Zoomin' Broom

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Revision as of 21:10, 1 November 2015 by Bojjob (talk | contribs)
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Hehey, I'm flyin'!
The Scout

The Zoomin' Broom is an Action taunt for all classes.

When the player activates the taunt, a witch's cackle will be heard and they will begin riding a broom. While in the taunt, the player can remain still, or move freely in any direction. Upon leaving the taunt, a second witch's cackle will play and the player will then hop off the broom before putting it away.

The Zoomin' Broom was contributed to the Steam Workshop under the same name.

Update history

October 28, 2015 Patch (Scream Fortress 2015)

  • The Zoomin' Broom was added to the game.


  • Similar to the Conga and Kazotsky Kick, it's possible to move out the respawn position when the round starts (where all players are stuck until a certain amount of time) by initiating the Zoomin' Broom and moving forward.
  • The Zoomin' Broom's loop sound will stop playing when interrupted by footsteps or fall damage.
