This user hates adverts and loves Team Fortress Wiki's adlessness.
This user is a Team Fortress Wiki editor.
This user likes to edit articles in teeny baby bits.
This user has spent 455 hours of his life playing Team Fortress 2!
This user has earned 240 of the 520 TF2 achievements. That's 46%!
This user is an active Portal 2 test subject.
This user is a Scout. “I'm battin' a thousand!”
This user is a Pyro. “Mhmmh... mmmmm-hmm!”
This user is a Demoman. “Oh, they’re goin' ta have ta glue you back together... IN HELL!”
This user has earned 23 of the 41 Scout achievements. That's 56%!
This user has earned 18 of the 43 Soldier achievements. That's 42%!
This user has earned 32 of the 40 Pyro achievements. That's 80%!
This user has earned 16 of the 44 Demoman achievements. That's 36%!
This user is a Heavy. “Which one of you is crying?!”
This user has earned all of the 5 Scarechievements!
This user has earned all of the 4 Ghostchievements!
This user has earned 26 of the 38 Heavy achievements. That's 68%!
This user is an Engineer. “I told ya don’t touch that darn thing!”
This user is a Medic. “Zat, vas doctah assisted homicide!”
This user is a Sniper. “Wave goodbye ta yer ’ead, wanker!”
This user is a Spy. “You know, hiding won’t save you.”
This user has earned 23 of the 38 Engineer achievements. That's 61%!
This user has earned 17 of the 39 Medic achievements. That's 44%!
This user has earned 35 of the 42 Sniper achievements. That's 83%!
This user has earned 29 of the 38 Spy achievements. That's 76%!
This user is an employee of BLU.
This user page is so small, it is funny to me!
This user is sappin' mah sentry!
This user is ON FIRE!!
This user likes to use Crit rockets to gib other players
This user is dominating you! HUNT HIM DOWN.
No smoking please!
This user constantly calls for MEDIC!
This user prefers Mann Co. brand adjustable spanners
This user vigorously mashes F5 upon any new TF2 update.
This user has yet to meet one that can outsmart boolet.
This user is a Gentleman!
This user loves to paint his hats.
This user loves to rename his items.
This user loves to trade items.
This user loves to collect crates and is a crate addict.
If you were from where this user was from, you'd be f#&kin' dead.
This user is credit to team?...
This user is a Demopan. “Stout Shako for 2 Refined!”
This user does not drop Übers on A.
This user has a Level 5 painted tool.
This user thinks his cart is faster than your cart.
This good sir loves to play in Medieval mode, they say.
This user enjoys making people go insane.
This user prefers Half-Life 1.
This user likes Half-Life 2.
This user makes ridiculous userboxes.
This user can't think of fun things to do with his userpage, so he steals them from others!
This user supports Steam as a content delivery system.
This user owns The Orange Box.
This user fought off the zombie apocalypse with a veteran, a girl, an IT guy, and a guy who hates everything.
This user fought off the zombie apocalypse with a gambler, a coach, a rambling mechanic, and a reporter.
This user enjoys killing zombies and grabbin' dosh. "Loads o' money!"
This user's computer has Intel inside.
This user uses Google Chrome as his web browser.
This user plays TF2 with a mouse.
This user games with NVIDIA.