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Weapon function times

Yo, I need help cappin'!
The Scout while frantically reloading his weapon

Weapon function times

WEAPONS-Reloading-Cooldown-Melee Attack Interval Gallery of shell casings + ammo

Reloading occurs when the player has expended all ammo in the current weapon's clip. Cooldown refers to both the period needed to reduce inaccuracy when firing a hitscan weapon and the amount of time needed before the player is able to fire again. The player may choose to reload at any time (default R). Reloading takes a minimum of 0.1 seconds that will remove one unit of ammo from the stored ammo and insert at least one shell into the weapons clip. Depending on the type of weapon, the max clip size may be fully filled during this sequence (such as the Pistol) or the sequence must by repeated to fully fill the weapon's clip (such as the Stickybomb launcher. Reloading cannot be performed without having reserve ammunition. Should the player expend all ammunition with a weapon, it will be automatically switched with another and will be unavailable for use until more ammo is obtained. Each class plays a distinct reloading animation.

The Flamethrowers and the Miniguns do not reload. Instead they can continuously fire their ammo without pausing until it is expended.

Other weapons such as Bonk! Atomic Punch and Jarate do not use ammo, but have a cooldown bar. Medi-gun refill/recharge etc.

Melee weapons do not use ammo, but have a cooldown period of 0.1 seconds before the player is able to swing again. If the player is out of ammo for all weapons, the game will default to this weapon and the player is unable to change weapons until more ammo is acquired.

Like most FPS games, the player does not lose the excess ammo remaining in the clip if they choose to reload early. However, Team Fortress 2 does not have specific voice responses regarding reloading.

Leaderboard class scout.png Scout

Leaderboard class soldier.png Soldier

Leaderboard class pyro.png Pyro

Leaderboard class demoman.png Demoman

Leaderboard class heavy.png Heavy

Leaderboard class engineer.png Engineer

Leaderboard class medic.png Medic

Leaderboard class sniper.png Sniper

Leaderboard class spy.png Spy

Weapon Kill icon Ammo
Damage range Reload time Cooldown (time between shots) Notes/Special abilities
Killicon revolver.png 6 24 Base: 40

Crit: 120

Big Kill
Big Kill
Killicon big kill.png
Killicon ambassador.png 6 24 Base: 34

Crit: 102

Pictogram plus.png Crits on accurate headshot.

Pictogram minus.png Accuracy decreases after initial shot. Has a short cooldown during which it never crits.

Pictogram minus.png -15% damage penalty.

Pictogram minus.png Has 20% slower firing speed.

Pictogram minus.png No random critical hits.

Killicon sniperriflehs.png
Killicon l'etranger.png 6 24 Base: 32

Crit: 96

Pictogram plus.png On hit adds 15% charge to cloak.

Pictogram minus.png -20% damage penalty.

Killicon enforcer.png 6 24 Base: 48

Crit: 144

Pictogram plus.png +20% damage bonus.

Pictogram minus.png Cloaking takes 0.5 seconds longer to fully activate.

Promotional / Craft
Killicon diamondback.png 6 24 Base: 34

Crit: 102

Pictogram plus.png Earns 1 crit shot for each building destroyed with a Sapper attached.

Pictogram minus.png -15% damage penalty.

Pictogram minus.png No random critical hits.

Update history

See also
