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*Scouts and Spies are by far the best classes for reaching, grabbing and moving the Intelligence even when it is well defended.  Even if they get annihilated soon after touching the Intelligence, they can buy time for a real attack to break through and secure it.  Scouts and Spies are great for penetrating enemy Intelligence rooms and bringing the Intelligence at least partway out of the enemy base.  Against vigilant enemy teams, help from the other classes is usually needed to bring it all the way home, but every little bit helps.  Defenders beware: give Scouts and Spies an inch, and they’ll take it a mile.   
*Scouts and Spies are by far the best classes for reaching, grabbing and moving the Intelligence even when it is well defended.  Even if they get annihilated soon after touching the Intelligence, they can buy time for a real attack to break through and secure it.  Scouts and Spies are great for penetrating enemy Intelligence rooms and bringing the Intelligence at least partway out of the enemy base.  Against vigilant enemy teams, help from the other classes is usually needed to bring it all the way home, but every little bit helps.  Defenders beware: give Scouts and Spies an inch, and they’ll take it a mile.   
*The Pyro’s [[Compression Blast]] is a very effective way of preventing and even undoing an Intelligence carrier’s forward progress.  At least one Pyro is vital for defending dropped Intelligence. 
*Pyro的[[Compression Blast/zh-hans|压缩气爆]]可以有效地阻止敌方将你们的情报带走。或者是阻止敌方重新捡起你的情报。至少1个pyro来防守友方的掉落情报。
*If you are carrying the Intelligence and the enemy team is attempting to knock you back with the Compression Blast or some other ability, drop the Intelligence before they are able to erase your forward progress.   
*If you are carrying the Intelligence and the enemy team is attempting to knock you back with the Compression Blast or some other ability, drop the Intelligence before they are able to erase your forward progress.   

Revision as of 04:32, 28 July 2022

本篇文章主要介绍关于 社区夺旗战术


  • 一个优秀的团队,往往会平均地,正确地分配好进攻与防守的职责。在大多数游戏中,必须要有两三个玩家负责守护情报, 鉴于大多数兵种都不能很好的两头兼顾(即既进攻又防守),所以说,要与团队的其他队员打好交流,当敌人进行进攻时,使用聊天框或其他方式呼叫队友守护情报。同样的, 在进攻时,倘若始终无法向前推进,可以呼叫队友配合进攻。在你获得对方的情报时,可以呼叫队友协助以帮助你将情报带出对方控制区。所以说,团队协作是该模式必不可少的部分。
  • 许多团队极度依赖工程师守护情报。不可否认的是,工程师虽然在守护情报上起到了关键的作用,但千万不能错误的认为工程师们能自己守护情报。步哨枪是不可能守住敌人的大规模进攻的。就算放对点位也没用。工程师固然很有用(在防守上),但建议派出几个队友协助工程师(如协助他们间谍检查等等)。
  • 千万不要带着队友们一拥而上地去抢情报。一般来讲, 敌人的防守固然十分坚固,抢情报也固然很难, 这么做只能白送人头。而敌人也可以趁机攻击你们
  • 阻止敌人越快, 你们的情报也有更小几率被二次抢走,一直等到时间刷新后情报重新归位。
  • 夺旗地图决定了团队战术的布置。比如 2Fort处于易守难攻, 然而, Double Cross有许多条路可以通向情报室, 对于进攻性的团队而又提供了许多机会。
  • 每一个夺旗地图都会有结构上的相似点,总会有几条直接通向情报室的路线: 第一种是对于所有兵种而言可以直接到达的路线(但十分危险,因为敌人也会去重点防守它), 同样的,也会有几条专门为某些兵种而准备的路线。比如,2Fort有三条通向情报室的路线。通过“阳台”、格栅室和后院。 在Turbine中, 也有三个方向可以进入情报室。如直接通过左侧大门进入情报室,或者穿过敌方重生点,也可以钻二楼的管道。
  • 在大多数地图,中心区域都是十分开放的,大部分狙击手都会在此架点。所以,这里就变成了必争之地,基本上每一个队伍都会尝试控制中心区域。玩家在此可以选择进攻或者是防守, 因为这是通往敌人(还有你们)情报的必经之处。
  • 善用暴击奖励!经常来说,暴击奖励可以让你的队伍成功拿取敌方情报后再去拿一次对面的情报。当然,当敌人拥有这个暴击奖励时,暂时先躲起来等待暴击结束。如果你准备夺取情报时,通知你的队友准备发动攻击。在局势非常紧急之时,你可以将情报丢给负责守你们情报的队友,这样可以把握好暴击奖励的时间。
  • Scouts and Spies are by far the best classes for reaching, grabbing and moving the Intelligence even when it is well defended. Even if they get annihilated soon after touching the Intelligence, they can buy time for a real attack to break through and secure it. Scouts and Spies are great for penetrating enemy Intelligence rooms and bringing the Intelligence at least partway out of the enemy base. Against vigilant enemy teams, help from the other classes is usually needed to bring it all the way home, but every little bit helps. Defenders beware: give Scouts and Spies an inch, and they’ll take it a mile.
  • Pyro的压缩气爆可以有效地阻止敌方将你们的情报带走。或者是阻止敌方重新捡起你的情报。至少1个pyro来防守友方的掉落情报。
  • If you are carrying the Intelligence and the enemy team is attempting to knock you back with the Compression Blast or some other ability, drop the Intelligence before they are able to erase your forward progress.
  • 当你拾取着情报时,如果附近有一个机动性较高的队友(比如侦察兵),将情报丢下了给他。这样可以大大确保情报能够带回基地。
  • The capture score can determine how aggressively teams can afford to play. If a team is one capture away from victory and the other is not, the losing team will usually try to defend at all costs and attempt to force a Sudden Death or Stalemate. The leading team can afford to be very aggressive, however it can risk losing its lead if too many players choose not to defend. For this reason, even a team that seems to be hopelessly behind should have least one player trying to capture the enemy Intelligence if for no other reason than to force the enemy team to divert some resources to defending.
  • 赢得夺旗对局胜利的关键是平衡好进攻与防守。将你的团队分为进攻与防守两大部分,各司其职,多加沟通,这才是最有效的方法。


