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== “專訪偵察兵”影片注釋 ==
== 「專訪偵察兵」影片注釋 ==
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! class="header" | 點選查看注釋
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|['''[[Faster Than A Speeding Bullet (Soundtrack)|Faster Than a Speeding Bullet]]音樂開場,同時[[Well]]的倉庫大門緩緩上升,[[RED/zh-hant|紅隊]]的[[Scout/zh-hant|偵察兵]]和其他隊友躲在裡面。''']
|[音樂 [[Faster Than A Speeding Bullet (Soundtrack)/zh-hant|Faster Than a Speeding Bullet]] 開場,同時 [[Well/zh-hant|Well]] 的倉庫大門緩緩上升,[[RED/zh-hant|紅隊]]的[[Scout/zh-hant|偵察兵]]和其他隊友躲在裡面]
[...[[Scout/zh-hant|偵察兵]]在地圖 [[Well/zh-hant|Well]] 遇到強勁的攻擊。他一直衝刺,很快地拋下他的隊友。他閃躲了所有[[BLU/zh-hant|藍隊]]的攻擊,跑在鐵軌上,驚險地閃過一台[[Train/zh-hant|火車]],後方追擊的[[Pyro/zh-hant|火焰兵]]和[[Soldier/zh-hant|火箭兵]]閃躲不及全被撞死]
[畫面切到一個[[BLU/zh-hant|藍隊]]的[[Heavy/zh-hant|重裝兵]],坐在接近地圖 [[Granary/zh-hant|Granary]] 中央控制點的平台。當他正準備享用他的三明治時,被偵察兵用他的[[Bat/zh-hant|球棒]]敲頭]
'''偵察兵''':'''[彎曲手臂欣賞自己的肌肉]''' “喔,媽的,太完美了哈哈……。”
'''偵察兵''': '''[彎曲手臂欣賞自己的肌肉]''' 「喔,媽的,太完美了哈哈...。」
'''偵察兵''':“有在聽嗎? 好……,草會長,鳥會飛,太陽閃耀著光芒……老兄'''[瞪著攝影機]''',我會扁人。”
[又回到打架,偵察兵用球棒狠 K 重裝兵的胯下]
'''偵察兵''':'''[回到看板前]''' “我是自然之力!”
'''偵察兵''':'''[回到看板前]''' 「我是'''自然之力'''!」
[回到打鬥場面。重裝兵被打趴在地上,仍試著抓到他掉在地上的三明治。偵察兵衝刺上一個貨櫃的外緣,從上面跳下去,然後用球棒狠狠地往重裝兵的頭 K 下去]
'''[絕地要塞 2 結束畫面和音樂跳出。]'''
*This video was first shown at the Game Developer's Conference in February 2008.
*影片首次在 2008 年的遊戲開發人員大會上播放。
*In the scene where the Scout is talking in front of the "Meet the Scout" text it says "Copyright : LOLOLOL". This is a gag that recurs throughout all of the "Meet the Team" videos besides "Meet the Heavy" (which didn't have the copyright notice) and "Meet the Sandvich" (which had Copyright OM NOM NOM instead).
*當偵察兵在「Meet the Scout」文字前講話時,可以看到上面寫著「版權:LOLOLOL」。同樣的字樣可以在其他團隊專訪裡找到(例外的是專訪重裝兵,裡面沒有版權字樣,三明治專訪的版權則寫著 NOM NOM NOM)。
*The Scout is much faster than normal in the Well action scenes, and would have been unlikely to pass the [[Sentry Gun]] without significant damage. This could have been the first sly nod towards the Scout pack with the [[Bonk! Atomic Punch]].
*When the Scout pokes the camera during the line "..and brudda', I hurt people" he leaves a fingerprint which stays there for the rest of the video.
*'''Body count''': 2 (The Heavy is still alive, as he almost unnoticeably twitches his finger.)
*紅隊一開始是從藍隊的大本營開始進攻。可能的解釋是當他們在嘗試佔領藍隊的貨倉時,藍隊反佔領了中央點,迫使紅隊要走回頭攻擊。這是一個在地圖 Well 裡常發生的事情。
*RED is attacking from the BLU base in the beginning. An explanation for this could be that they were capturing the BLU warehouse when BLU took the center, nullifying their capture, which happens often in Well.
*'''Amusing Sign''': The sign on the stairwell after the Scout dodges the speeding train reads 'Watch Your Step'.
*The RED team runs out of the BLU base to attack the middle Control point.
*The sandwich is ham, bologna and cheese, accompanied by lettuce and sliced tomatoes and topped with an olive. It was later released as a unlockable secondary weapon for the Heavy known as the [[Sandvich]].
*In the game, the [[Sandvich]] replaces the Heavy's [[Shotgun]], but in this video the [[Heavy]] is actually shown holding both at the same time.
*Around the beginning of the video, when the Scout runs past the middle base, he leaps from a ledge and over onto a train. While in mid-air, he fires his Scattergun, which lets off the sound that all of the Shotguns in the game make.
*配樂「[[Faster Than A Speeding Bullet (Soundtrack)/zh-hant|Faster Than A Speeding Bullet]]」首次出現在這影片中,後來成為遊戲中[[Main menu/zh-hant|主選單]]的配樂。
*When the train passes in front of him, the Scout switches from his Scattergun to the Bat instantaneously.
*偵察兵對自己的描述很可能節錄自[[w:Muhammed Ali|拳皇阿里]]的一段說話:「這只是工作。草要長高,鳥要飛,浪要打在沙上。而我則要打人。」
*The [[Force-A-Nature]] weapon is named for the Scout's description of himself in this video.
*The [[Faster Than A Speeding Bullet (Soundtrack)|Faster Than A Speeding Bullet]] track first played in this video, after which it was patched into the game as main menu music.
*The Scout's line about himself could have been taken from the boxing champion Muhammed Ali's quote "It's just a job. Grass grows, birds fly, waves pound the sand. I beat people up."
*Just before the Scout enters the warehouse where the train barrels through, he runs past the Soldier and Pyro he had seen earlier. The Pyro also attempts to kill the Scout with a burst of flame. Listen carefully.
*When the RED team rushes out of their spawn, a Medic can be seen running with a Syringe Gun equipped. Strange behavior for a Medic, who would normally be healing his team.
*Near the end of the video, the Scout is seen eating the Heavies Sandvich. This may have been a slight hint to the Scout achievement later released called "Dodgers 1, Giants 0".
== 其他語言版本 ==
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[[Category:Meet the Team/zh-hant|Scout]]

