List of posters

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Revision as of 02:11, 21 June 2018 by Mikado282 (talk | contribs) (Description for World Maps. (I had to kill some of the style locally to get the row to span.))
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This list of posters is a listing some of the mostly fictional posters and the generally realist signs found throughout the Team Fortress 2 maps and other storyline media.

Image Title Description Team Tendency
Area prone to leaks.png Area Prone to Leaks The Heavy Weapons Guy is not amused.
Australium Poster.png Australium! A bill posted in Hellstone to connect the mine and facilities with the storyline of 1850, the year of Zepheniah Mann's death.
2Fort Invasion UFO Poster 2.png Be aware
Enemy in this area
A sign used to indicate (in an ambiance sense only) areas not secured from enemy forces.
Update invasion poster002.png Be aware
UFOS in this area
Variant of the preceding sign that appeared in several maps to tease the Invasion Community Update.
Hardhat.jpg Be Safe Wear Your Hardhat
Calendar R.jpg RED Calendar
June 1968
RED team calendar RED
Calendar B.jpg BLU Calendar
June 1968
BLU team calendar BLU
Caution Do Not Enter.jpg Caution Do Not Enter
Caution No Trespassing.jpg Caution No Trespassing
Radioactive.jpg Caution Radioactive Material
Slippery.png Caution Slippery When Wet
Conserve Energy.jpg Conserve Energy
Danger Do Not Enter.jpg Danger OSHA compliance Danger Signs (samples here).
Do Not Enter
Danger Explosives.jpg Danger Explosives
Danger Hazardous.jpg Danger Hazardous
Hazardous Env.jpg Danger Hazardous Environments
Hiddenchute sign.png Danger Hidden Chute
Danger High Voltage.jpg Danger High Voltage Keep Out
Danger Keep Out.jpg Danger Keep Out
Feed Birds.jpg Do Not Feed The Birds! A typical Do not feed the animals sign.
Gator.png Do Not Feed The Gator A not so typical but no less valid Do not feed the animals sign.
See Swamp Theme.
Doorway clear.jpg Keep This Doorway Clear
Extinguisher.jpg Fire Extinguisher
Give Way.jpg Give Way!
Pass goal arrow.png Goal Arrow A PASS Time arrow, usually pointed towards the Goal.
Gold Strength.jpg Gold is Strength!
Gold sign 01.png Gold, it's Good!
Grain.jpg Grain 100% Grain Quality BLU
Industry.jpg Industry is Victory! BLU
Inspection.jpg Inspection History
Update invasion poster001.png I want to believe A poster that appeared in several maps to tease the Invasion Community Update.
A reference to X-FILES' poster with the same text.
This Job.jpg Job Safety Scoreboard This Job Has Worked 0 Days Without An Accident
Keep Out.jpg Keep Out
Loading Dock.jpg Loading Dock Delivery Hours 8 A.M. to 4 P.M. Weekdays Closed on Weekends
Lost continent.jpg Lost Continent Visit The Lost Continents
Milk.jpg Milk 100% Milk Fresh RED
Mount Knife.jpg Mount Knifeback Experience! Mount Knifeback
No Smoking.png No Smoking Please ... No Smoking
No Wake.png No Wake
Dumping.jpg Notice No Dumping Allowed BLU
Keep Clear.jpg Notice Notice Keep Area Clear At All Times BLU
Private property.png Private Property Private Property Keep Out
Public Notice.jpg Public Notice Closed
For information contact the West Coast Designs Company.
No Unautherized personel allowed beyound this point. [sic]
Jenkins Mine Closed.jpg Public Notice Jenkins Mine Closed
For information contact the West Coast Designs Company.
No Unauthorized personel allowed beyound this point. [sic]
Restricted Area.jpg Restricted Area Authorized Personnel Only
Safety Starts.jpg Safety Starts With You! A common safety motto.
Shipping Receiving.jpg Shipping & Receiving RED
Shipping Receiving B.jpg Shipping & Receiving BLU
Speed Limit 15.jpg Speed Limit 15
Swift.jpg Swift Water See Swiftwater.
Target Practice.jpg Target
Trespasser Viol.jpg Trespassers Will be Violated
No Trespassing.png No Trespassing Violators Will be Shot
Survivors Will be Incapacitated
TrespassingB.jpg No Trespassing BLU
Construction.png Under Construction
Construction2.png 正在施工
(Under Construction)
Dead End Poster.jpg Warning Dead End
Men Working.jpg Warning Men Working
Warning Hazard Area.jpg Warning Hazard Area
Toxic.jpg Warning Toxic Chemicals
ToxicR.jpg Warning Toxic Chemicals RED
ToxicB.jpg Warning Toxic Chemicals BLU
Warning Unsafe.jpg Warning Unsafe
Water.jpg Warning Water Unfit for Drinking
Do Not Drink
Declared by Ordinance Code 19 Part 68
Watch Your Step.jpg Watch Your Step
Watch your Step.png Watch Your Step
World Map R.jpg World Map A post-WWII Soviet Era World Map (plausibly 1960s): The Soviet Union was nominally a union of republics, and, as seen in this map, some world maps of the time would show these divisions of the USSR, akin to showing the individual states of the USA, almost all of which were formed as republics.

Germany is shown divided. However, neither Vietnam nor Korea, which were in civil war in the 1950s and 60s, are shown divided in these maps, a convention that was not unknown in the 1960s.

World Map B.jpg World Map BLU