Team Fortress Wiki:Glossary

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On the Wiki, people often use terminology that's exclusive to wiki-oriented spaces, this glossary is intended to be a collection of their meanings. If you are confused by any term, feel free to ask on the talk page for an explanation and it will be added to the glossary afterwards. If you have any terms you were confused by when starting to edit, but have since learned what they mean, feel free to add them yourself.

Wiki terminology

Shortening of Wiki Cap, for non-Wiki uses see the player glossary.
The dictionary is a collection of commonly-used names, terms, etc. and their translations. Used in several templates such as {{item link}} or {{common string}}.
Short for Internet Relay Chat, an online messaging platform used by Team Fortress Wiki users.
Short for language, also used in templates for translation switching.
Lang code
The ISO code for a language (e.g. nl for Dutch, de for German, ko for Korean). See here for a full list.
Localisation / localising
Synonym for translation and translating, respectively.
Loc mod
Short for "Localisation moderator", a moderator that also serves as the head of a certain language.
main namespace / main space
Is the namespace of the TF Wiki where all articles reside.
Short for "minor correction", indicating a very small adjustment to the text.
A set of pages whose names begin with a particular reserved word recognized by the MediaWiki software.
For further information, please read this.
Notable Persons/People Policy.
A number, bit of text, or anything else given to a template (e.g. in {{item link|Bat}}, "Bat" is the parameter).
Short for "reply", usually used on talk pages.
Is an experimental article/page in a user namespace, usually served as a draft for wiki staff members to review before moving it into the main namespace, as well as a place where users can test wiki templates and strings.
Show preview, also a template.
Another term for administrator.
Talk / User talk
Short for "talk page", a page where users discuss the article and its quality.
Short for "User talk page", a page where Users notify/contact other Users.
Short for translation.
A pre-formatted piece of text that can be included in other pages, generally used for big repeating. Templates are translated differently using translation switching.
User namespace / user space
Pages whose title in the URL begin with the prefix User:. Usually in user spaces, users have drafts/sandboxes, discussions, and personal contents.

Commonly-found templates

A template used to tell WindBOT to ignore it when applying its filters.
{{item link}} & {{item name}}
Two templates used for automatic translations of the names of items. Item link also automatically adds a link.
Short for substitute, used in front of templates. Pastes the text of the template, rather than keeping it linked to the template. Any changes made to the template will not affect substituted versions of the template. See here for more information.
{{common string}}
A template used to automatically translate common words/phrases, such as section names (gallery, trivia, update history), map names (Upward, 2Fort, Junction), weapon slot names (primary, secondary, melee), and many more. Uses the dictionary; for a full list see this page.