Soldierovy hlasové příkazy
Následující hlasové příkazy jsou diktovány pro Soldiera. Zvuky ze hlasového menu 3 se nezobrazují v okně chatu, s výjimkou "Help!".
Výchozí tlačítko: Z
- Medic
- Thanks
- Go
- Move Up
- Go Left
- Go Right
- Yes
- No
Výchozí tlačítko: X
- Incoming
- Spy!
- Sentry Gun Ahead
- Teleporter Here
- Dispenser Here
- Sentry Gun Here
- Activate ÜberCharge
Výchozí tlačítko: C
- Help
- "I need some help!"
- "Need some help here!"
- "Heeeeelp!"
- Standing on friendly control point
- Standing on enemy control point
- Battle Cry
- "Charge!"
- "Forward!"
- "Give 'em hell boys!"
- "Last one alive, lock the door!"
- "Attaaack!"
- [loud manical laughter] "Heh heh heeeh!"
- Cheers
- Jeers
- "Boooooo..."
- "Each and every one of you has failed."
- "Are you all trying for a Section Eight?"
- "Which of you numbnuts let us down?"
- "You have dishonored this entire unit!"
- "You are the sorriest excuses for soldiers I have ever seen!"
- "Pain is weakness leaving the body."
- "Down and give me twenty!"
- "Get with the program!"
- "If I have to crack some skulls I will."
- "That was an amazing killing spree... by the other team!"
- "You are all dishonorably discharged."
- Positive
- Negative
- Nice Shot
- Good Job