Zoomin' Broom

From Team Fortress Wiki
Revision as of 21:09, 1 November 2015 by Bojjob (talk | contribs) (added sounds)
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Hehey, I'm flyin'!
The Scout

The Zoomin' Broom is an Action taunt for all classes.

When the player activates the taunt, a witch's cackle will be heard and they will begin riding a broom. While in the taunt, the player can remain still, or move freely in any direction. Upon leaving the taunt, a second witch's cackle will play.

The Zoomin' Broom was contributed to the Steam Workshop under the same name.

Update history

October 28, 2015 Patch (Scream Fortress 2015)

  • The Zoomin' Broom was added to the game.


  • Similar to the Conga and Kazotsky Kick, it's possible to move out the respawn position when the round starts (where all players are stuck until a certain amount of time) by initiating the Zoomin' Broom and moving forward.
  • The Zoomin' Broom's loop sound will stop playing when interrupted by footsteps or fall damage.
