The Days Have Worn Away/ru

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The Days Have Worn Away
Информация о комиксе
Выпущен: 20 Декабря 2024
Количество страниц: 330
Artists: Heather "makani" Campbell
Bernardo Brice
Brea Foster
Tiana Oreglia
Writers: Jay Pinkerton
Erik Wolpaw
Colorists: Maren "rennerei" Marmulla
Ira Crosby

Деньки Прошли (также известный как Team Fortress Comics #7) - это комикс, появившийся 20 Декабря 2024 года. Он является последним выпуском семипараметровой рядом облигаций Team Fortress Комикса, взятые из Нагие и мёртвые.

Краткое содержание

Комикс разворачивается в событиях, произошедших в 1979 году, то есть на семь лет назад после поражения команды TFC в 1972 году. Известно, что Маразмуса отправили в тюрьму Badlands Correctional Institute, периметр которого был усеян останками заключённых, которые пытались сбежать оттуда. Другой заключённый по имени Диего принёс свои извинения перед Маразмусом за то, что организовал карточную аферу, которая соперничала с аферой Маразмуса. Диего остерегался своей истории фокусника и при мысли об этом, он старался вычеркнуть Маразмуса. Маразмус предложил сделку Диего, когда душил его, но Солдат, Жанна, и их двое детей General Patton Doe и Georgia Washington Doe вмешались и проникли в камеру Маразмуса, копая в неё. Т-Кость ещё один из сокамерников попытался вмешаться, но Georgia свернула ему шею. Семья пришла сюда, чтобы осовободить Маразмуса, чтобы он стал няней для их маленькой сестры, но Маразмус не хочет оставить своих заключённых в беде. Он соглашается лишь, тогда когда Солдат рассказывает Маразмусу о том, что его преследует корейская мафия из-за неоплаченных долгов.

Тогда история возращается на семь лет назад, где Солдат рассказывает Маразмусу о том, что произошло после его первоначального ареста. Как Мисс Полинг произносит победную речь перед умирающим TFC пулемётчиком, солдат объявляет пулемётчику, что собирается его жениться и создать семью с Жанной. В этот момент солдат становится на одно колено и протягивает гранату и просит у пулемётчика руки его сестры, на что тот отвечает ему отказом. Солдат поворачивается к Жанне, чтобы предложить ей гранату, и она соглашается. Тогда солдат вытаскивает чеку из гранаты и и использует её как обручальное кольцо, тем самым бросив эту гранату за Жанной. Пулемётчик как и Солдат не имеют какого-либо дохода и живут в пещере, но все равно собираются жениться. Солдат рассказывает, что пещера, в которой он живёт покрыта «золотом», и тогда пулемётчик понимает, что это были залежи Австралия. Мисс Полинг, убегая выхватывает кусок и готовиться передать его Администратору в надежде, что получит своё повышение на службе, таким образом скрывая новости о солдатском австралии от Сакстона Хейла.

Hale decides to go take back Mann Co. with Maggie, but she ditches him. He steals Miss Pauling's plane and strands the mercenaries, leaving them with no other choice but to fly a rickety aircraft. They fly to Engineer's location, but with no place to land they jump from the plane and parachute down.

After Miss Pauling expresses urgency to meet with the Administrator, Engineer leads them to a mysterious door that takes them to a cavern underneath. Engineer remains behind, seeing it unreasonable as his grandfather and father had never gone past that door. Fearing possible death as they descend into the cavern, Scout confesses to Miss Pauling that he had decided to move on from pursuing romance with her, stating that he began to realize that there are more women out in the world during their flight. Miss Pauling quips that some of those women must be hotter than she is, and they bump fists.

In a flashback to a cold winter day in the 1820s, a young «Elizabeth» arrives at Zepheniah Mann's mansion to become his governess. Zepheniah informs her that the job will involve molding his two sons, Redmond and Blutarch, to become titans of industry until the stronger brother kills the other and becomes worthy to inherit the Mann fortune. 27 years later, in Teufort, New Mexico, USA, a dying Zepheniah signs his will. Elizabeth reveals that she had lied to Zepheniah about the land he had purchased and vowed to have his sons fight forever, neither of them emerging victorious. Elizabeth whispers one last thing to Zepheniah; he passes shortly after. His body is returned to his manor where it is buried outside his family mausoleum and in a small, unremarkable grave.

