Difference between revisions of "Template:Dictionary/items"

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m (Cosmetic item styles)
m (Cosmetic item styles - duplicate)
Line 86,578: Line 86,578:
   ru: <nowiki>Бонк!</nowiki>
   ru: <nowiki>Бонк!</nowiki>
   zh-hant: Bonk!
   zh-hant: Bonk!
# TF_sum24_desk_engineer_style1
business casual - desk engineer:
  en: Business Casual
# TF_sum24_invisible_flame_style1
camo - invisible flame:
  en: Camo
# TF_may16_patriots_pouches_style2
# TF_may16_patriots_pouches_style2
Line 86,601: Line 86,609:
   zh-hans: 迷彩
   zh-hans: 迷彩
   zh-hant: 迷彩
   zh-hant: 迷彩
# TF_sum24_scorched_stompers_style1
camo - scorched earth stompers:
  en: Camo
# TF_HeavyMustacheHat_Style2
# TF_HeavyMustacheHat_Style2
Line 87,799: Line 87,811:
   zh-hans: 机枪手
   zh-hans: 机枪手
   zh-hant: Heavy
   zh-hant: Heavy
# TF_sum24_daring_dell_style4
helmet - daring dell:
  en: Helmet
# TF_LordCockswainChops_style0
# TF_LordCockswainChops_style0
Line 88,016: Line 88,032:
   zh-hans: 矿灯
   zh-hans: 矿灯
   zh-hant: 採礦燈
   zh-hant: 採礦燈
# TF_sum24_free_fashion_style3
no beard - free mann's fashion:
  en: No Beard
# TF_hwn2023_sightseer_style1
no beard - sightseer:
  en: No Beard
  es: Sin barba
  fr: Sans barbe
  pl: Bez brody
  pt-br: Sem barba
  ru: Без бороды
# TF_sum24_invisible_flame_style2
no camo - invisible flame:
  en: No Camo
# TF_sum24_scorched_stompers_style2
no camo - scorched earth stompers:
  en: No Camo
# TF_dec19_citizen_cane_style1
# TF_dec19_citizen_cane_style1
Line 88,046: Line 88,083:
   ru: Без очков
   ru: Без очков
   zh-hans: 无眼镜
   zh-hans: 无眼镜
# TF_sum24_free_fashion_style2
no glasses - free mann's fashion:
  en: No Glasses
# TF_sum22_throttlehead_style1
# TF_sum22_throttlehead_style1
Line 89,669: Line 89,710:
   ru: Липучий
   ru: Липучий
   tr: Yapışkan
   tr: Yapışkan
# TF_sum24_daring_dell_style1
streamlined - daring dell:
  en: Streamlined
# TF_PyroHazmat_Style2
streamlined - hazmat headcase:
  en: Streamlined
  cs: Efektivnější
  da: Strømlinet
  de: Windschnittig
  es: Adaptado
  fi: Virtaviivainen
  fr: Aérodynamique
  hu: Áramvonalas
  it: Aerodinamico
  ko: 간결한
  nl: Gestroomlijnd
  no: Strømlinjeformet
  pl: Opływowy
  pt: Aerodinâmico
  pt-br: Simples
  ro: Streamlined
  ru: Обтекаемый
  sv: Strömlinjeformad
  tr: Geliştirilmiş
  zh-hans: 精简之至
  zh-hant: 揮汗如雨
# TF_dec22_heavy_heating_style3
# TF_dec22_heavy_heating_style3
Line 89,704: Line 89,773:
   ru: Тайга
   ru: Тайга
   tr: Tayga
   tr: Tayga
# TF_sum24_botler_2000_style1
thirsty - botler 2000:
  en: Thirsty
# TF_TW_Spy_Coat_Style1
# TF_TW_Spy_Coat_Style1

Revision as of 21:15, 18 July 2024

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Scout weapons

Scout Primary

Scout Secondary

Scout Melee

Soldier weapons

Soldier Primary

Soldier Secondary

Soldier Melee

Pyro weapons

Pyro Primary

Pyro Secondary

Pyro Melee

Demoman weapons

Demoman Primary

Demoman Secondary

Demoman Melee

Heavy weapons

Heavy Primary

Heavy Secondary

Heavy Melee

Engineer weapons

Engineer Primary

Engineer Secondary

Engineer Melee

Engineer PDA

Medic weapons

Medic Primary

Medic Secondary

Medic Melee

Sniper weapons

Sniper Primary

Sniper Secondary

Sniper Melee

Spy weapons

Spy Secondary

Spy Melee

Spy Building


Multi-class weapons

Multi-class Secondary

Multi-class Melee

All class weapons

Festive weapons

Botkiller weapons

Team Fortress 2 Beta weapons

Team Fortress Classic weapons

Cosmetic items

Scout cosmetic items

Soldier cosmetic items

Pyro cosmetic items

Demoman cosmetic items

Heavy cosmetic items

Engineer cosmetic items

Medic cosmetic items

Sniper cosmetic items

Spy cosmetic items

Multi-class cosmetic items

All class cosmetic items

Community medals


Tournament medals



Tournament medals (titles)

Tournament medals (item timeline)


Event taunts

Kill taunts

Scout kill taunts

Soldier kill taunts

Pyro kill taunts

Demoman kill taunts

Heavy kill taunts

Engineer kill taunts

Medic kill taunts

Sniper kill taunts

Spy kill taunts

Ability taunts

Pyro ability taunts

Engineer ability taunts

Medic ability taunts

Special taunts

  • Do Not Want This section is automatically updated by PhoneWaveBOT. Translators: Any additions made to this section will be lost.

Scout special taunts

Soldier special taunts

Pyro special taunts

Demoman special taunts

Heavy special taunts

Engineer special taunts

Medic special taunts

Sniper special taunts

Spy special taunts

All class special taunts


Crates & Cases


Strange Parts

Strange Filters

Map Stamps

Paint Cans

Halloween Spells

Costume Transmogrifiers

Robot Parts


Action items

Noise Makers

Craft items

Class Tokens

Slot Tokens

Voodoo-Cursed Items

Removed items


Action item styles

Weapon styles

Cosmetic item styles

Cosmetic item styles - duplicate

Painted variants styles

Item sets

Scout item sets

Soldier item sets

Pyro item sets

Demoman item sets

Heavy item sets

Engineer item sets

Medic item sets

Sniper item sets

Spy item sets

Unused content

Unused weapons

Unused grenades

Unused cosmetic items

Unused taunts


Unusual effects

  • Do Not Want This section is automatically updated by PhoneWaveBOT. Translators: Any additions made to this section will be lost.

Cosmetic unusual effects

Taunt unusual effects

Weapon unusual effects

Killstreak-related effects

  • Do Not Want This section is automatically updated by PhoneWaveBOT. Translators: Any additions made to this section will be lost.



Strange ranks

Cosmetic item ranks

Weapon ranks

Invis Watch ranks

Holiday Punch ranks

Mantreads ranks

Razorback ranks

Sapper ranks

Spirit of Giving ranks

Duck Journal ranks

Soul Gargoyle ranks

Strange trackers

Strange Filter prefixes

Descriptive text

Equip regions

Quality names

Item bundles

Item types

Item set blueprint

April Fool's Day items
