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Community Hydro strategy
TF2 Hydro Map.jpg
Entwickler: {{{map-developer}}}
Umgebung: Industriell
Situation: Tageslicht, sonnig
Gefahren: Fallgruben
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Dieser Artikel beschreibt die Community Strategie zur Karte Hydro.

Allgemeine Strategie (Alle Klassen)

  • Um auf Hydro erfolgeich zu sein, ist es wichtig zu Verstehen wie Territoriale Kontrole-Karten funktionieren und welchen Teil von Hydro man gerade spielt. Direkt von der Basis aus gibt es eine Verbindung zum gegnerischen Gebiet. Man kann diese Nähe für einen schnellen Angriff nutzen.
  • Es gibt immer mehrere Wege zum gegnerischen Kontrollpunkt.
  • Wie bei jeder anderen Karte ist es wichtig alle Routen zu kennen.
    • Um den Punkt auf der Radarschüssel zu verteidigen ist es empfehlenswert für Demomen ihre Haftbomben auf der Decke zu platzieren um sie vor Gegnern zu verstecken.
    • Engineers können den Punkt bei der Radarschüssel einfach verteidigen indem sie ihre Sentry Guns auf den Metall-Laufstegen platzieren, die auf alle drei Ausgänge gerichtet sind - die Bergrampe, die zum Turbinen-Kontrollpunkt führt, den Laufsteg der am nächsten zur Basis ist und den Laufsteg links von der Basis, was Gegner vom Eindringen abhalten kann, die von den Fluttunneln kommen.
  • Es ist auf den meisten Abschnitten von Hydro ein weiter Weg zwischen der Basis und dem gegnerischen Kontrollpunkt, weshalb es empfehlenswert ist früh Teleporter zu bauen, um es deinem Team einfach zu machen schnell dort hin zu gelangen und konstanten Druck auf das gegnerische Team auszüben.
  • Behalte immer deinen eigenen Kontrollpunkt im Auge und sei nah genug um ihn gegebenfalls zu verteidigen. Ein harter Kampf am gegnerischen Kontrollpunkt kann durch ein paar Sekunden Unachtsamkeit schnell verloren sein.

Abschnittsspezifische Strategien

Das Lagerhaus (BLU)

  • Angreifer: Dies ist ein sehr gutes Areal für Spys. Es gibt genug Freiraum an dem das gegnerische Team nicht interessiert ist, was dazu führt dass die Wenigsten auf ihn achten, wenn er nicht benutzt wird. Natürlich gibt es genügend Positionen an denen sich Sniper wohlfühlen, was es leicht macht sie mit Rückenstichen auszuschalten.
  • Verteidiger: Engineers können neben der schmalen Kante eine Sentry Gun bauen. So sind sie vor gegnerischem Feuer außerhalb der Reichweite der Sentry Gun geschützt.

Der Damm (RED)

  • Angreifer: Durch den geringen Nutzen des gegnerischen Teams, außer Snipern, nutzen Spies den Raum hinter der gegnerischen Basis zum aufladen ihrer Unsichtbarkeit oder um sich zu verkleiden. Solange man keine Sniper ausschalten möchte ist davon jedoch abzuraten, denn das gegnerische Team wird schnell misstrauisch gegenüber jeder Klasse in dieser Gegend und wird sofort Spychecks durchführen.
  • Verteidiger: A good Sentry spot is behind the rocks near the CP. It allows your Sentry to cover the CP while being out of sight of the enemy team; however, in that location it is easy to take down after they know where it is.

The Radar Dish (RED)

  • Attackers: Despite all the advice given below, the enemy team tends to not guard the point, but to guard the entrances to the Radar Dish. As a Spy, you can slip past their defenses easy enough and decloak and undisguise when you're standing on the point, and you should capture the point for a few seconds, if not capturing the whole point. This Strategy works better with the Cloak and Dagger. Should there be Stickies in the way, try to target Demomen as backstab victims. The Stickies will disappear when their owner is killed.
  • Defenders: In addition to placing sticky bombs on the ceiling, Demomen can position themselves on one of the raised steel platforms (see picture) where they can easily take cover from opposing fire whilst being in a good position to fire pipe bombs through the windows of the CP.
  • Defenders: Soldiers and Demomen can rocket/sticky bomb jump onto the top of the CP, and are able to take easy shots at oncoming enemies. Be aware though, you are also more exposed to well placed shots from oncoming Snipers and Heavies here.

The Power Plant (BLU)

  • Defenders: It is possible as the Soldier or Demoman to rocket/sticky bomb jump onto the topmost entrance to the room (the one which has the door to the upper half and the staircase down to the CP). From here, you have a perfect view of the capture point and can easily take out enemies that enter the room. If you have two of you get up there then you can watch over both entrances for total security.

Class-specific strategy

Leaderboard class scout.png Scout

  • There are a lot of long, open vistas on this map, so you will often be fighting opponents from a distance. This is where the Pistol or the Shortstop comes in handy.
  • The various vents and tunnels in this map provide good flanking spots for getting to the enemy point another way, and may help in distracting the enemy team so your teammates can make a big push.

