Obtaining Soldier achievements/fr

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And that is how you do it, men!
Le Soldier

La mort attendra
La mort attendra
Tuez 3 joueurs à l'aide de l'Equalizer en une seule vie et sans bénéficier de soins.
Difficulté: Moyenne
Comment l'obtenir: Moins vous avez de vie, plus votre equalizer fera mal. When surrounded by enemies, whip out your Equalizer and run towards the nearest target. Rocket jumping into groups of unaware or distracted enemies and then switching to the Equalizer can allow you to easily get into melee range without being killed. Getting three kills in quick succession is not required; simply do not die or be healed until you get three kills. Keeping the Equalizer out will prevent a Medic from healing you, but remember to avoid Medics, Dispensers and health pickups until you have obtained the achievement; if a Medic on your team has the Amputator, be sure to stay outside of the taunt's healing range. Accomplishing this during a Melee-only Sudden Death will also earn you the achievement.