Thanks AgentBull my friend!

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< User:TheDoctor
Revision as of 00:04, 18 December 2012 by TheDoctor (talk | contribs) (Thanks @ AgentBull for lending me this.)
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 __  __          _                       _       _   _                 
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| |\/| | | | |  | __| '__/ _` | '_ \/ __| |/ _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \/ __|
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|_|  |_|\__, |   \__|_|  \__,_|_| |_|___/_|\__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|___/
_______ |___/ _________________________________________________________                                                          
* 2012: ~1700 edits
** Templates (thoughts, realizing) 
** Talk (almost every language: what is done wrong, and what should be) 
** Discussions (What could be, what should be, and what can't be, or not) 
** New Articles 
* 2011: ~1700 edits: ** New Articles ** Templates ** Discussions(about new additions)
Templates & Usefull Discussions (German: Gottesaufgaben + Diskussionen):
* Template:Welcome/de (i care)
* Template:Class weapons table spy secondary (beta)
* Template:Class weapons table soldier melee (also secondary, primary(beta))
* Template:TF2 beta patches (reduce waste)
* Template:Paint Can ("^")
* Template:Bundle list ("^")
* Template:Item timeline 2007-2011 ("^")
* Discussion: Reskins & Nav Bar 
* Discussion: Seperated Bundles Articles?
Item articles 2012 (German: Gegenstandsartikel):
*  Spotted new articles in 2012 (my contrib.):
** Idea Tube/de
** Business Casual/de
** Pile of Ash/de
** Captain's Cocktails/de
** Escape Plan/de
** Liquor Locker/de
** Heavy Robot/de
** Gentle Munitionne of Leisure/de
** Kill assist/de
** Walkway/de
** Medi Gun Beta 1/de
** Nine-Pipe Problem/de
** Battle Bob/de
** Map Maker's Medallion/de
** Conquistador/de
** Bushman's Boonie/de
** Merc Medal/de
** Warsworn Helmet/de
** Spirit Of Giving/de
** Jingle Belt/de
** Stocking Stuffer/de
** Head Warmer/de
** Stovepipe Sniper Shako/de
** K-9 Mane/de
** Distinguished Rogue/de
* small (German: klein):
** December 19, 2011 Patch/de
** August 24, 2011 Patch (Beta)/de
** November 5, 2012 Patch/de
** October 25, 2012 Patch (Beta)/de
** September 10, 2012 Patch/de
* big (German: gross):
** Spectral Halloween Special/de
** Haunted Hallowe'en Special/de
** Very Scary Halloween Special/de

Store, Sets, Trading (German: Shop, Sets, Handeln):
* Bundles/de (Template worked on)
* Item sets/de (Template worked on)
* Steam Workshop/de
* Item quality distribution/de
* Summer Camp Sale/de

Strategy (German: Strategiel):
* ÜberCharge strategy/de
* Jumps/de
Background information, TF2 universe (German: Hintergrundinformationen, TF2 Universum):
* Zombie Fortress/de
* Halloween mode/de
* TF2Stats/de
* TF2Mods/de
* SteamRep/de
* Source SDK/de
* Bombermod/de
* Pyroland/de
* TF2Toolbox/de
Other (German: Anderes):
* Hitman: Absolution/de
* Faerie Solitaire/de
* XCOM: Enemy Unknown/de
* Company of Heroes 2/de
* Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning/de

Personal Note: New members (new perspectives) + more input + weak and strong links = Gain of Wisedom - additional work at the beginning ; * = subjectively