Art Pass Contest/pl

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Artpass title.png

Art Pass Contest (tłum. Konkurs Wizji Artystycznych) jest konkursem zorganizowanym przez was Uczestnicy dostali zadanie o wzięcie map typu Atak/Obrona stworzonych przez Valve, wyciągnięcie z nich oryginalnych tekstur i detali, a następnie zmienić je w taki sposób, aby mapa wyglądała na całkowicie inną, a zwycięskie prace mogły zostać dodane do Team Fortress 2 wraz z aktualizacją. Konkurs został ogłoszony na Oficjalnym Blogu TF2 16 Lipca, 2010; zakończył się w dniu 25 Września, 2010. Zwycięzcy zostali ogłoszeni 14 Października, 2010.

Wytyczne i Terminy

Various guidelines and rules had been drawn out, such as no advertisements, collaborations, or use of other artists' content without permission. Maps were to be submitted by September 25, 2010 – 11:00AM UTC. A complete list of guidelines can be viewed here.


Nagrodą Art Pass Contest było wprowadzenie nowych tekstur do gry. Wszyscy uczestnicy (ludzie którzy wysłali gotowe mapy) zostali nagrodzeni przedmiotem w grze, Medalionem Twórcy Map.


The Art Pass Contest was not originally going to involve creating a map from scratch. Mappers would be given an out-of-bounds area of an unfinished map and would be allowed to detail it. They would then give it back to Valve, who decided if any were good enough to become official. Template:W (level designer at Valve) liked the idea which was proposed to him by ZPQ (former staff of TF2Maps), which led ZPQ to begin organizing the contest and trying to overcome legal issues such as having mappers having to give total rights of the map to Valve.

On January 21, 2010, Valve claimed that while they thought the idea of a detailing contest would be a good idea, they did not have a suitable map for it. The contest preparation may have been overshadowed by work on the Engineer Update.

Robin Walker e-mailed ZPQ on January 29, 2010 informing him that Valve had an old map which they hadn't worked on for a while, and hadn't had the time to do an art pass (detail) on. He asked ZPQ if TF2Maps would run a contest where Valve gave the mappers a VMF (map file) to work on, and compete for the best looking art-passed version. If the end result was good, it would be shipped as an official map.[1]

The two winner's maps were added to the game as a part of the Scream Fortress Update.

Promotional fly-through video

Pokaz map


14 Października, 2010, Valve ogłosiło na Oficjalnej Stronie TF2 zwycięzców:

Specjalnie nagrodzeni:

