十字镐或逃生计划镐时,医生无法为你治疗或者释放 UberCharge。同时你也无法呼叫医生。"
4521N/A"[english]Tip_3_13" "As a Soldier, Medics cannot target you for healing or ÜberCharges while you actively wield the Equalizer or Escape Plan. You will also be unable to call for a Medic."
N/A4521"[english]Tip_3_13" "As a Soldier, Medics heal you at a significantly reduced rate while you actively wield the Equalizer or Escape Plan."
45224522"Tip_3_14" "作为士兵,请记住,用座头市之刀击中装备着同样武器的敌人,可以一击必杀。"
45234523"[english]Tip_3_14" "As a Soldier, remember that the Half-Zatoichi attacks instantly kill any enemy that is also wielding one!"
45244524"Tip_3_15" "作为士兵,每当你用火箭伤害到敌人时,黑匣子可以为你治疗。当友方医生不在或医疗包稀少时使用它。"
46344634"Tip_8_11" "作为间谍,使用死亡之铃时尽量远离火焰,否则它可能烧中假死状态的你从而暴露出你的位置。"
46354635"[english]Tip_8_11" "As a Spy, try not to be hit by flames when arming the Dead Ringer, or else the flames may hit you again and reveal your location."
46364636"Tip_8_12" "作为间谍,在使用死亡之铃隐形时与敌人相撞,人物的轮廓不会出现。"
4637N/A"[english]Tip_8_12" "As a Spy cloaked with the Dead Ringer, your silhouette won't appear when colliding with enemies."
N/A4637"[english]Tip_8_12" "As a Spy cloaked with the Dead Ringer, your silhouette won't appear when colliding with enemies for the first few seconds after cloaking."
46384638"Tip_8_13" "作为间谍,当使用隐形手表和死亡之铃时,你可以通过捡起弹药箱和掉落在地上的武器来补充隐形能量。"
4639N/A"[english]Tip_8_13" "As a Spy, pick up ammo and fallen weapons to recharge your Cloak when using the default Invisibility Watch or the Dead Ringer."
N/A4639"[english]Tip_8_13" "As a Spy, pick up ammo to recharge your Cloak. You can even pick up ammo while cloaked with the default Invisibility Watch!"
46404640"Tip_8_14" "作为间谍,隐形刺客只会在你移动时消耗隐形能量。保持静止或解除隐身即可补充能量。"
46414641"[english]Tip_8_14" "As a Spy, the Cloak and Dagger will only drain if you are moving. Stand still or uncloak in order to regain lost charge."
46424642"Tip_8_15" "作为间谍,当你用隐形刺客隐形时,如果走动很长时间,你的轮廓将会被看见。找一个安全的地方,躲起来补充隐形能量。"
46624662"Tip_8_25" "作为间谍,在隐形时,死亡之铃在一定时间内能让你受的所有攻击的伤害大幅减少。"
46634663"[english]Tip_8_25" "As a Spy, the Dead Ringer significantly reduces the amount of damage taken from all attacks while you are invisible."
46644664"Tip_8_26" "作为间谍,避免摔伤;这会暴露你的位置!"
4665N/A"[english]Tip_8_26" "As a Spy, avoid taking fall damage as it will give away your location!"
N/A4665"[english]Tip_8_26" "As a Spy, avoid taking fall damage while cloaked as it will give away your location!"
46664666"Tip_8_27" "作为间谍,你的电子工兵会同时放在传送器的两头。试着放在没有工程师看守的那头。"
46674667"[english]Tip_8_27" "As a Spy, your Electro Sappers sap both ends of a Teleporter. Try sapping the end that the Engineer isn't guarding."
46684668"Tip_8_28" "作为间谍,你的死亡之铃可以制造假死。当你生命值很低时使用它,否则它会被浪费了或者显得太明显。"
1208812088"Tip_2_17" "作为狙击手,尽管猎人短弓不能开镜瞄准,但它在攻击中近距离的敌人时非常好用。"
1208912089"[english]Tip_2_17" "As a Sniper, the Huntsman is very effective at short to medium range despite its inability to zoom in."
1209012090"Tip_2_18" "作为狙击手,悉尼沉睡者仅在充能 50% 以上时才能对敌人产生瓶手道尿瓶效果,所以不要着急开枪,要沉得住气。"
12091N/A"[english]Tip_2_18" "As a Sniper, the Sydney Sleeper will apply a Jarate effect to an enemy if the shot has been charged to 50%% or higher, so take your time when shooting."
N/A12091"[english]Tip_2_18" "As a Sniper, the Sydney Sleeper will apply a Jarate effect to an enemy based on how long you've been scoped, so take your time when shooting."
1209212092"Tip_2_19" "作为狙击手,用悉尼沉睡者击中敌人可以对其产生瓶手道尿瓶效果。这使它在远距离支援队友时特别有用,即使你的第一发没有击毙目标。"
1209312093"[english]Tip_2_19" "As a Sniper, the Sydney Sleeper can coat an enemy with Jarate upon a successful hit. This makes it an effective weapon when supporting your team from afar even if you do not kill the enemy with your first shot."
1209412094"Tip_2_20" "作为狙击手,使用市场还价者时,只有开镜射击时脱靶才会减少爆头计数。面对可能无法击中的目标时,考虑“盲狙”以免损失已积累起来的爆头数。"
1218212182"Tip_6_20" "作为机枪手,娜塔莎转轮机枪击中的敌人会被减速。用它支援你的队友,并增加他们的伤害输出。"
1218312183"[english]Tip_6_20" "As a Heavy, the Natascha will slow down enemies it hits. Use it to support your teammates and increase their damage output."
1218412184"Tip_6_21" "作为机枪手,驱逐警告可以增加你的近战攻击速度。用它们将有更多的机会击中快速移动的兵种。"
12185N/A"[english]Tip_6_21" "As a Heavy, the Eviction Notice increases your melee attack speed. Use them for more opportunities to hit faster moving classes!"
