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机枪手像搂着宝宝一样将他的机枪搂在脸旁,说: |
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机枪手在指尖旋转他的霰弹枪,然后做出“割喉”的姿势说: 另外,他也有可能不说话。 |
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机枪手热情地咬下他的食物,展现出他嘴里的大块食物并开心地咀嚼,发出响亮的声音:"NOM NOM NOM ...OM NOM"。 享用完美食后,满足的机枪手说出他的其中一句特殊回应。 |
相关物品 | 描述 | 击杀图标 | |
主条目: 决斗
机枪手轻弹他的手腕之后,模仿快枪手决斗并大喊"Pow! Haha!"。 |
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两声“击倒”铃声响起,机枪手在空中做出四次上勾拳。 |
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开始时: 拳击时: 使出上勾拳时: 结束时: |
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开始时: 掀桌时:
结束时: 相关音效: |
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机枪手向上伸展它的手臂,咕哝道: 机枪手右臂抬着左臂并摇晃,展示它们的强壮: 机枪手抬起他的双臂并展示他的背部: 机枪手双手交叉,展示他的力量: |
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按下MOUSE 1使得机枪手做出“割喉”的动作并发射车上的机枪(纯视觉效果)。 在嘲讽过程中,玩家会不断向前移动,且只能左右转弯。 “收缩”时:
发射机枪时: |
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开始时: 擦拭武器中:
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拿出哑铃时: 举起哑铃时: 丢弃哑铃时: |
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开始时: 掀桌时:
结束时: 相关音效: |
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A creature resembling a Bread monster partially comes out of the Heavy's chest. The Heavy tries to smash it, only to end up pushing it back inside, wiping his hands afterwards.
Creature noises
Looking at monster
Wiping his hands |
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The Heavy bounces in rhythm to the Latin beats while saying:
Initiating a Conga line
Dancing to the Conga |
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The Heavy puts his arms out and forms a square with his fingers, trying to visualize the scene in front of him in a frame or a screen. |
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The Heavy punches both fists against each other three times in quick succession before extending his right arm forward for someone to bump his fist.
Intro While waiting, he looks to his sides and then moves his left arm in a calling manner while saying: The Heavy then cracks his right hand's fingers before punching the other player's fist. Bumping
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The Heavy bends his knees slightly and flips players with a single finger. If he is being flipped, he tries to perform a somersault, but lands on his head.
Preparing to flip
Flipping another player Being flipped
After flipping |
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The Heavy raises his hand while saying: He then opens his arms to the sides and tilts his head to the right, slaps the other player's hand, and bends forward while flexing his arms. |
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The Heavy bends his knees and kicks forward, occasionally doing the splits and clapping. The player can freely move around, albeit slowly, during this taunt. |
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The Heavy plays a sting and an unchoked cymbal, hitting the cymbal so hard it loses balance and falls; he then flexes both arms while laughing. |
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The Heavy goes through an aerobics routine with the option of a class-specific animation.
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The Heavy engages in an intense battle of Rock, Paper, Scissors.
Initiating a throw Win (Condition-specific)
Loss |
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The Heavy jumps in surprise, before screaming and slightly crouching down, shielding his face with both hands; after a moment, he stands upright and dusts himself off.
Scared Regaining composure |
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The Heavy slaps his knee and laughs while pointing forward. |
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The Heavy takes out a staff with a skull on its top and a tag reading "99¢." He attempts to cast an Overheal spell with his left hand while kicking to the sides, failing to create anything but green sparkles. He then breaks the staff in half while groaning before returning to his original position. |
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The Heavy summons a guitar and plays an intense solo as flames and lightning spout from behind. |
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The Heavy gestures towards his head and then performs a head butt with another player.
Initiating a head butt
Initiating a head butt After a head butt |
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The Heavy swings his partner 'round and 'round while saying:
Starting a dance
During the dance Dance's end |
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The Heavy jumps into a team-colored bumper car. Pressing MOUSE1 makes him honk the car's horn. The player can freely move around, albeit slowly, during this taunt. |
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A wooden cutout of a Yeti appears roaring in front of the Heavy. He rubs the palms of his hands against one another in anticipation, flexes his arms, puts both of his fists to his right side, and hits the cutout with them, destroying it. He then returns to his original position.
Cutout appears Before punching the yeti Cutout destroyed Defeated roar |
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The Heavy turns into a Yeti, beats his chest while roaring, and slams the ground with his fist; he then turns back to normal and stands back up.
Yeti transformation
After turning back |
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The Heavy pulls out a witch's broom and proceeds to ride it, hovering above the ground. The player can freely move around, albeit slowly, during this taunt. |
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The Heavy raises his arms up in a threatening manner while making a terrifying roar. |
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无 | The Heavy lifts his leg and then shows something off. |
taunt_big_gorilla |
Associated sound effects of chest beating |
Trading |
- [未记载] 现在机枪手的第一个嘲讽可以杀死站在他面前的敌人了。
- [未记载] 为杀戮拳击手套添加了其专属的武器嘲讽。
- 现在用嘲讽的形式食用三明治也可以将机枪手治疗至满血。
- 修复了玩家可以在食用三明治(通过嘲讽)的那一帧中将三明治丢出去的漏洞。
- 修复了机枪手的拳头在嘲讽时会被隐藏的问题。
- [未记载] 添加了未使用的“击掌”嘲讽。
- 现在紧急逃跑手套将使用拳击嘲讽。
- 添加了“导演的视角”嘲讽。
- [未记载] 添加了一个未使用的“show1”嘲讽。
- [未记载] 添加了大笑动作动画。
- 添加了“幸灾乐祸”嘲讽。
- 添加了“击掌!”嘲讽。
- 添加了“科学怪人”饰品套装嘲讽。
- 添加了“Shred Alert”嘲讽。
- 嘲讽“裂胸者”被添加进游戏中。
- 嘲讽“扫帚飞行术”被添加进游戏中。
- 更新了嘲讽,以防止玩家在回合前未能移动的时候利用嘲讽进行移动。
- 添加了“曼恩团体操”嘲讽。
- 添加了“圣诞大餐”嘲讽。
2017年10月20日补丁 #1(丛林炼狱更新)
- 嘲讽“Fist Bump”被添加进游戏中。
- 嘲讽“Bare Knuckle Beatdown”被添加进游戏中。
- 嘲讽“Scaredy-cat!”被添加进游戏中。
- 嘲讽“Russian Rubdown”被添加进游戏中。
- 嘲讽“Road Rager”和“Killer Joke”被添加进游戏中。
- 嘲讽“Neck Snap”被添加进游戏中。
- 嘲讽“Mourning Mercs”和“Cheers!”被添加进游戏中。