Leaderboard class soldier.png Soldier

  • Ambush techniques work well as there are different paths that you can take, most of which end at a choke point. Many of these routes have potential for Soldiers to rocket jump to, taking the enemy by surprise.
  • Hydro is very prone to 'camp wars' where both teams will play very defensively, and guard their own team's Control Point. Firing rockets at choke points and firing around corners may help your team eliminate defensive players such as Engineers and Snipers.
  • The vents are your friends, as you can often use them to drop down behind enemy lines while avoiding most head-on confrontations. When traveling in the vents, be careful not to kill yourself when firing rockets in such close quarters.
  • The control points in Hydro have a very short capture time, and because of this, killing enemies who are on the point may not be the most effective way to defend it. Try to aim rockets at your enemies' feet, so as to launch them off of the control point. Once the risk of capture has been removed, you can then finish them off with your Rocket Launcher or Shotgun as necessary.

Leaderboard class pyro.png Pyro

  • Whenever possible, try to attack through indoors areas or the narrow canyons. As with Gravel Pit, use the structures and rocks for cover when moving through wide-open areas.
  • A particularly useful spot is underneath stairs, as flames can go through the gaps between the steps.
  • A good tactic when you are on a point is to use the compression blast. If you compression blast from a point that is far up you may be able to kill attackers and defenders.

Leaderboard class demoman.png Demoman

  • The key to proper Demoman play on Hydro is staying alive. The maps are small, and keeping your Control point defended with a carpet of Sticky bombs is essential.
  • When the sewer entrances are open, placing Sticky bombs immediately around the corner (on the wall by the health pack) will allow you to kill attackers, while also preventing them from healing.
  • Place Sticky bombs on the catwalks and other high locations. These can launch people into the air, making them easy targets for others or leading to death by fall damage.
  • Another good place for stickies are on the ceiling of the radar dish control point.

Leaderboard class heavy.png Heavy

  • Against strong defenses, an Übered Heavy can clear a way for the rest of the team to take the Control Points. Just watch out for Snipers at the more open Control Points, as they can end a Medic-Heavy rush quite easily.
  • Attacking either of the last points through the vents can be a useful tactic for surprise and will work especially with other distractions going on, but be sure to use an ÜberCharge and not a Kritzkrieg when pushing, as there will likely be at least one Sentry Gun to destroy and once you drop out of the vents, you will not be able to escape without going through the main areas.

Leaderboard class engineer.png Engineer

  • Due to its changing nature and layout, Hydro has no 'perfect' Sentry Gun locations. There are however, a few very good ones, which are listed below:
    • On the metal landing at the flooded Control point (the one with the Control point on the raised area, with water all around).
    • Behind the truck at the outside Control point (the one with the raised Control point on the little bridge).
    • Under the stairs at the radar dish.
    • At the end of the raised platform at the Control point inside the base.
    • Under the Control point inside the base, at the back on the ground floor where the turbines are. If you position the Sentry Gun on the corner of the alcove and a Dispenser behind you, you will be saved from most of the splash damage while using the Metal from your Dispenser to repair your Sentry Gun. You wouldn't think it but the Sentry Gun range does cover the Control point and the stairs. This is quite difficult for the enemy to take down if someone is covering you from the top rails, if they aren't, a Demoman or Soldier can take it out from above.
  • It is always a good idea to have at least one Sentry by your Control point to avoid back capping.

Leaderboard class medic.png Medic

  • Engineers will usually set up many Sentry Guns near and around their Control point. Use an ÜberCharge on an appropriate Medic buddy to break through their defenses.

Leaderboard class sniper.png Sniper

  • With its many configurations, Hydro is a very good Sniper map due to the long open spaces and sufficient cover (such as inside buildings, behind rocks, etc.).
    • However, playing Sniper at the very beginning of a round is not advised as Snipers suffer from new unknown map variations; pick Sniper only when you are familiar with the current Hydro layout.
  • Sit at the back of your area and scope to the entrances. Most of the good spots are near spawn points.
  • On offense, a Sniper can sit in the entrances to the enemy areas and take down Sentry Guns with fully charged shots.
  • Try to find the more unusual and hard to reach areas to avoid Spies. After taking down enemy Snipers, change positions.

Leaderboard class spy.png Spy

  • More often than not, enemy Sentry Guns will be put in spots which can be shot at from afar with the Ambassador. In this case, try to snipe the Engineer so that you will have a clear shot at sapping his Sentry Gun. This should take only 2 shots if you headshot him first, following up with a bodyshot.
  • When defending either of the last points, you can hide behind the ramps that jut out of the ground as entrances to the underground cap area, both to recharge Cloak with the Invisibility Watch or the Dead Ringer or to pick targets for ambushing and call out attacking Spies with the Cloak and Dagger.
  • Due to the open ended nature of the map, it is very hard for a Spy to backstab or sap without being spotted by the enemy. Once you are at the enemies' stronghold or base, take your time to carefully observe who can be stabbed without consequences. Repeat this process and/or try to work your way from their point/base to the heat of the battle.
    • One could also consider using Your Eternal Reward, so that you can continue backstabbing without losing a disguise.