Latest revision as of 03:52, 8 January 2020

Meet the Scout Titlecard
釋出日期: 2008年4月19日
長度: 1:35



  • 影片首次在 2008 年的遊戲開發人員大會上播放。
  • 當偵察兵在「Meet the Scout」文字前講話時,可以看到上面寫著「版權:LOLOLOL」。同樣的字樣可以在其他團隊專訪裡找到(例外的是專訪重裝兵,裡面沒有版權字樣,三明治專訪的版權則寫著 NOM NOM NOM)。
  • 偵察兵在Well地圖的一幕戰鬥場面中比正常移動得快;在遊戲裡偵察兵幾乎沒法不受傷害地躲過步哨槍。
  • 死亡人數:2(重裝兵仍然活著,在影片中可以看到他微微動了一下手指)。
  • 紅隊一開始是從藍隊的大本營開始進攻。可能的解釋是當他們在嘗試佔領藍隊的貨倉時,藍隊反佔領了中央點,迫使紅隊要走回頭攻擊。這是一個在地圖 Well 裡常發生的事情。
  • 笑點:在偵察兵躲過火車後可以看到寫著「小心步伐」的指示。
  • 影片中的三明治的材料是火腿,芝士樂起司,生菜,蕃茄及橄欖。後來被釋出成為重裝兵的次要武器:三明治
  • 當火車在偵察兵前擦過的時候,他幾乎毫無延遲地從雙管霰彈槍換到球棒。
  • 武器自然之力是根據偵察兵在專訪中對自己的描述而命名的。
  • 偵察兵對自己的描述很可能節錄自拳皇阿里的一段說話:「這只是工作。草要長高,鳥要飛,浪要打在沙上。而我則要打人。」
  • 在偵察兵進到中央點前,他會走過之前遇過的火箭兵及火焰兵。細心聆聽的話會發現火焰兵正嘗試追殺偵察兵。
  • 當紅隊離開重生點的時候,可以看到一個醫護兵正拿著他的注射槍往前衝。不過,在遊戲裡,醫護兵一般都會拿著醫療槍治療隊友。