In the year that followed, Elizabeth slowly loses the will to live, eventually committing suicide by hanging herself. Gray Mann, who is aware of Elizabeth's actions and the fact that «Elizabeth» is just an alias, arrives and revives her using his own life-extending machine. When inquired about the yellow «miracle gravel» Zepheniah left behind for her, she disregards it as worthless fool's gold, until Gray informs her that it is actually a new element capable of extending the human lifespan well beyond natural expectancy (as he just demonstrated by reviving her). She sends Gray away by lying that she does not have her miracle gravel at hand and needs time to retrieve it; all the while she was standing next to an exorbitant amount hidden under a tarp. She exhumes Zepheniah's body that night.

Back in the present, the mercenaries find a young Administrator speaking menacingly to a resurrected Zepheniah, who is strapped to a Life Extender Machine, and the Administrator had forced him to watch the never-ending war between RED and BLU for the past century. So much time had passed that the Administrator no longer remembers why she was tormenting Zepheniah. She asks Miss Pauling if she had brought her more Australium as instructed, but Miss Pauling hides her piece away and denies finding any. The Administrator begins to age rapidly, leading her to taunt Zepheniah one last time and declare that spending the past century torturing him was worth it. Exhausting any Australium they had left, both of their bodies crumbled away to dust. Miss Pauling is the last to leave the room; she speaks with the Engineer again, who advises her to mine Soldier's cave for every deposit of Australium present and commit it to the deepest aquatic trench she can find, to which she asks if he knows any deep aquatic trenches.

The story jumps back to seven years after, in Gwangju, South Korea. A tied-up Soldier had been recapping the events as Merasmus was tortured to death by the Korean mafia. Merasmus' ghost remains in the room, but only Soldier can see him, and the Korean mafia begins torturing Soldier. Heavy and Sniper barge into the room and confront the mafia, but learn that Merasmus' debt totaled to only 12,000 won, equivalent to 17 U.S. dollars. Heavy pays the mafia with a "0 bill, which frees Soldier. Merasmus also escapes by haunting a brick, which Soldier then carries out in his pants, planning to head back to Merasmus' burnt-down house to collect a brick for Tom Jones to haunt and linger in the living world together with Merasmus in Soldier's pants.

A drunken Saxton Hale daydreams about a past adventure with Maggie when Mr. Bidwell wakes him to sign documents. Hale had taken back Mann Co. from a now-14-year-old Olivia Mann, who was retained as a desk secretary. Both of them hate their positions; Olivia disliked being part of her father's plans of world domination, so Hale promptly fires her. Overjoyed, Olivia hugs Hale and leaves the room, while Bidwell reminds Hale that she is still in his custody. Hale also resigns from Mann Co., offering the company to Bidwell, who again declines, Hale reverting the ownership to Mr. Reddy. Hale decides to reunite with Maggie to rejuvenate his life of adventure.

Scout—now a single father of many children—has invited all the mercenaries to his home in Boston, USA, for the holidays. Spy is the first to arrive, and when he inquires Scout about how he can afford to raise that many kids alone, Scout reveals that he won a lawsuit against the city of Teufort for the numerous injuries he had sustained there. One of Scout's children, Tanya, runs up to them and Spy introduces himself as her father's friend from work before gifting her his balaclava. The remaining mercenaries with their families and pets, alongside the Eyelander and the ghosts of Merasmus and Tom Jones, arrive soon after. The reader is the last to arrive at the party, and Scout proclaims that they wouldn't have been able to accomplish anything without our support.

Many decades later, in the current day, an elderly Hale and Maggie take on a pack of cheetahs as they are cornered on a cliff. The comic concludes with Hale asking Maggie, «What's the matter, Mags... You wanna live forever?».


All pages of the The Days Have Worn Away comic.