Leaderboard class scout.png 侦察兵

The Scout’s speed and maneuverability make him an obvious choice for Intelligence stealer and carrier. Using Bonk! Atomic Punch, the Force-A-Nature, and the Sandman is a great combination for an Intelligence-grabber Scout, since it maximizes his ability to breach and bypass enemy defenses, utilize alternate routes, and make a successful getaway by stunning or knocking away anyone who tries to stop him. Aside from attacking the enemy Intelligence, the Scout can also be useful for harassing enemy Snipers, being a general distraction with Bonk!, and also by being a sort of “midfielder”, playing both on offense and defense as the need arises.

Leaderboard class soldier.png 士兵

As a strong all around general combatant, the Soldier can play any role in CTF. The ability to Rocket jump and the speed boost of the Escape Plan can make the Soldier effective at taking alternate and unexpected routes to the enemy Intelligence room, and he is one of the few classes capable of single-handedly dealing with enemy Engineers or other defenses that might be protecting the Intelligence. On defense, the splash damage of the rockets are great for disrupting the movement of enemy Intelligence carriers making it a good all-rounder class in CTF.

Leaderboard class pyro.png 火焰兵

The Pyro shines on defense in CTF, keeping the area around the Intelligence Spy-free. As in any match, the Pyro is also an excellent guard for Engineer positions, blunting attacks and disrupting enemy ÜberCharges and sap attempts. The compression blast is a vital tool for preventing the Intelligence from being picked up, and can also be used to prevent or reverse the movement of Intelligence carriers. When it comes to defending dropped Intelligence, a Pyro on the scene is a must.

Leaderboard class demoman.png 爆破手

Aside from his normal role of dealing massive damage and wrecking enemy Sentry Guns, the Demoman has a lot of other options in CTF. The long and often defensive nature of rounds can really reward the use of the Eyelander to build up a massive bonus in speed and health. The Scottish Resistance is great on defense to seal off multiple access points to the base and the Intelligence, and also on offense to diffuse similar traps from enemy Demomen. Sticky traps on dropped Intelligence can stop a single capture attempt instantly, but aren’t always the best for preventing the Intelligence from being touched in the first place. Beware of enemy Bonk! Scouts and Dead Ringer using Spies causing you to trigger your traps prematurely.

Leaderboard class heavy.png 机枪手

While the middle of many CTF maps are often a no-man’s land for the Heavy due to Sniper cover, the team bases are usually much more claustrophobic and a talented Heavy supported by a Medic can become an almost unstoppable force in these locations. Heavies are excellent for spearheading an assault to capture an Intelligence briefcase that has been partially brought out of a base by another, faster teammate, since going all the way to the enemy Intelligence room takes a long time both going in and coming out and requires plowing through a lot of resistance. Always defer to a teammate in picking up the Intelligence unless you are the only choice. On defense, the Heavy can be quite an effective Spy-checker and can use his high health to block doorways or other routes to prevent the escape or entrance of enemies going after the Intelligence. The Natascha is great for slowing down Intelligence carriers and making them easier targets.