N/A12185"[english]Tip_6_21" "As a Heavy, the Eviction Notice increases your melee attack speed and gives you a speed boost when you hit an enemy. Use them for more opportunities to hit faster moving classes!"
1218612186"Tip_6_22" "作为机枪手,欢乐拳套的爆击会让被打中的敌人发笑,因此他们会变得毫无防备!用它们来瘫痪敌人,协助你的队友消除主要威胁。"
1218712187"[english]Tip_6_22" "As a Heavy, the Holiday Punch's critical hits will cause the enemy to burst into laughter, thereby leaving them defenseless! Use them in order to incapacitate enemies and assist your team to eliminate key threats."
1218812188"Tip_7_21" "作为火焰兵,拆迁者大锤,破坏锤,和霓虹杀手可以用来摧毁敌人放置在己方建筑上的电子工兵。"
1221612216"Tip_8_32" "作为间谍,你可以看见敌人的生命值。这使你可以用左轮手枪轻松消灭残血的敌人。"
1221712217"[english]Tip_8_32" "As a Spy, you can see enemies' health. Use this information to target weakened enemies with your Revolver."
1221812218"Tip_8_33" "作为间谍,使用“陌生人”成功击中敌人后,隐形手表的能量会增加。"
12219N/A"[english]Tip_8_33" "As a Spy, the L'Etranger adds to your cloak's battery when you successfully hit an enemy."
N/A12219"[english]Tip_8_33" "As a Spy, the L'Etranger passively increases your maximum cloak battery and recharges it when you successfully hit an enemy."
1222012220"Tip_8_34" "作为间谍,你的电子工兵在摧毁步哨枪前,会先使其瘫痪。与队友紧密配合,你应在队友冲锋前,放置电子工兵。这可以使队友免遭步哨枪的伤害,同时使敌方工程师难以进行修复。"
1222112221"[english]Tip_8_34" "As a Spy, your Electro Sappers disable Sentry Guns before destroying them. Communicate with your team and sap a Sentry Gun as your teammates attack. This prevents the Sentry from firing and makes it more difficult for an Engineer to repair it."
1222212222"Tip_8_35" "作为间谍,你在使用密谋者的苦无背刺敌人后,会吸收其当前生命值。然而你必须注意,你的最大生命值会大大降低。所以请尽量避免被敌人发现!"
1223412234"Tip_8_40" "作为间谍,在使用冰柱时受到任何火焰伤害,冰柱都会融化,此时你必须等待一段时间后,才能再次使用它。"
1223512235"[english]Tip_8_40" "As a Spy, taking any fire damage when using the Spy-cicle will melt the weapon, requiring you to wait before you can use it again."
1223612236"Tip_9_18" "作为工程师,枪炮工之臂的迷你步哨在建造时消耗更少的金属和更短的时间。因此,它是极佳的进攻武器。"
12237N/A"[english]Tip_9_18" "As an Engineer, the Gunslinger's Combat Mini-Sentry Guns build much faster than normal Sentry Guns and require less ammo to build. This makes Combat Mini-Sentry Guns the perfect offensive tool."
N/A12237"[english]Tip_9_18" "As an Engineer, the Gunslinger's Combat Mini-Sentry Guns build much faster than normal Sentry Guns and require less metal to build. This makes Combat Mini-Sentry Guns the perfect offensive tool."
1223812238"Tip_9_19" "作为工程师,你的遥控手柄可以极大地增加步哨的射程。"
1223912239"[english]Tip_9_19" "As an Engineer, your Wrangler can be used to greatly extend the range of your Sentry Gun."
1224012240"Tip_9_20" "作为工程师,尽量填满你的后备金属,以便在紧急时刻挽救你的建筑。"

File info

Note: this encoding of this file has been changed from UCS-2 Little Endian (UTF-16) to UTF-8 (without BOM) to reduce filesize. The content of the file still matches the original version from root\tf\resource.


File history

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current23:46, 2 August 2024 (1.08 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_schinese.txt for August 2, 2024 Patch.
20:04, 25 July 2024 (1.08 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_schinese.txt for July 25, 2024 Patch.
19:09, 18 July 2024 (1.08 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_schinese.txt for July 18, 2024 Patch.
01:09, 10 January 2024 (1.07 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_schinese.txt for January 9, 2024 Patch.
19:07, 20 December 2023 (1.06 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_schinese.txt for December 20, 2023 Patch.
21:06, 15 December 2023 (1.06 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_schinese.txt for December 15, 2023 Patch.
23:54, 27 July 2023 (1.05 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_schinese.txt for July 27, 2023 Patch.
18:38, 20 March 2023 (1.05 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_schinese.txt for March 20, 2023 Patch.
01:28, 15 December 2022 (1.05 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_schinese.txt for December 14, 2022 Patch.
02:57, 8 December 2022 (1.05 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_schinese.txt for December 7, 2022 Patch.
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