Name reveals
  • The Инженер addresses Miss Pauling/ru as Flo, revealing her first name. She was previously only known as «F. Pauling».
  • The Разведчик's last name, Willis, is seen on the letters in the Шпион's hand, as well as on the mailbox. Previously only his first name, Jeremy, was known.
Name reveals
  • The Инженер addresses Miss Pauling/ru as Flo, revealing her first name. She was previously only known as «F. Pauling».
  • The Разведчик's last name, Willis, is seen on the letters in the Шпион's hand, as well as on the mailbox. Previously only his first name, Jeremy, was known.
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  • The third cover shows several strange blueprints scattered on the floor: these include a Swiss-Army flintlock pistol, a Gatling gun, a prosthetic robot hand, a wheeled «crawling baby» Gatling gun, a double-sided beam gun, and a gelatin dessert with a Sandvich/ru inside, among other things.
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  • While the page's artwork is mostly identical to page 256 of The Naked and the Dead, the line Miss Pauling delivers is actually seen on page 252 while she is kneeling.
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  • Items carried by staff resemble the cases of advanced equipment denied Team Fortress in The Contract.
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  • The statue showcases the other mercenary teams of Mann Co., with Team Ajax, Team B, Team Citadel, Team D, and Team Echelon. The bottom of the statue has a ripped-off plaque, likely for Team Fortress.
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  • Several books can be seen in the foreground:
    • The Big Book of Knowing When Rodin Was Born - Auguste Rodin was the sculptor of The Thinkerand was born nearly 2 decades after the time this panel takes place in.
    • Bronze vs. Alabaster: Knowing the Difference - The Thinker is made of bronze; alabaster is a mineral and a soft rock used for carvings and as a source of plaster powder.
    • So You've Just Purchased Rodin's Father's The Thinker - This implies in the Team Fortress universe, Auguste Rodin's father made a version of The Thinker before Auguste himself.
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  • A few names can be seen amongst the gravestones: Algernon Mann, Ezekiel Mann, Jedidiah Mann, Augustus Mann, Horatio Mann, as well as a «W. Mann» with the second initial cut off.
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  • Circa 1849, the Administrator looks out over the future Teufort, originally named Hugginsville, then Two Fart (A Cold Day in Hell, page 41.)
  • Members of the forming 1850s mercenaries appear in the street. Left to right:
    • Heavy/John Henry, hammer head over right shoulder.
    • Demoman/Alfred Nobel, prospector.
    • Medic/Sigmund Freud, in rocking chair.
    • Sniper/Davy Crockett, in coonskin cap.
    • Grass-stem chewing Scout/Billy the Kid, leaning on porch post.
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  • The Administrator's Mallen Streak appears with the trauma of the resurrection.
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  • Like page 131, the monitors show in-game screenshots of maps (from left to right): Upward, Foundry, Badlands, Steel, Upward, Viaduct, Badlands (twice), Egypt (top), Steel (bottom), Foundry (top), Badlands (bottom), Egypt, Badlands, and Viaduct.
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  • Heavy mentions that 12,000 won is 17 US Dollars. However, in 1979, 12 thousand South Korean won was actually 19.76 USD.
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  • The last names of Scout's former wives are striked out on his mailbox: Mitchell, Graham, and Gibson. All are prefixed with his own last name, Willis.
  • «NM», located on the top left of the letter, is an abbreviation for the US state of New Mexico.
  • Lynn is a municipality in Massachusetts, United States; Lynn Street is a real street located in Boston's West End.
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  • The attendees, from left to right:
    • The Scout and the Spy.
    • The Demoman with his mother Mrs. Tilly DeGroot, and the Eyelander (above the Heavy).
    • The Heavy with his family: his mother and his sisters, Yana (above the Heavy's mother), Zhanna, and Bronislava (next to the Medic).
    • The Medic, ready to carve the turkey with a Bonesaw, his grown-up baboon from The Naked and the Dead (top left, hanging from the curtain); and Archimedes, sitting on top of the Eyelander.
    • The Pyro and the Dalmatian from Ring of Fired page 66, to the right of the turkey.
    • The Soldier, with his two children General Patton Doe (held by Yana) and Georgia Washington Doe (to the left of Zhanna).
    • The Sniper and the Engineer.
    • The ghosts of Tom Jones and Merasmus (top right).
  • The decorations on the left wall include paper cutouts of several projectiles: a rocket, stickybomb, and the ball from the Sandman.


  • The three cover pages reference the Administrator's goals, and how she is unable to remember why she began her revenge against Zepheniah in the first place.
  • The cover pages for the comic are based on the cover page of Batman: Year One #404, with two unknown people (presumably the Administrator's parents) standing in for Bruce Wayne's parents.
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  • Soldier's kids are named after two famous soldier figures from United States history: George S. Patton, a famous general in the United States army and George Washington, a founding father and first president of the United States.
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  • The Demoman's eyepatch was missing. This was fixed in early 2025.
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  • Megatherium is an extinct genus of ground sloths endemic to South America that lived from the Early Pliocene through the end of the Late Pleistocene time periods. Its name is Greek for «great beast».
  • Mictlān is the underworld of Aztec mythology.
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  • The last scene of Hale and Maggie fighting cheetahs has been the ending since the first comic issue. The last line spoke is a reference to a Saxton Hale postcard.[1]
  • The fourth wall break at the end of the comic was inspired by writer Erik Wolpaw watching the finale of Batman: The Brave and the Bold with his son.[1]
  • Tiana Oreglia, one of the comic's artists, explained that Scout's mother is absent from the Christmas party due to the fact that she has many of her other children besides Scout to attend to.[2]

См. также

Доп. ссылки


  1. a b E-mail from Jay Pinkerton
  2. Tweet from Tiana Oreglia