Leaderboard class engineer.png 工程师

The Engineer provides a vital first line of defense against the easiest offensive tactic in CTF – the Scout. Even modestly well-placed Sentry Guns can completely deny Scout capture attempts, and unlike human players Sentry Guns never get bored of waiting for enemies. Boredom however can be common for Engineers on CTF maps, especially during stretches where the enemy team might not be trying particularly hard to capture your Intelligence. This can be the biggest pitfall of CTF for Engineers however, since often your team assumes that you have the Intelligence under guard, and if you fail to be vigilant, there is actually very little standing in the way of the first person who finally decides to steal your Intelligence. While many players try to relieve their Engineer boredom by building bases in forward locations or even in the enemy base, the wisest course is to build near your own Intelligence. CTF maps are usually never big enough to really require a Teleporter to ferry your team, and Teleporters can actually be detrimental if they divert your team away from your base. The Sentry Gun is usually best placed within range of your Intelligence, otherwise Bonk! Scouts can bypass it, though if there are other Engineers on your team you can gain more freedom to build in other areas of your territory. Never build a Sentry right on top of your Intelligence, since Spies can sap it and start escaping with the Intelligence without being shot down. Staying close to home has the advantage of being near a Resupply Locker, and you can even retreat there carrying a Building during moments of extreme danger and rebuild once the coast is clear. While an Engineer base can protect the Intelligence from many threats and most single enemies, call for help if it looks like you’re being seriously attacked. Medics or Spies accompanying other classes can overrun you very fast, so fight for time while calling for help. On many maps it is possible to use your Sentry and Dispenser to block access through doorways and hallways. Finally, always remember to move or rebuild your Buildings where your Intelligence has dropped. A Dispenser as well as a Sentry is important to allow your teammates to keep defending the Intelligence without having to leave to refill on ammo.

Leaderboard class medic.png 医生

Many players know how vital Medics are for sustaining any kind of offense in enemy territory. Not everyone realizes that they are equally important for maintaining their team’s defenses in their own territory as well. Aside from being near Resupply Lockers and perhaps friendly Engineers and their Dispensers, there is no real advantage to fighting in your own territory compared to fighting in enemy territory when you're face-to-face with an enemy attack. Without Medics to provide immediate healing and overhealing buffs, the enemy team can easily overpower your team’s defenders for just long enough to steal and get away with the Intelligence. Simply because you get to respawn when you die doesn’t help defend in a critical situation, and preventing his teammates from dying is just what the good Doctor ordered. When playing as a Medic, it’s fairly easy to remain alive to build up an ÜberCharge if you don’t leave your team’s territory, though if you aren’t healing wounded teammates this will be a slow process. Things get a lot trickier if you plan to deploy an ÜberCharge in the enemy base. In most cases, enemy Snipers and Spies are your main worries, particularly if you cross the middle of the map. Depending on the situation, you should avoid Sniper territory entirely and try to take alternate routes to the enemy side such as through sewer tunnels. Once inside enemy territory, the ÜberCharge should ideally be used to break through Engineer positions to reach the Intelligence.

Leaderboard class sniper.png 狙击手

“走上狙击台然后狙爆敌人的头” 很好的概括了所有狙击手玩家的打法。虽然这么做并没有太大问题。但千万要记住,狙击手还可以做一些更有意义的事, 比如守情报。一些新手会忘记观察自己的情报位置。因为狙击手一般都是在自家附近,所以你要做好守护情报的责任。总的来说, 如果你不能提高警惕,多观察周围,你很容易成为间谍或者其他人的目标。瓶手道可以帮助你干爆那些死铃间谍,同时也能阻止他们偷情报, 猎人短弓 可以帮助你解决掉那些机枪手。最后,很多玩家认为,狙击手只能(也只会)待在城垛上对狙。但你也可以换一个点位来狙别人,比如2Fort的下水道。

Leaderboard class spy.png 间谍

There is a lot of room for creativity and deviousness for the Spy in CTF. In contrast to the time pressure of some game types such as Arena, CTF rounds can often be long enough to allow the Spy some time to get into great positions to cause all kinds of mischief. Using the Cloak and Dagger, the entire enemy base can become your chestnut, allowing you to infiltrate practically any location with enough time and patience, completely unbeknownst to your enemies. However, this can depend a lot on the enemy team’s level of skill and vigilance. If you get sloppy and get exposed and killed several times, you might find that no amount of patience gets you anywhere once several Pyros start sweeping everywhere. Random Spy-checking happens all the time, so never assume that you can hide in a location that is completely safe from discovery. Once you successfully infiltrate enemy territory, the real fun begins. You can relay information on enemy defenses to your allies, including the location of enemy Sentry Guns and Stickybomb traps. Skilled Spies can guide their team’s Scouts to the enemy Intelligence, sap Sentry Guns to allow them to grab it, and then help complete the capture on the way out if the Scout is killed. Spies are also excellent at resetting the Intelligence timer since they can reach it invisibly or from behind and uncloak right on it. The Dead Ringer is an especially useful tool for this purpose since it enables you to approach the enemy without fear of being immediately killed. Aside from causing havoc in the enemy base, Spies can also be excellent defenders by posing a serious threat to enemy Heavies and Medics that can otherwise run rampant in your territory. One excellent way to get easy stabs is to use your team’s own Sentry Guns as distractions.